Detective Training Manual

Chapter 334: Lost...?

"Wh...what?" Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment: "Haha, brother, stop making trouble, are you making a mistake?"

"No, we are just afraid of making a mistake, and we have repeated the experiment several times, but the results are all mismatch..."

"..." Zhou Yan was silent, he swallowed, then looked around, as if he wanted to find someone to explain to him what happened.

But no one can give an answer at all.

"Then... you guys didn't make a mistake when you took the blood." Zhou Yan still asked without believing in evil.

"There must be no mistake. One is the monster's and the other is Zhang Wei's mother. The DNA of the two is not parent-child relationship at all. In other words...that monster is not Zhang Wei at all."

The voice on the phone was like a blast of thunder from the sky, and it hit Zhou Yan's brain with a bomb. He staggered, and he was almost speechless when he was bombarded.

‘Impossible. The whole Yucai Primary School knows that Zhang Wei fell into the cave. It cannot be fabricated. ’

‘But what if this ghost is not Zhang Wei? ’

‘Then who is cash] Follow the vx official account [Book Friends Base You can also get cash!

"What went wrong?"

Zhou Yan kept asking, but couldn't find the answer at all.

He just froze for a few seconds, then got up abruptly and rushed out of the lounge.

In the corridor, Zhou Yan was running wildly, and within two minutes, he rushed to the inspection department of the police station.

Immediately he discovered that Zhetang Yazi, Lin Xi, and Qin Hanwei were already at the door of the laboratory.

"How do you..." Zhou Yan was taken aback.

No one responded to Zhou Yan, and their faces showed obvious doubts and worries.

At this moment, the door of the laboratory was opened, and a man in a white coat, mask and plastic gloves walked out.

He handed a report to Qin Hanwei.

"This is an inspection report. We did it three times and the results were consistent... That person was not Zhang Wei at all."

Zhou Yan jumped in with a big stride and snatched the report.


Three scarlet characters...

"Will there be errors, and there is also the possibility of misjudgment in the paternity test. Will we have another blood test tomorrow?"

The experimenter shook his head: "For maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA, the type of offspring must be the same as that of the mother."

"What...what do you mean?"

"That is to say, the father's paternity test may have errors, but the determination of the mother and the child is 100% correct. The report said that the weird person is not Zhang Wei, then he is 100% not Zhang Wei."

"Then who is he?"

"There is no information about him in the blood archive, unless you bring the blood of his biological parents, otherwise... we can't find out his identity."

Zhou Yan's hands dropped weakly... His fingers could hardly pinch the report sheet, and the thin paper slipped between his fingers and fell to the ground...

If the ghost was not Zhang Wei, then there would be no way to correct Lu Zeng.

No, if he is not Zhang Wei, then all the previous inferences are wrong.

Everything is wrong!

wrong! Up!

Zhou Yan looked stupid, looking at the three women in front of him.

"How to do?"

He murmured.

In fact, he himself didn't know what he was looking forward to. Could it be that this case can only be ended in this way, and all the guilt has been completely separated from Lu Zeng?

Qin Hanwei exhaled deeply...

"This case has dragged on for too long, and Lu Zeng's social status is very high. If the high-level police put pressure on me, I can't stand it anymore."

"What do you mean?" Zhou Yan asked quickly.

"It means... it's time to end, this case, so be it."

"Impossible!" Zhou Yan shouted: "That Wang Dabao is a scapegoat. He is an idiot. He can't be the real murderer. Lu Zeng is!"

"Where is the evidence?" Qin Hanwei said coldly.

"I...I don't know, but give me another week, no, five days, I can find evidence." Zhou Yan's voice was loud, almost shouting.

But the police department Qin just shook his head: "Five days? It's not that I said discouraged words. In five days, you can't even see Lu Zeng's face. His assistant said, "Mr. Lu is flying and working at office." Anything can drag you for half a month..."

"Damn! Fuck it!" Zhou Yan slammed his arm hard, as if he was about to smash something, but he didn't have anything on his hand: "Do you just watch Lu Zeng get away with it?"

"..." No one spoke, everyone was the same as Zhou Yan.



Two days later.

The morning sun is still there, but winter is about to enter, and the sun is not as warm as before...

A taxi stopped slowly at the gate of the Detectives Association in the 12th city.

The door was pushed open, Zhou Yan walked down.

He still wore that long dress, but it was already wrinkled, as if he hadn't taken off his clothes in the past few days, even when he was sleeping, there were still a few drops of oil stains on his chest.

Zhou Yan is very haggard, unshaven, with hangover-like eyes, and his unsatisfactory hair now looks even messier.

It's been two days, Zhou Yan has always been like this.

He spent two days digging Lu Zeng, but no matter how he digged it, it was of no avail, because when he reappeared in the eyes of the public, he was already a successful person.

But in the past, there is no record. The only person who knows his past... his family members have all died.

Not one left...

Today is Qin Hanwei's deadline for Zhou Yan, and there is no way to drag this case any longer.

Zhou Yan also knew that no matter how hard he tried, it would be of no use.

Lu Zeng...he won...

So Zhou Yan was so drunk last night, after getting up this morning, with headache and nausea, he came to the Detective Association.

He is about to apply to close the case.

everything is over.

Zhou Yan paid for the car, then walked into the door of the Detective Association in a muddle-headed manner.

With humiliation and unwillingness.

Just as he walked through the gate...

"Young man, don't drink too early."

A voice came from Zhou Yan looked towards the direction of the voice in a daze, and then saw an uncle in the guard room, smiling and saying hello to him.

Oh... it's him.

Zhou Yan knew this uncle doorman, right, uncle Gu, just a little old man.

"Haha, thank you for your concern, hiccup~" Zhou Yan waved weakly.

Uncle Gu frowned. He took off his reading glasses and poked his head out of the doorman's room window: "What's the matter, young man? You are so worried."

Zhou Yan smiled bitterly: "Yes, there is a case of messing up, and I feel a waste..."

"Case?" Uncle Gu was taken aback: "A case that you can't even handle?...


Can you tell me something? "

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