Detective Training Manual

Chapter 339: Criminal Club-No. Four [Plasticist]! …

Old Guo shivered abruptly.

This is not to say how scary this sudden sound is, but on the contrary, it is pretty good.

But at such a juncture, even if he sent a nursery rhyme to Lao Guo, he would be shocked.

He turned around in a hurry, and then was shocked to find that a little girl was standing not far behind him.

In fact, it is also said that it is not a girl, because the age of the other party is not easy to grasp at first glance.

She may be a slightly mature little girl, she is only a teenager, or she may be a girl in her early 20s, but her face is a bit small, so she looks young.

She is wearing a white long skirt. Although the skirt is about to reach the ankle, it still makes people feel a bit of coolness in this winter season.

"This...Where did this guy come from?" Old Guo looked dumbfounded.

This area is all unfinished buildings, and there are no places to stroll around, such as shops and parks. A little girl, why come to such a place?

"Go away!"

Lao Guo didn't want to think more, he just wanted to quickly drive the girl away.


"Uncle, are you holding a knife in your hand?"

The girl asked. She tilted her head slightly, seemingly curious, but for a person holding a knife, why should she leak that expression? Does this girl have no sense of self-protection?

Lao Guo held the knife and was busy hiding behind the knife, a little embarrassing for a while.

Originally, as long as the girl got out, nothing would happen, but the girl noticed the knife in her hand. Then, could the girl let her leave.

Just thinking about it.

"Ah!" The girl seemed to have suddenly realized something, and she covered her mouth in surprise: "You wouldn't be... you want to kill that old grandma."

"I...!" Lao Guo was speechless for a while, and subconsciously looked behind him, only to see that the old lady of the witness was also looking here.

Well, even if the old lady missed her son no matter how much she was reminded by the girl, she should have reacted. At this time, she was looking at Lao Guo with horror and doubt, and the knife in his hand... ..

"Damn!" Old Guo cursed in his heart.

Hello everyone, our official account will find gold and coin red envelopes every day, as long as you pay attention to it, you can receive the last benefit at the end of the year. Please seize the opportunity of the official account [书友大本营]

He wasn't very afraid of revealing his intentions. After all, he had already reached this point. It didn't matter whether the old man died in a muddled manner or died plainly.

It's just that he has some regrets, because this girl cannot stay...

"Hey, blame you for showing up at the wrong time." Lao Guo sighed, and then walked towards the girl step by step.

The scale of this unfinished building is very large, the ruined road is very difficult to walk, and the old lady has poor legs and feet, Lao Guo is not afraid that she will run away from him.

Therefore, Lao Guo decided to kill the little girl first, and then go back to chase the old lady.

Soon, he walked in front of the girl. Although the knife was still behind him, he no longer concealed the killing intent in his eyes.

"Little girl, what is your name?" Lao Guo asked when he came to her and lowered his head slightly.

He sighed in his heart, this girl really has no sense of crisis, she didn't even run, but it's good, save chasing...

"Tingting..." The girl's voice was very small, and she seemed a little scared.

"Tingting? A very ordinary name, but she looks very pretty. What a pity." Lao Guo thought in his heart, and then moved closer, he could smell the young girl with a very fresh and good smell. Can't help sniffing more.

"Little girl, you didn't actually need to die, but I have to kill you now."

With that, Lao Guo took a sudden step and blocked the girl in the corner of the wall. Compared to the other side, the huge body was like a wall. As long as he stood there, it would have cut off the girl’s possessions. The way to go.

Lao Guo raised the hand holding the knife high: "Don't blame Uncle, blame you for bad luck."

He said grimly.

However, as he spoke, he seemed to feel something wrong in his heart, because he was so close to the girl and still holding a knife in his hand, but why does this girl seem...not afraid?

Yes, the girl was not afraid. On the contrary, after Lao Guo blocked her by the wall, she actually started to look at each other with a pitiful look.

It felt like a kind girl, looking at a wounded and dying animal.

"Uncle, you took the initiative to come over and are still so close to me, aren't you afraid?" the girl asked abruptly.

Lao Guo hesitated while holding the knife in his hand. He didn't know why he hesitated. Maybe it was because the girl's voice was so good and the smell on her body was so good.

"Afraid? Ha ha, why should I be afraid?" Lao Guo muttered in his heart.

Who knows that the girl seemed to see the other side's mind, and carefully approached Old Guo and said, "People, there are knives too..."

The girl's words are very light and soft, making Lao Guo seem to be surrounded by a bunch of soft cotton.

But in this softness, there is a trace of coolness, it seems so abrupt...

Lao Guo lowered his head, then looked at the knife on his chest, no, to be precise, it was the hilt.

Because the blade has been pierced into his body... "Why...what's the matter?" Old Guo was taken aback, and then he reacted, but the severe pain has begun to spread from his chest. Open, he staggered and fell to the wall.

"You...who are you!"

The girl smiled cutely: "A girl with bad luck, didn't you say it?"

"Damn don't come here!" Lao Guo sighed, and at the same time desperately stepped back, the girl slowly stepped forward: "It's strange, didn't uncle just want to approach me very anxiously? Why are you letting me stay away now?"

The noon sun shot down from the cracks in the unfinished building, and it happened to hit the girl. Looking up from Lao Guo's angle, the girl seemed to be hiding in the dazzling darkness.

"Uh... don't come here... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


An hour later, the police car arrived in a hurry.

There is no need to investigate too much. In this generation of development zones, this unfinished building is considered the most suitable place for killing.

A group of police officers got out of the car and rushed into the ruins quickly, within a few minutes...

"Looking...found it!!!"

An exclamation echoed between the buildings.

When the police officers found the old lady, she was leaning against a wall. Although she was in a coma, she did not seem to be injured.

And not far from the old lady, the police found Lao Guo's body.

On the corpse, a knife was inserted firmly into Lao Guo's chest.

"How is this going?"

The witness was not injured. This is good news, but why did Lao Guo die? Could it be...During the fight, Lao Guo didn't beat the old lady and was killed?

The old lady was taken to the hospital, and the knife was also taken to check her fingerprints. Maybe no one would know the answer until the old man wakes up or the fingerprint is confirmed.

But no matter what, everyone was relieved.

With Zhang Wei’s biological mother as evidence, and nothing else, Zhang Wei’s identity is definitely no longer concealed. This alone can restrict all economic and activities of [Lu Zeng]. The robber in the prison had to prove that the ghost image was the real Lu Zang, then the two of them would definitely not be separated from each other.

Now, as long as you catch ‘Lu Zang’, you can **** him to awaiting trial. Although there is still no conclusive evidence on whether he murdered or not, he can be prosecuted for the charges of "identity theft".

A person, without money, without a lawyer, without external help and guidance from public opinion, is in jail...then the police have many ways to unlock the secrets in his body. .

Everything... seems to be developing towards a very happy ending.

However... Zhou Yan, the detective who broke this unsolved case that has been going on for nearly 20 years, doesn't seem very happy.

It was just that Lu Zang was caught...This still couldn't calm his heart.

Because now there is another problem in front of him.. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

That is how did Lao Guo die? What happened before the police rushed to the ruins?

and also......

If you think in the direction given by the uncle care, then behind all this, there seems to be a more terrifying existence.

A person who has been hiding in the deepest place and has truly achieved a perfect crime.

Whether it was Lu Zang, Zhang Wei, Lao Guo, or even Wang Dabao, as well as all the people who participated and died, they seemed to be the chess pieces of this person.

Pieces that can be thrown away at any time...If this is the case, how many such pieces are there?

An extremely terrifying existence...Who is he?

The night was getting dark, and Zhou Yan, tired, was lying in the lounge of the police station. He had a lot of things to do tomorrow.

But he still couldn't sleep.

So, he opened the notes...

This time he didn't read the above message much, because as soon as he opened it, Zhou Yan saw such a sentence...

[The man in the false book: [Plastic Surgery] is too scary. 】

"I'm talking about the plastic surgeon again..."

[Luo Anlan: Criminal Club-No. 4'Plastic Surgeon']

【? ? ? :Plasticist]

[Dust of Gensokyo: New information! Crime Club NO.4 Plastic Surgery]

Cosmetician! Cosmetician! Cosmetician!

This word is being said everywhere...a cosmetician.

But...who is the plastic surgeon?

Zhou Yan closed his notes in distress. He just solved an extremely complicated mystery! And it's about Lu Zeng, a person of great status in society, presumably his Zhou Yan's name will appear on the headlines of major newspapers early tomorrow morning.

But Zhou Yan still didn't feel happy, he seemed to have fallen into another quagmire.

"Plasticist..." he muttered Suddenly, Zhou Yan raised his head suddenly, he seemed to think of a word.

Uncle Gu's words...

"If it's a story, then the closer you get to the end, the fewer characters will appear, so the person you are looking for is the person you have met..."

This is a completely unreasonable sentence. At that time, Zhou Yan still laughed and said that this theory sounded like metaphysics.

But at the moment just now, a moment of inspiration flashed through his mind...

Zhou Yan grabbed his clothes, rushed out of the police station, and stopped a taxi on the road at midnight.

"Where is it?" the driver asked casually.

Zhou Yan panted heavily...

"Chengbei... Aimei Beauty Center!"

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