Detective Training Manual

Chapter 345: You know who the murderer is

The screen then turned back to the Xiyan Detective Agency.

Zhou Yan looked at the man standing at the door.

This is a man who seems to be young, wearing a thick coat, no microphone in his hand, and no people carrying a camera behind him, indeed he does not look like those reporters.

Zhou Yan scratched his head awkwardly: "Sorry, I'm a bit scared to be chased by reporters these days."

"Understandably, you are a big hit now." The man smiled.

"So, when you came to the detective agency, did you handle the commissioned case?" Zhou Yan asked tentatively.

"No." The person responded: "I'm here to inform you that the interview time is almost up."

"What? Interview?" Zhou Yan was surprised: "You just said that you are not a reporter!"

"I'm really not a reporter, I'm an intern at a TV station..."

The man explained, but Zhou Yan didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

"Well, I don't care if you are an intern or a big boss, I don't accept interviews, go out quickly, don't delay my work!" Zhou Yan hurriedly pushed and shoved, and wanted to blast this person out of the detective agency's door. .


"What are you doing?" Suddenly, Lin Xi's voice came.

Zhou Yan crossed the intern's shoulder and looked towards the door, and saw Lin Xi standing at the door, frowning and looking at this side.

"Oh, nothing, an interviewer, I will blast him away right away!" Zhou Yan said, and increased his strength.

"If you blast him away, don't do it!" Lin Xi said angrily.

"I know, I will push this person out immediately... hey?" Zhou Yan was taken aback: "What are you talking about?"

"I said, if you don't take your hand away, you don't want this month's bonus."

When Zhou Yan heard it, he quickly retracted his hand, and then looked at Lin Xi dumbfounded.

I saw Lin Xi walk up to the intern: "I'm sorry, I just came back and haven't told Detective Zhou about the interview, so he may have misunderstood a bit."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." The intern may have been frightened by Lin Xi's brutal appearance just now, and waved his hand quickly: "However, the interview time is coming up, and there is already a car waiting at the door. Let's go quickly."

"Okay." Lin Xi smiled and nodded, and then just like changing his face, he cast a look at Zhou Yan, ‘what are you standing stupid, hurry up’.

Zhou Yan was stunned, but he still hurried to keep up.

"It's raining outside, take an umbrella."

"Oh!" Zhou Yan took the umbrella by the door and walked out.

After going out, it was indeed raining and sleet outside, and there was a van parked on the side of the road. Seeing Lin Xi got in the car, Zhou Yan could only follow him with a question mark in his head.

Then the driver kicked the accelerator...

In the car, Zhou Yan finally had time to ask a few words:

"Boss, what do you mean?"

Lin Xi didn’t talk too much nonsense, and directly explained: “You are a bit famous now. The TV station in our city has made a talk show for you. Someone contacted me yesterday. When you got off work, I agreed to you. ."

"Hey, this is not good." Zhou Yan frowned: "Although I am your employee, you have to ask my opinion in advance."

"Employees must actively participate in all activities that promote the detective agency, and the contract is very clear."

"Then you can't..." Zhou Yangang wanted to find a reason.

"This interview was invited by the TV station, so there is an appearance fee. According to the contract, you have half of the share."

"The boss is wise! I promise to perform well!"

Lin Xi seemed to have known that Zhou Yan would be such a shameless gesture, so he was not surprised at all:

"Of course you have to behave well. This interview is on TV and everyone in the city can see it."

"On TV?"

"Yes, this is a serious official TV station, not those private small newspapers, and it is Ms. Shen Keke who is talking to you!"

"Shen Keke?!" Zhou Yan frowned and thought for a moment: " that news channel, the very beautiful hostess?"

"Yes it is."

"Then why didn't you say it earlier, ah ah ah, look at what I am wearing today, it is not formal at all, I should get a haircut first."

Zhou Yan yelled. Although he doesn’t pay much attention to industries such as film and television entertainment, as a detective, he always wants to watch news. As the host of the news channel, he naturally knows Shen Keke.

Lin Xi glanced at Zhou Yan: "You went for an interview, not a blind date. Besides, if you don't want to be murdered by Ms. Shen's fans in a small alley after the interview, you will be squinted. The expression converges."


The van sent by the TV station drove along the road without stopping. The TV station was not close to the detective agency. When they got there, the sun was about to set.

But it doesn't matter, because this interview is not broadcast in real time, so any time is fine.

Zhou Yan and Lin Xi followed the intern into the TV station, and all the way to the studio floor. Zhou Yan watched the man and ran to the front desk, and after a few words with the staff, he ran back.

"I'm really sorry, Ms. Shen just came out of the news studio and is now in the lounge. Please give us some time."

"It's okay, we just sit here and wait." Lin Xi said.

For work such as the host who needs to face the camera frequently, after every change of scene, he needs to make up, change clothes, etc. So it is normal to wait a while.

Zhou Yan saw that the boss was waiting, so naturally he didn't have any comments, so he sat on the chair by the corridor of the TV station and looked around.

Speaking of it, this is the first time he has come to a TV station. I didn't expect that he was really good in his life. Even the TV station specially invited himself to be interviewed.

"Really, I wanted to live this life in a low-key way, but I'm so talented, there's no way to be low-key."

After thinking about it, Zhou Yan took out the notebook in his pocket, and his eyes were going to be on TV. Naturally, he had to share his experience with the guys in the After all, those people It is very likely that there will be no similar experience in a lifetime.

Unexpectedly, just opened the book...

[Book Friends Jiu Wanli: There is something wrong with this case]

"???" Zhou Yan was taken aback: "The case? Where did the case come from?"

[Toniil: Is there a problem with the juice? Or is there a problem with the cosmetics on the face? 】

"Juice?" Zhou Yan was a little confused, what are these people talking about?

[Counter-attack De Panda: Shen Keke has a murder motive, and his "boyfriend" holds an invisible photo of her! 】

"Shen Keke??" Zhou Yan looked at the messages that appeared on the notes: ""

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