Detective Training Manual

Chapter 365: Ming Ju (4) and Shen Keke's calculations

Zhao Shengrui was shocked.

He didn't shed light on the logic of this for a while?

Anyway, Zhou Yan did not give a convincing answer after all.

In fact, he can make up a reason at will. For example, he can lie to the boss' detective network when he is okay, he has seen every case, and he has a good memory, so he just happened to remember [Li Dabo] The name of this person.

Or, he can say that he is an old pornographic critic. He once coveted the beauty of Ms. Shen Coco, so he checked some gossip rumors of Ms. Coco Shen on the Internet, which happened to be about the third-rate tabloids of the time when Coco Shen just graduated. .

But Zhou Yan did not do so.

Because the person in the book said, this case is not just as simple as ‘finding the murderer’, it seems to be a ‘private custom’ case specifically for oneself.

Although the spear is now directed at Lin Xi, the ultimate goal seems to be himself.

Therefore, he is not ready to use lies to prevaricate, so that he is likely to be more passive, if his lie is exposed, it will be more difficult to explain why he should lie.

Therefore, Zhou Yan used the simplest, most irresponsible, but crudely effective method.

That is... "I'm a genius, I can't explain it clearly to you guys!"

And this kind of arrogant rhetoric naturally caused a moment of silence.


The silence this time was longer than the previous ones combined.

Even Zhao Shengrui had forgotten to laugh a bit, and when he was relieved and wanted to laugh, the time had passed.

This made him shook his head very aggrieved: "Ha ha, ha ha ha...It's crazy."

Not only Zhao Shengrui, but also Miss Shen Keke on the side began to look at Zhou Yan with a very surprised look.

Because at that moment, she felt that Zhou Yan in front of her seemed to be a different person.

Very arrogant, very conceited, and totally different from the little detective who didn't seek improvement in the interview yesterday.

And it was at this time that Shen Keke suddenly realized that the man in front of him was using his own strength to withstand the pressure of the police in the entire 12 districts to dismantle the big business man-Lu Zeng.

No matter how slick he looks, he doesn't seek to make progress... After all, he defeated people who were higher than his own.

He is capable of committing crimes.

So, this time...Is it wrong?


That's right, Shen Ke is a woman, she is proficient in calculation!

In fact, she has been calculating all her life.

She was born in a small village on the outskirts of the 12th city. This village has no industry, no foreign trade, only some trivial farming, and barely maintains self-sufficiency.

Therefore, people in the village are reluctant to contact the outside world. The ancestors have passed down the fields from generation to generation, and occasionally Chinese New Year, and buying some New Year goods in the city is the biggest trip.

But Shen Keke didn't like this atmosphere since she was a child. She was smart that children of the same age did not dare to play with her.

She is also very beautiful. Boys who are beautiful to the same age only dare to look at her from a distance, but they dare not approach.

And Shen Keke is also very happy to do this, because she feels that she can't live in the village all the time, she will go out, and go very high and far.

Therefore, Shen Keke dropped out of school when she was 13 years old. She felt that sitting in the village classroom...was wasting her time.

That day, she walked out of the school gate alone and walked along the dirt road of the village, carrying the textbooks she had already backed up in her schoolbag.

And when she walked to the door of Master Wang's house, who was driving a long cart in the village, she fell down.

It was the mud that Shen Keke fell all over after a rainy day.

Master Wang is one of the few people in the village who has a car. His job is to take people from the village to the city every weekend. When taxis were not very popular more than a decade ago, this was considered a very stable business.

It happened that Master Wang was at home that day. He heard the cry outside the door, Master Wang opened the door, and then he saw Shen Keke covered in mud.

Master Wang felt very distressed...He quickly took Shen Coco into the house and asked Shen Coco to change his muddy clothes.

Shen Keke is the treasure of the whole village... Whoever sees it will do it.

So he asked Shen Keke to go to his house, and asked her to temporarily put on an adult's clothes, and then he was going to run to Shen Keke's house and asked her parents to pick up the girl.

However...Master Wang is a bachelor, a vulgar, timid, and cowardly cowardice.

I don’t know how he was so fascinated at the time, Master Wang quietly pushed open the door of the room where Shen Keke was, he wanted to take a look inside...It was a teenager’s living body, Just one look... one look...

But when he brought his eyes to the crack of the door he just opened, what he saw was the same dark pupil, waiting for him on the other side of the crack.

At the same time, accompanied by Shen Keke's soft but chilling voice.

"Uncle Wang, are you peeking at me?"


In that era, if you peek at the little girls, it would be a thing of disdain, especially in the village. If you say it, then Master Wang might not be an adult in the village.

So on that weekend, Master Wang did a very strange thing. He sold his flatbed car. The money from selling the car was used to exchange for a computer. In his words, he wanted to get in touch with something called stock trading. Gadgets.

But in just two weeks later, Master Wang gave the computer to Shen Keke. In his words, he didn’t understand the stock and lost money in just two weeks, so he thought the computer was a dangerous thing. Give it to young people.

This series of things made everyone in the village find it ridiculous, but no one would interfere with the life of a bachelor.

Therefore, Shen Keke just owned the only laptop in the village...Master Wang didn't know what to do, his life became more and more difficult, and finally seemed to be extremely desolate, after all, in the second year. ..... Leaving the village.

After that Keke used the wireless network card purchased by his family every month to go to the market to surf the Internet, study, and completed all his studies from junior high school to university in a short time. He also became the village's No. A person who has been admitted to a major media university.

On the day she left the village, the whole village came to see her off and praised her as a kind, beautiful, simple and smart girl.

That year, Shen Keke was 15 years old.

After that, Shen Keke entered the university. She was beautiful and smart. She was loved by countless people. Whether it was study, popularity, or even luck, she was the best, and she was perfect like a fairy.

Of course, only Shen Keke knows what is contained in this perfection...

Become a rare college student in this village.

And it’s the kind that does not require tuition and invites admission

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