Detective Training Manual

Chapter 367: Ming Ju (6)

After listening to Shen Keke's words, Zhou Yan didn't say much.

No matter how smart a woman is, but if she does not realize that she is not smart enough, then she will never be smart.

This is very convoluted, but Zhou Yan understands it.

He hoped that Shen Keke also understood.

Now, this originally simple case has become more complicated. Of course, it is only complicated for Zhou Yan. In the eyes of others, this is still just a very ordinary event.

Whether it is a real sudden death or a murder, it is very common.

Because there is only one life... nothing more.

Zhou Yan turned around and found Lin Xi behind him looking at him. Zhou Yan felt a little nervous, but he couldn't explain it.

But at this time...

"Although I don't know what's wrong with you, but I think you are worried about something other than the case." Lin Xi said.

Zhou Yan looked at his boss in surprise...

"Whatever, you don't say it, I don't ask, this case itself should be very simple, even if you are alone, you can handle it easily, right."

Zhou Yan listened, then nodded.

"Okay, leave it to you. I'll solve this case within 24 hours. I don't want the Detective Association people to actually call this and ask that." Lin Xi's tone was nonchalant, and then watched. With Zhao Shengrui:

"It's up to you how you want, this case... my staff can solve it, I go home to sleep..."

With a very free and easy wave, she turned around and walked towards the door, as if to say...From this second, the old lady was not greedy.

The people around were a bit at a loss. They didn't know if Lin Xi was really so free and easy, or if he had infinite confidence in Zhou Yan.

Lin Xi stepped across the fragmented sofa chair that was torn down on the ground, missed the bodies of a few police officers, and came to the door of the lounge: "Hurry up, close the case, give you a holiday..."

She said suddenly.

"Good--" Zhou Yan smiled and nodded in response.

The door of the lounge was opened and closed again. Several police officers seemed to have heard something from Lin Xi's words and then whispered.

Now Zhou Yan has become the sole person to accept this case.

"Brother police officers!" he said immediately.

"Yes!" The police officer who was still gossiping for the last second, Miss Lin, who had an ambiguous relationship with her subordinates, suddenly became serious at this moment. As a policeman, he must have the quality to fulfill detective requirements anytime and anywhere!

"I need Miss Shen's timetable for all the columns in the past month, and I need the deceased's capital flow for the past year and his call records in the past month.

Which appliance repair company Ms. Shen has contacted? How many people have they sent, and each person has come several times. For you, these items should be easy to get. If Ms. Shen Keke doesn't cooperate, you can always Contact me and I will apply for permission to investigate. "

Zhou Yan looked at Shen Keke while talking.

At last......

"Oh, by the way, a copy of this week's surveillance video, especially yesterday and the day before yesterday, is ready to be sent to my mobile phone through the detective network... the sooner the better."

Zhou Yan said this very neatly. Obviously, he had already sorted out the investigation route of the whole case.

Just like what Lin Xi said, the case itself should not be so complicated, so as long as there are these things, then the ins and outs of the whole case can be easily reasoned out.

24 hours is enough!

"Okay, let's do it!!" A few police officers can write Zhou Yan's requirements in their minds almost without taking notes, and there is no need to talk nonsense about Zhou Yan. They also know, like fingerprints. , The corpse's planing record, these things will definitely be handed over to Zhou Yan as soon as possible.

Everything, just wait for time.

After Zhou Yan gave these instructions, he didn't ask anything more. Since Miss Shen has the right to remain silent, he should just let the other party remain silent.

Zhou Yan's time is not for the chess pieces, he needs to understand what the chess players want to do.

"Then...goodbye when the truth becomes clear..." Zhou Yan said, turning around and leaving without giving the two opposing people a chance to speak.

In the entire lounge, only Shen Keke and Zhao Shengrui looked at each other.


Between the two chess pieces, naturally there is nothing to say, so let's continue to look at Zhou Yan.

After he left the room, he didn't speed up his pace to catch up with Lin Xi, who had just left.

Instead, he walked slowly, entered the elevator, and then slowly left the TV building.

Pushing open the door on the first floor, Zhou Yan couldn't help but feel a lot more energetic due to the cold wind.

The snow on the ground melted a little, and now it was frozen again, and the cold of winter came with the frost that night.

The streets are full of voices.

Zhou Yan stood quietly among the passing crowd, letting pedestrians pass by... He looked up.

Overhead is a towering building, outside the building is the sky, and outside the it the vast universe?

of course......

But few people have seen it with their own eyes.

It's like everyone has seen snow, but no one has really seen where snow comes from. They only know that they fall from the sky and fall to their shoulders.

Thinking about it this way, the unreality that was in the snow last night came again.

Zhou Yan inexplicably felt his heartbeat speed up...

So he took out his notes and wanted to read the comments in the book to calm down the inexplicable throbbing.

Although he doesn't know what the relationship is between the two.

[An Xia Jiusheng: What a terrible person...Shen Keke]

Zhou Yan nodded and murmured: "It's okay, it's scary."

[Xiaolou listened to the drama overnight: I am a prophet, I am crazy, I know 500 years before and 500 years later. Reasonable]

"Haha, yes, it makes sense." Zhou Yan smiled, and he is now using this method to plug the mouths of Shen Keke and Zhao Shengrui.

[Walk not to be a hooligan: that organization is testing us who is standing behind you]

"Well, I already know, and the brother from last night also said that it is probably the criminals club... So it seems that an organization that exists in the story has noticed that it exists in the book You, it seems reasonable."

Zhou Yan just walked, walked, flipping through the messages in the book one by one.

But suddenly...

"Dang" He bumped into something, so he staggered.

Looking back, Zhou Yan looked at the was a brand.

It is a very common street shop sign, standing on the edge of a flashing door...

Zhou Yan frowned. When he came in the morning, he didn't remember that there was a sign here.

So he subconsciously turned to the front of the sign, wanting to see what was written on it.


The sign is an English word...


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