Zhou Yan swallowed...

"Well, let's talk first."

Yes, let's talk.

There are many differences between humans and other animals on this planet, including ‘humans have language...’

There is a difference between ‘language’ and ‘communication’. Language can be recorded in words, which can contain a variety of meanings, and can more accurately convey one’s own thinking to others.

Even... Language can change another person's cognition at a certain time.

In this way, chatting becomes a terrible thing.

Because maybe chatting, under the baptism of words and language, you...are no longer you...

But Zhou Yan did not realize this at this moment.

He didn't even figure out the situation a little bit, didn't figure out this strange hospital, didn't figure out the doctor in front of him, didn't even figure out why he came in.

But... he decided to talk first.

At the same time, you, who are staring at the screen of your phone at this moment, did not realize this...

You just smiled disdainfully, and then decided to keep looking down.


The man who called himself Ziliang laughed, but he knew who he was laughing at.

"Well, very good. Although I know you will make the right choice, I still want to congratulate you."

"Why congratulate me?"

"Congratulations, you have begun to doubt the world." The doctor said: "In fact, everyone has doubted the authenticity of the world. Unfortunately, people who doubt the world exist in the world, so as the time in contact with the world gets longer , Will gradually be assimilated by the world, without doubting."

Zhou Yan was silent. In fact, he didn't like this kind of remarks between'philosophy' and'nonsense', but he subconsciously began to think about the meaning of this sentence.

Ziliang didn't give him much time to think.

"When did you think the world is unreal?" he asked quickly.

"Me?" Zhou Yan recalled.

In fact, he himself didn't know when he had felt this way.

Was it from the moment I woke up in the mental hospital?

Or did a book fall on your head?

Or a letter falling from the sky?

Or the bar that disappeared inexplicably?

Zhou Yan couldn't answer for a while.

The doctor in front of him did not continue to ask questions without getting an answer. Instead, he inexplicably threw another question.

"Have you heard of Schrodinger?"

Zhou Yan frowned. He didn't know why the other party had to ask such a question suddenly, but he still replied: "I've heard it, and I've heard of his cat."

"Haha, yes, his cat is as famous as him." The doctor smiled: "Then you must know why he is so famous."

"Have some understanding..."

"Well, although it's a bit boring, let me explain."

"Um, please wait, you may have heard it wrong!" Zhou Yan was busy interrupting the other party: "I mean, I probably understand the [Schrodinger's cat] experiment."

"Ah, I heard, but I still have to explain it, because it's not for you." Ziliang waved his hand impatiently: "Don't be nervous, I will try to be brief."

"Emmm...probably means that a bottle of poison and a cat are placed in a box. After 1 minute, there is a 50% chance that the bottle containing the poison will be broken. Then, may I ask, 1 minute has passed Now, is the cat dead or alive?"

Ziliang described the experiment in the simplest terms.

"Then some people will answer this question easily! As long as you open the box and take a look, the cat is dead when it is opened, and it is alive if it is alive.

The truth is correct, but Schrödinger really asked...what if you don't open the box?

Can you determine the life or death of a cat? "

Speaking of this, Zhou Yan seemed to want to speed up the chat process a little bit, so he added: "In short, he concluded that if you don't open it, there is no way to determine the answer.

This cat exists between [birth] and [death].

To be more clear, Schrödinger believed that the life and death of this cat became a reality at the moment of opening the box.

This leads to a theory of [chaos observer],

It may be said that this theory is unfamiliar to everyone.

Then it has another name.

It's called [Box Theory]! It is the beginning of the most well-known quantum mechanics. "

Zhou Yan quickly ended this popular science and asked: "So, what do you want to say?"

The doctor waved his hand: "Don't worry, listen to me.

After Schrödinger put forward this statement that year, many people sneered at it.

They think that Schrödinger is too ‘self-centered’. The life and death of the cat has something to do with your'whether you opened the box'.

A cat is dead if it is dead. To live is to live. This is an unchangeable fact, and it will not change because you ‘open the box’ or ‘do not open the box’.

The reason why you can't determine the cat's life and death ~www.readwn.com~ is because you can't let your eyes penetrate the paper shell.

You are so bad.

It has nothing to do with cats.

Has nothing to do with life and death,

Anyway, this ridicule of Schrödinger also became a mainstream of academic circles at that time.

Even the experiment [Schrodinger's Cat] was forgotten in a very short period of time. "

Zhou Yan sighed deeply, and he had the urge to leave again, because until this moment, he still didn't know what the doctor wanted to say.

So he rubbed his neck uncomfortably, and began to make up a reason for him to leave.

But in the next second... the doctor used a very simple paragraph to pull Zhou Yan's thoughts back.

He says......

"In fact, Schrödinger had already discovered a power at that time. This power was dubbed by him... [Observer]!"

Zhou Yan's heart throbbed.

In fact, he didn't realize what his mind was thinking at this moment, but he subconsciously held the notebook in his pocket with his other hand.

"Observer..... Observer...?!" Zhou Yan began to mutter the word repeatedly in his mind after half a second: "Could it be that you..."

I am stupefied~

"Hehe, what? When you hear the word [Observer], your breathing suddenly becomes a bit different." Ziliang said with a smile.

"Isn't it the same? The nose should be a little uncomfortable." Zhou Yan's expression did not change a little.

Followed by

"So during this time, are you talking to those observers well?"

Ziliang asked.

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