Detective Training Manual

Chapter 378: I am here!

This...this is a bit embarrassing.

Everyone knows that if you want to protect a secret, the best way is to ‘let the fewer people who know the secret, the better. ’

But at the same time, this method is also embarrassing.

That is, if only one person knows this secret, then when this person Gaba suddenly dies or disappears, then this secret really becomes an ‘absolute secret’.

Now, the Detective Association is in such an uncomfortable situation.

They knew there was a secret, but they didn't know what the secret meant. It's like a group of children holding the Holy Grail, they can only hold it, but they don't know where to put it.

Benjamin shrugged his perfectly round shoulders:

"So, I'm stuck here now.

We don’t know why we are looking for the [the one who will show up after all with the book].

However, this prophecy cannot be left alone.

Therefore, in these 7 years, we are looking for all the people who may be related to the prophecy..."

"Then you found me?" Zhou Yan frowned.

"Yeah, then we noticed you." Benjamin replied: "But at the beginning, you were just one of the many people we needed to screen."

"Um, I took the liberty to ask, when did you start to notice me and why did you notice me?" Zhou Yan interrupted.

"Haha, of course I noticed you when you were released from prison." Benjamin replied: "At that time, in fact, you were a small firefighter. You desperately wanted to withdraw your confession the day before the death penalty. , And it really made you turn it over. In fact, if you work hard for this kind of thing, you can get a newspaper and then go to the rule of law program as a guest guest.

"You noticed me just because of this?"

"Of course there are other screening conditions." Benjamin said: "For example, in the process of reversing the case at the end of your case, it was mentioned that you always hold a book habitually, but the book itself has no words. , This is a bit strange.

But it doesn't matter if you are pretending to be, or if you really have this kind of weird habit.

In short, you have entered our sight. "

Zhou Yan felt embarrassed in his heart, feeling that when he was just reborn in this world, a Sherlock-level detective was already staring at him!

and many more!

Just thinking about it, Zhou Yan suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Uh...I have another question." He couldn't help asking: "Did you list me as a screening object just because I like to hold the book?"


"But... billions of people all over the world, and there are more people who like to hold books. Is it because of this that you are staring at me? Then how many people do you have to stare at all year round!

Do you have to screen the information of these people?

Do you have to follow up investigations?

Isn't this too sloppy? Can you check so much information? "

Indeed, if it is really like what [Cook] said, then these Sherlock-level detectives will stop dealing with the case. They will be exhausted by sifting through information all day long.

So at this moment, Zhou Yan even wondered whether this big fat man was prevaricating himself, and whether this group of people knew that he was a rebirth, so he had already started studying Lao Tzu.


"Ah, don't worry, the workload is not too large. We collect about 40 million candidates every year, but after a week, we can screen more than half of them. As time goes on, there will be no more in the end. A few people."

When Zhou Yan listened to what the other party said, his eyes stared: "Four...More than 40 million? Are you sure that this number has something to do with the ‘workload is not too big’ in your mouth?"

"Hehe, you don't understand. Among the eight of us, one of us has a very good personal memory. She also has a very powerful computer, so it is really easy for her to do tens of millions of screenings.

Her nickname is [Library], if I have the opportunity, I will introduce you to you. "

Zhou Yan was even more stupid...: "Introduce us to know? Is the person you mentioned is also of Sherlock level?"

"Yeah, she is fifth.

In fact, if she hadn't been drinking and smoking all day, and not doing business properly, with her hypermemia and computing ability, I guess she could rank in the top three, but this girl always doesn't take work seriously, hey, ordinary people covet Talent, in the eyes of geniuses, is just useless squandering. "

Benjamin sighed.

Zhou Yan really couldn't help but spit out in his heart: "Your old man is there and sighing, you are the eighth in the acid row, and you still say "ordinary people"? , And then got a 99-point beast."

Benjamin looked up at the sky for a while at 45 degrees, and finally was sour, and then went back to Zhou Yan.

"After that, as you thought, we followed up the screening, and you, in every screening, were retained.

A death row prisoner turned out to be a detective.

And even got together with Lin Xi, the daughter of Senior [Prophet].

We looked at the reports of all your cases and found that your habit of "holding a book" has always been there.

In some cases, we even found that your thinking was particularly active when you were at Is this your way of thinking? "

"Um...yes." Zhou Yan replied hurriedly.

Benjamin's head is very big and fat, and his fat flesh makes his eyes a few sizes smaller than normal, so it is difficult for Zhou Yan to find out. In the conversation just now, this fat guy has been very serious all the time. He stared at himself, the brilliance in his eyes revealed, and he didn't know what he was trying to write.

"Well, we think your hobby is very interesting. Moreover, you have maintained a very high rate of detection so far.

Not long ago, you even detected a fraud case involving Lu Zeng, and I have to say that you are really powerful.

So, we have now listed you as one of the most worthy of Zhou Yan thought for a while, but also had to nod his head, indeed, if these things of my own are true If they are all in the screening range, then they are undoubtedly a very special kind of person.

"So, you came here to find me because I was screened out?"

"No, no, no." Benjamin shook his head: "Although you are a little special, you still don't want me to travel all the way from Europe to come here to talk to you."

"But... you've already come."

"Yeah, didn't I say everything, I came here not because of your speciality, but because of [Criminal Club]..." Benjamin lit a cigarette again: "According to our investigation I know... you've been in [Zhang San]'s car before! At that time, you seemed to be looking for a tavern... right!"

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