Detective Training Manual

Chapter 384: Holiday!

In this way, the blood sugar balance is disrupted.

In fact, Zhou Yan also made up some details about this.

For example: Does this elder brother in his 40s really feel weak in these few days?

Did he feel a little boring for a long time, but he didn't want to see a doctor, and dragged him until his head started to feel dizzy and comatose before he had to come to the hospital.

Oh, many men have this problem, they don't want to go to the hospital, and even have a fear of testing and seeing a doctor.

They dare not let themselves be sick, so they have a strange heart of self-deception, ‘As long as I don’t check, I won’t be sick’.

And this kind of psychology is precisely that the greater the pressure, the more difficult the work is.

The cause... is the responsibility, the courage on the shoulders, and more than half of the confusion.

What happens when I get sick? What to do with the child? What about the rent? What about the people I support?

Although not checked, the disease will get worse...

But just like a young guy who burns his body, knowing that if you don’t vent, the fire will burn more and more, but standing at the gate of the footwashing city for a whole night, he still dare not step out. The hard step.

Therefore, the origin of many diseases is not the patients themselves...but social trends...just like crimes.

Okay, so in this case, the patient's eldest brother must be unable to find out what he has done with the head imaging. What he needs to do is the abdomen imaging of the digestive tract.

If the reasoning is correct, then his pancreas must be problematic, because of the increased secretion of insulin, the symptoms of hypoglycemia appeared.

The family changed Coke, which caused his symptoms to worsen, and he finally took the step of entering the hospital. This is a good thing...

Zhou Yan thought, he couldn't help but smile, and he didn't know if it was because of that big brother, or because he finally helped the brothers.

Okay, the mood that was originally choked by Shen Keke's death has improved a bit.

Thinking that he could have a few days off soon, Zhou Yan also forced himself to relax first.

The road has to be walked step by step, and the meal has to be eaten in one bite. After all, I have to climb up to the Sherlock level, but this vacation, Lao Tzu is impossible!

So Zhou Yan also picked up the phone, dialed the detective line of the police station, and then said all the inferences about Li Dabo's death.

After this, the police will naturally implement the action as quickly as possible, and the case will naturally be over by then.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yan sat there.

Most of tonight has passed, maybe the sky will leak out in a while.

Zhou Yan just looked at the neon lights that stayed up all night in the distance, thinking about detectives, criminals, the universe, boxes, books, observers, and so on.

Not knowing what happened, he suddenly thought of smoke.

That's right, it's cigarettes... He put his hand in his pocket, and then took out the box of the cheapest cigarettes bought by the roadside.

Sherlock smokes.

Uncle Gu smokes.

Benjamin smokes.

Even the Qin Police Department of the Crime Squad smokes...

Why do these people smoke?

Is it because smoking is comfortable?

Or what other reason?

Zhou Yan stared at the pack of cigarettes in his hand. It hadn't been opened yet, but the unique smell of tobacco mixed with aluminum foil in the cigarette case had already wafted out.

He just watched, watched, and finally, didn't know which rib was wrong, Zhou Yan tore open the packaging of the cigarette case, then pulled out one, and held it in his mouth.

Since there is no fire, he can only hold it like this, and the smell of unlit tobacco rushes into his nose, making it itchy.

I do not know how long it has been......

"Ring ringing~" The phone rang.

Zhou Yan cast his gaze on the phone screen, and then saw Lin Xi's call.

He picked it up: "Hey..."

"Hey-it seems that you have solved the case." On the other end of the phone, Lin Xi's unmotivated voice also rang.

"Hey, of course." Zhou Yan grinned and said, "So, did you see the end of the commission on the detective network, or was it because the Detective Association called you and said that your investigation has been cancelled?"

"Both." Lin Xi said.

"Well, how about it, I got it pretty fast, right?" Zhou Yan thought that Shen Keke was dead, a little disappointed in his laughter.

"This is the strength you should have." Lin Xi said, "Wait, why did your tone of voice change a little? Are you holding something?"


"Are you smoking?"

"No, I just..." Zhou Yan wanted to explain.

"It's up to you, detective smoking is the norm, as long as you don't make my detective agency smoggy." Lin Xi said: "So it's so late, are you still outside?"

"Uh, yeah."

"..." There was a sudden silence on the other end of the phone for a second: "Then, for the sake of your hard work...Three days of vacation, paid!"

"Ha...Haha..." Zhou Yan smiled.

During the three-day holiday, Zhou Yan originally thought that he would be very excited when he heard these words, but when this moment came, he unexpectedly found that he was not as happy as he had imagined.

Because he found that even if he had a vacation, there was nowhere to go, he could only stay at home.

It turned out that I didn't have any friends in this world.

I was thinking...

"Oh, by the way, because you have no friends in this world, and for your precious vacation not to be wasted..." On the other end of the call, Lin Xi's tone seemed to be a little slower: " I have a ticket here."

"Ah?!" Zhou Yan was surprised: "Ticket? What ticket?"

"Magic show." Lin Xi said, listening only from the phone, except for a slight change in the rate of speech, there is no difference in normal times.

Why? Zhou Yan hesitated and asked.

"Because I was also very tired during this time. It happened that I also wanted to give myself a vacation... and then... a friend also happened to give me two front-row tickets for the magic show~ Maybe the other party thinks that detectives are more interested in things like magic."

After listening to Lin Xi's words, Zhou Yan also smiled: "Haha, I didn't expect it, boss, you sometimes want to relax! Uh...but why did your friend give two copies?"

"Stop talking nonsense, are you going or not?" Lin Xi's tone was slightly fierce, almost as usual.

"Don't be fierce, don't be fierce, I'll go! Why don't you go to the performance for nothing?" Zhou Yan immediately responded.

In this way, the two arranged an appointment for the performance and met at the entrance of the theater.

"Okay, see you tomorrow. If you are late, I won't wait for you." Lin Xi said, and hung up the phone.

In Xiyan Detective Agency, she leaned on the sofa, frowning and wondering what she was thinking.

After a long time...

"Am I fierce?"

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