Detective Training Manual

Chapter 388: Magic and Rebirth

The ping pong ball flew towards Lin Xi, and then unbiasedly, it happened to hit a big brother who was two big and thick beside Lin Xi!'s a little embarrassing.

But there is no trick. Ping-pong **** are hollow and light, and the stage is also three to four meters away from the audience. How can it be lost accurately?

At the moment of embarrassment, I only heard the eldest brother exclaimed with excitement.

"Oh! Oh oh oh oh!!! It's me! It's me!" He rubbed and stood up, just as if the lottery ticket had drawn the prize, the thief excitedly moved around and showed it in circles.

After the show was over, he quickly ran towards the stage, holding the ping-pong ball tightly in his hand, as if he was afraid that if he took a step slower, he would be snatched by others.

"Hahahaha--brother, it's awesome, I lost it!" After stepping onto the stage, the eldest brother patted Zhou Yan's shoulder vigorously.

Zhou Yan hushed his eyes at the elder brother, and forced a smile: "Ha ha, congratulations..."

At this time, the host continued to speak: "So now, everyone should believe that the props on the stage have no mechanism. At the same time, they can also believe that the potion drinker is absolutely random. It is absolutely impossible for us to collude in advance!!"

His question was very clear, and he didn't make any detours.

As for the answer, Zhou Yan doesn't think there is any problem anyway.

The props on the stage have also been checked by myself. They are just ordinary wooden boxes.

And this big brother also threw it out by himself, an absolute random player!

So in this way... the audience on the stage before has completed the task and stepped down one after another.

Zhou Yan naturally returned to his original position: "Sorry, boss, I wanted to throw it to you."

"It's okay. It will be easier to watch under the stage. Rather than cooking by myself, I prefer to watch others cook by the side and I am responsible for eating~"

Listening to the metaphor of his boss, Zhou Yan was slightly stunned. A strong person like Lin Xi had a lazy side.

At this time, Zhou Yan noticed that Lin Xi seemed to be in a good mood today, and her expression had always been smiling...It was much better than the usual cold look...

Facing Lin Xi in a daze, suddenly, the biggest cheers in history rang from the audience, and Zhou Yan hurriedly looked at the stage.

It turned out that the sorcerer in the black robe, that is, the person named [Zhenmei], had already stepped onto the stage. She walked step by step to the big brother standing in the center, and at the same time, she took out a black bottle in her hand!

That is the bottle of [potion]!

A few steps away, the magician Zhenmei was already standing next to the big brother.

As the performer of the final highlight, Zhenmei's equipment is naturally very compelling, wearing a very retro magician robe, the skirt of the robe hanging on the ground, it can be dragged very long when walking.

And this dark and mysterious decoration just can set off her white face.

Zhenmei had been standing in the corner of the stage just now, so everyone didn't pay much attention. Now, when she walked to the center, everyone could see that she really deserved her name.

Well, this magician is really beautiful.

Zhou Yan roughly estimated that if she only looked at her face, she would be even more rare than the boss around her.

Of course, if your boss hasn’t been aggressive all the time, maybe he can be very rare~

"Hello, drinker, give your name..." Zhenmei should be carrying a microphone, making her voice full of magnetism, and even with a little echo, which sounds very magical.

"You...Hello...I'm Lu Renjia." The eldest brother on the stage obviously hadn't faced such a beautiful girl, so he was a little bit shy.

Zhenmei looked serious and raised the black medicine bottle in her hand: "Mr. Lu Renjia, my potion can inject magic into your body, but since you drink the potion, you are no longer an ordinary person. Your original life and cognition will gradually drift away from you, are you willing?"

This set of rhetoric seems like that, but everyone knows that it is just to exaggerate the atmosphere, and the elder brother named Lu Renjia naturally knows it.

So he nodded very cooperatively: "I am willing."

As soon as the voice fell, a dark cloak instantly fell from the sky and landed exactly on Lu Renjia's body.

Because it fell from directly above, Lu Renjia didn't see it, and he was startled until the cloak touched his body.

"Haha, the sense of immersion is quite strong." He muttered, then quickly put on the cloak, looking like a magician.

Immediately afterwards, the magician Zhenmei began to hold up the potion, and the background music played leisurely.

"#¥%……&*()……&*" Zhenmei said something in her mouth, no one could understand it, it should be some kind of spell, and the sound circulated in everyone's ears through the sound source system of the theater.

And in the atmosphere that stood out to the climax, Lu Renjia finally drank the potion.

"How do you feel?" Zhenmei stopped her spell and asked.

"'s a bit hot and lighthearted." Lu Renjia said.

"Well, that's the potion's work. Now, you have magic in your body."

"Oh?" Lu Renjia looked at his hands: "Then what will I do?"

"Hehe." Magician Zhenmei smiled: "I'll tell you later, but now, since you didn't come on stage just now, I suggest you check this box first." She said, pointing to the side. Wooden box.

"Okay!" Obviously, Lu Renjia had long wanted to see this item with his own hands. Now that he was given a chance, he naturally agreed to it immediately.

But just like those dozens of people before, after Lu Renjia inspected the box for a few minutes, he also felt that there was nothing in the box, so he returned to Zhenmei: "Okay, I have finished the inspection now. Can you tell me that I will do it now." What magic is it?"

"You haven't learned it yet." Zhenmei replied.

"What?" Lu Renjia was taken aback: "Didn't you say that after drinking the medicine, you will be magical?"

" But drinking potions is only the first step to learning magic. You need to complete the second step to truly become a magician."

"Oh, that's it, what's the second step?"

The voice just fell!

"Huh!" clicked.

The sudden sound came from the back of the auditorium, and a huge bonfire ignited violently, illuminating the entire venue in an instant.

Everyone was shocked. No one has ever seen a direct fire in the studio. For a while, the atmosphere was once again brought to a climax!

The Perfect Magician finally said the second step!

"Next, your body will be burned, and when your mortal body is burned by the fire, you will be reborn by my side!"

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