Detective Training Manual

Chapter 396: The first blindfold

"This..." Zhou Yan pulled a long tone.

He didn't know how to describe this matter.

Anyway, according to the description of Big Brother Lu, he could only make up for such a process.

It was when Lu Renjia was in the box, he touched Miss Zhenmei's face.

Miss Zhenmei was still alive at this time.

But the moment his hand left Miss Zhenmei...her head disappeared.

It just disappeared, but no blood spurted out.

At this time, the wooden door slowly opened, until the light on the stage shone in, the broken neck began to spurt blood.

Well, if you think so, then no matter what, it is unreasonable!

So this must be a blindfold.

Overwhelming blindness, every minute, every second, every detail is blindness!

You must get rid of these blindfolds before you can directly point to the case itself.

Zhou Yan opened the book...

"Brothers, we are going to crack all the secrets of this magic together, work harder!"

The comments on the book have actually become active.

If the group leader doesn't tell the magic secret, he will solve the secret by himself.

It seems that everyone is very interested in "slaps the leader in the face".

[Haha S: It's been overwhelmed, is it possible that it is space technology? The two should be face to face in the box]

"Haha, brother, don't be discouraged, the secrets are peeled away layer by layer.

As for the statement ‘the two people in the box are face to face’, it should be correct.

After all, Big Brother Lu has already touched the opponent's face.

Moreover, the other party also held Lu Renjia's wrist with his hand. "

[Heguang Tongchen: Zhou Yan, there should be no more strange behaviors until the exact truth is reached. He is testing step by step]

"Oh?" Zhou Yan was stunned: "Are you trying to say that this case was also made by the Criminal Club?

Heh, didn't you say everything before, the Criminal Club is already eyeing me, so I am in the light, they are in the dark.

In other words, even if I blindly avoid it, it is useless.

As the saying goes, soldiers will come to block, water will come and soil will be flooded, I might as well just wait for them to show off their tricks.

As for whether they are in the test book, how powerful are your abilities...

Hehe, then try it out.

I am growing, and you are also growing.

They have not killed me yet, so it will be more and more difficult for them to kill me.

What does that sentence say?

What can't kill me will make me stronger.

You should be the same. "

[Bc1111: Consider the possibility of "Passerby A was not randomly selected". In some very important magic tricks, it is impossible to allow instability. Passerby is also one of the members of the team? 】

"Hey, pay attention, the eldest brother is called'Lu Renjia', and it sounds like a dragon's sleeve when he speaks it out of your mouth.

Also, this eldest brother should be completely random, at least I can't think of any way to make that table tennis fall into his hands 100%.

I have also read the words on the table tennis. I wrote them. It's not bad. "

[Justice of the Weak Bug: The problem is here. At a distance of 30 meters, the passerby arrived on the stage quickly in a dark environment alone in the dark environment without even knowing it.

Unless he already knew the way and concealed the fact that he was a trustee, it would be impossible to achieve it.

Unless the prisoner has a way to use the pulley block to quickly pull the person to the stage.

The head and body can be moved to the background by pulleys to complete rapid movement, but passerby cannot. 】

After Zhou Yan read this passage, he was suddenly startled.

He seemed to have thought of something.

What the brother said is very reasonable. It is impossible to reach within two seconds at a distance of 30 meters.

Even if it is moving at a high speed with a rope, it is impossible for Lu Renjia to perceive it.

Therefore, there is only one possibility!

That's what Lu Renjia's eldest brother is!

He obviously felt that the wooden box he was locked in moved quickly, but he didn't say anything!

However, Zhou Yan can be sure that Big Brother Lu Renjia is a completely random candidate, and he shouldn't be a collusion with the magic group in advance.

Between the two, there is a contradiction.


Zhou Yan suddenly thought of something!

"Wait!" He buzzed in his head, hurriedly lowered his head, and started to flip forward.

He seemed to have seen a sentence just now!

That sentence was very short, and it was automatically ignored by Zhou Yan's quick reading method.

[Little fairy Emma: Can’t figure it out (Physics)]

"Not this sentence!"

[C. Han Ying: Is there a mirror, mirror magic]

"Hiss—not this sentence either."

[Du Zitong: Half of the inspection is gone, there is something tricky]

"Yes! That's it!"

Halfway through the inspection and left!

Brother Lu Renjia just said that after he took the stage, he drank the potion and wore a cloak, and then Miss Zhenmei asked him to check the box.

He said...Half of his own inspection, he was taken to the bonfire by the host.


Zhou Yan remembered that Lu Renjia had checked the box and walked to the front of the stage very contentedly, and then he was taken away after he and Ms. Zhenmei signaled ‘I’m done checking’.

Hiss—In this way, Lu Renjia's testimony is different from what Zhou Yan saw and heard!

Zhou Yan immediately raised his head and looked at Brother Lu Renjia who was sitting on the bed.

"Brother Lu, you just said that you only checked half of the box?"

Lu Renjia nodded: "Yes, I guess I checked too carefully, it was a waste of time, so I was called away by the host first."

"But...didn't you just be taken to the bonfire after the inspection?"

"Huh?" Lu Renjia was taken aback: "Little brother, did you remember it wrong?"

At that time, I first checked the movable wooden door, then turned to the left, checked the wooden planks on the box, and then turned to the back..."

Speaking of this, Lu Renjia was stunned.

Zhou Yan was also stunned.

Even Lin Xi, who had been standing by without interjecting, was stunned.

It seems that the three of them thought of a possibility at the same time!

" wouldn't be, you were taken away by the host while inspecting the wooden board behind the wooden box!"

Lu Renjia blinked and looked at Lu Yuan.


"Fuck?!" Zhou Yan's tone suddenly became much faster: "Then, how did you get taken off the stage?"

"I was taken by the host to the back of the through the curtain, and then walked from the steps behind the curtain to the auditorium, and then walked along the auditorium to the campfire."

"You crossed the curtain?"


Zhou Yan slightly opened his mouth...

"But...I clearly saw that you finished checking the box, came back from behind the box, and stood in front of the stage again!

So... if you were taken away while inspecting the wooden board behind the box.

Then who is the person who walked to the stage? "

Actually...At this point, everyone already knows what happened at that time.

That is......

During the time when Lu Renjia walked to the back of the box and checked whether the board had any mechanism.

He was replaced!

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