Detective Training Manual

Chapter 402: Miss Zhenmei is Lu Renjia!

Of course, the [Miss Zhenmei is Lu Renjia] mentioned here is not literal.

Naturally, Miss Zhenmei could not really be Lu Renjia.

But she just has to make the audience mistake him for Lu Renjia!

This is another well-designed visual inducement.


Haven't it been clear yet?

Okay, let's talk about it in more detail.

Let's start with [Miss Zhenmei walks into the wooden box].


First of all, Miss Zhenmei walked into the wooden box in full view.

Then, the door of the box was closed.

Thousands of eyes stared at the stage, no one went in, and no one came out.

This is an absolute secret room made up of countless sights!

Therefore, according to the arrangement of the secret room lecture notes, if there is an extra person in the secret room when the door is opened, there are only two possibilities.

First: This person entered the secret room with Miss Zhenmei!

Second: This person is not a person at all.

In fact, in this case, both of these possibilities are occupied!

The first is Miss Zhenmei's body.

As I said before, the corpse was a fake corpse, completely constructed.

The specific operation is as follows...

That is, in the whole process of the performance, under Miss Zhenmei’s robe, in fact, from the beginning to the end, there were a bunch of small steel hoops, or balloons, etc., anyway, there was a robe blocking it, no one could see it. .

Then she talked to the real eldest brother Lu Renjia to exaggerate the atmosphere, and when the time was almost time, she walked into the box.

Then he closed the door of the box.

At this point, we can be sure that the box is a secret room, and at the same time, we can no longer see anything that happened in the box.

So during this time, Miss Zhenmei took out the props under the robe and assembled it into a clothes rack, and then adjusted the height randomly so that the rack was about the same height as her own.

After that, she took off her robe and put it on the shelf.

In this way, a fake [Miss Zhenmei] appeared!

After that, Miss Zhenmei took out a robe exactly like Lu Renjia's and put it on her body.

Because Miss Zhenmei is thin and thin, while Lu Renjia's height is an ordinary male's height, even a little overweight.

This is the perfect place in this magic. Because Miss Zhenmei hopes that the lucky audience selected for the stage can be a person who is significantly different from her own height and body shape.

Because under the robe, there must be props that can adjust the width of the shoulders. This kind of props is very easy to handle. It can be made with a movable plastic support. For a large magic group, this is something. It's as easy as a piece of cake.

After that, Miss Zhenmei adjusted her robes to the same height as Lu Renjia's shoulder width, and then Miss Zhenmei used the support to adjust her height to the height of Lu Renjia.

As for the props that can adjust the height, there is no need to explain it, just get a small bench that can be adjusted up and down, as long as you can stand firmly.

As I said before, this robe was specially designed to be a very long style with the hem dragging the ground. In fact, it is not for modeling, but to cover the small bench under the feet.

In this way, a [fake Lu Renjia] who was wearing a robe and was about the same height and size as Lu Renjia appeared.

But one thing to note is that at this time, the head of the fake Lu Renjia is still a bit shameless, because the magic group should not be able to prepare a fake headgear in advance for Miss Zhenmei to wear.

Of course, in fact, if the previous table tennis can screen the audience at will, it is also possible to make a headgear similar to that of Lu Renjia in advance.

It doesn't matter if you don't do it.

Because no matter what, [fake Lu Renjia]'s head is actually only in the audience's field of vision for a second.


Now please make up your mind.

At that time, the wooden box on the stage slowly opened.

Since this wooden box was opened with a hinged door, the lights on the stage must have come in from the open gap of the hinged door.

And light can only walk in a straight line, so if [Lu Renjia disguised by Miss Zhenmei] was standing on the side close to the hinged door, when the light came in, he would definitely find the erected headless body 'Above.

And the position where the "fake Lu Renjia" stood was definitely a blind spot in the shadows.

This forms a ‘spectator sitting in the direction of the door, whose sight is blocked by the door. The audience sitting in the direction of the open door can only see the subtle scene of the headless corpse.

And as the door gradually opened, Lu Renjia's body and Miss Zhenmei's body also naturally slowly appeared in the sight of everyone.

At this time, the cloaks of each other and the height difference, before matching the ‘rebirth’ gimmick repeatedly emphasized by Miss Zhenmei, made all the audience naturally think, [Lu Renjia is reborn in the box] such a fixed mindset.

At this point, blood began to spray from the neck of the fake corpse.

In addition to attracting the eyes of the audience and causing unexpected shocks, this spray is most useful for covering Miss Zhenmei's face.

As the blood spurted out with great pressure, the scarlet color directly hit the top of the wooden box, splashing cracklingly, and most of the audience's sight was blocked. In addition, Miss Zhenmei, posing as Lu Renjia, deliberately bowed her head, turned around, or wore a robe. Cover, in short, she has enough movement to cover her face!

And seeing the "headless Miss Zhenmei" spurting blood, no one would have thought that the tall "Lu Renjia" is the real Miss Zhenmei.

In this state, as long as Miss Zhenmei finds a suitable angle, falls in a pool of blood, avoids her head facing the audience directly, or simply covers her head with a robe.

In fact, it doesn't matter if it is At that time, who could recognize a round object with blood hula?

Under this operation, two puzzles were solved at once.

First, how Lu Renjia was reborn in the box.

The answer is... there is no rebirth at all, and there is no Lu Renjia in the box. Everything is just a one-man show for Miss Zhenmei.

Second, how did Miss Zhenmei's head be cut off?

The answer is...not cut down, Miss Zhenmei is actually still alive.

Well... here, then the next mystery will come out again.

Since Miss Zhenmei is alive, why was Miss Zhenmei already dead when the police came.

and also.

If Lu Renjia in the box is posing as Miss Zhenmei, then why did the real brother Lu Renjia experience exactly the same scene as on the stage?

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