Detective Training Manual

Chapter 408: Magic group...(2)

Zhou Yan had been devoting himself to solving puzzles before, and it was not until this time that he finally realized this.

Yes, why did this magic killing use such complicated methods?

Moreover, all these techniques are puzzles, one by one blindfold, constant exchange of identities, and extremely demanding configurations.

It requires stage design, twins, or even triplets, and it also requires these twin sisters to ignore each other’s life and death, such as the frenzied operation of "sister carrying the sister’s headless corpse".

This in itself is the most incredible setting.

What kind of family, or experience, can people perform this kind of magic?

What's even more frightening is that in ordinary murder cases, the murderer should care most about how to hide his murderous methods.

But in this magic, the murderer never seemed to hide the killing technique deliberately, but rather abnormally converged the whole killing technique into a grand performance show.

In front of a huge group of thousands of witnesses, with the most magnificent lighting effects, this killing show was revealed!

This...what the **** is going on?

Thinking of this, Zhou Yan also suddenly realized what was wrong with the people in this magic group.

It's not just their ugly appearance, deformed or mutilated body.

It's their attitude towards this magic killing.

It's dead!

Having been with them day and night, one of the performers who cooperated with the training died and was beheaded. They didn't seem to be surprised or panicked.

After the detective came to them, the group didn't even ask much.

This calmness absolutely cannot be explained by common sense.

On the contrary, this group of people suddenly became agitated after hearing that they had solved the magic trick.

Do these people think that a magic trick is more important than a human life?

Zhou Yan turned her head and looked at Lin Xi on the side, and found that her gaze was staring at the group of people, her brows were slightly frowned, as if she had also realized that there was something wrong with this group of people.

I'm watching... suddenly!

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" The leader in front of him seemed to be suddenly anxious: "Why... why can you solve this magic?" He began to pace back and forth in a very small area.

"Is the props too obvious...the blood, it must be the blood that shouldn't be sprayed out with a delay, I said at the time, this design is not good!" The leader said to himself.

"Are you...what are you talking about?" Zhou Yan was surprised: "Are you talking about magic tricks!"

"Is it because the neck is not enough to attract attention? That light, it hit too early..." The head of the group did not answer Zhou Yan's question, he was just lowering his head and muttering to himself.

Zhou Yan was shocked, and looked at Lin Xi again.

Obviously, the head uncle was not shocked by the ‘magic killing’ technique in Zhou Yan’s words, but on the contrary, the head was thinking about the deficiencies of this magic technique.

And his context also shows that he should have known that [Miss Zhenmei] would die in magic!

So, this head is the murderer? !

Lin Xi almost didn't waste a second. In the first time, she put her hand into her coat.

Zhou Yan knew that she must have a voice recorder in her pocket.

This woman did not forget to take these things with her when she was on vacation.

"You know Miss Zhenmei will die, don't you?" Lin Xi asked cautiously.

Although it is still unclear what the magic group is all about, this group leader is definitely a breakthrough.

"What if the design of the cloak is higher?" The head stood there, with one hand on his chest and the other holding his chin, as if he was thinking about how this magic should be improved. Looking at the magic group behind him, everyone seemed to be thinking, and the whole room was silent.

But the weird atmosphere grew stronger.

Why are these people thinking?

These people... do not act as if they learned that someone had just died tragically!

"Mr. Head, please cooperate with us." Lin Xi adjusted her tone very carefully: "Excuse me, have you known that Miss Zhenmei will die?"

"Ah?!" The head of the group seemed to be relieved by this: "No...I'm sorry, I was a little distracted just now, did you say that Miss Zhenmei's death...Uh, I do not know."

"You don't know?!" Zhou Yan couldn't help but took the stubbornness, thinking, your performance just now, I even suspect that you are the murderer of all this, OK, now you are still here saying you don't know?

"Yes, I really don't know, but... Miss Zhenmei can die by her own magic, she should be satisfied."

"What?" Zhou Yan was stunned. He didn't need to look at Lin Xi. At this time, Lin Xi was also stunned.

Who is it that can say such a thing!

When a person dies in his own magic, he will be ‘satisfied’?

and many more!

Zhou Yan suddenly realized: "Could it be that...this magic was created by Miss Zhenmei herself?"

The head nodded: "Of course, only you are qualified to be the protagonist of the magic that you developed, and everyone else is just a foil."

"Ah? Is this the real theory?" Zhou Yan was once again confused by the leader's words: "Also, what you mean is that Miss Zhenmei knew that when she first developed this magic. Are you going to die?"

"I am not qualified to tell you that everything in magic is either discovered by yourself or the developer of the magic tells you personally. Apart from that, no one is qualified to evaluate other people’s magic, even if this person dies. It’s the same."

"Ah?!" Zhou Yan looked at the head in disbelief: "Are you crazy, dead, okay! And now, I seriously suspect that you are a participant in this murder, at least you know not to report it." If you don’t want to be locked into the interrogation room for a while, you’d better just obediently tell everything you know right now!"

"Haha..." The head of the group laughed suddenly: "Hahahaha-what did you say? Do you think are you threatening me? Do you think you are putting me in interrogation? Can you tell me the secret of magic?"

Zhou Yan was stunned, okay, now he found that the most normal-looking regimental leader also seemed abnormal.

"Haha, you can't, you can't in the interrogation room, you can't do anything." The leader continued: "The secret of magic is eternal. You must first explore the secret, you can only walk in by yourself..."

The head's laughter seemed to be getting louder and louder.



A louder ridicule suddenly exploded, and the 61 magic group members behind the head of the group burst into laughter without warning.

The voice is loud or small, sharp or dumb.

But it is very strange to maintain the same rhythm.

Zhou Yan was so shocked that he staggered...

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