Detective Training Manual

Chapter 411: Use magic to communicate.

Are they all non-existent people?

Zhou Yan also caught the word in his mind.

However, in today's society, if a person does not have an ID card and a household registration, can that person really survive?

In the notes at this moment, the fight seems to have begun to discuss this issue.

[Let's talk nonsense: No, they want to have a place to live, buy a house, or book a hotel, and go to other places for performances, unless they all take the bus, otherwise they need to buy air tickets and train tickets, but they also have identity information, none of them , How did they survive? 】

Yes, Zhou Yan is also very confused about this question.

Therefore, he directly asked the police officer brother on the side.

Don't say that the police in this world are professionals. They really thought about this problem, and they also checked it carefully.

It turns out that... the people in this magic group seem to have never booked a hotel, and they have never bought a house. As I said before, this group of people has no life at all.

"What?" After hearing the police officer's answer, Zhou Yan was also taken aback: "I believe it if I haven't bought a house. After all, I don't have the money to buy a house, but...what do they mean by not staying in a hotel? Where do you live for the show?"

The officer said: "They have their own car... This magic group has three buses in total, and they are now parked in the underground parking lot of this theater.

These three buses have been remodeled, and every two cars can accommodate 40 people, so only one and a half are needed to pull the whole group around, while the remaining space contains various daily necessities. , The props for the performance, a huge pot with a diameter of 1.7 meters, rice, flour, canned food, and two horizontal refrigerators. We found enough vegetables and meat products in it. In addition, in the bus We took out a total of 20 bundles of tents in the lower trunk. "

" much?"

"20 bundles." The police officer repeated: "So we suspect that these people have never stayed in a hotel. They have lived together for many years, eating together, and sleeping together, but when there are no performances. During the time, they find a location in the suburbs, or an abandoned unfinished building, set up tents, and never communicate with the outside world."

"Hiss——" Zhou Yan took a breath. After hearing these words, he actually made up such a picture in his mind.

In an off-travel place on the edge of the city, there are more than 20 tents standing in the dark, with a huge pot in the middle, stewing ingredients that have been frozen for many years. More than 60 people gather together, and there is no need to interact with them. Contact with the outside world, because they themselves have formed a village, a small society.

"Then...then have they never done a train or plane?" Lin Xi also interrupted and asked.

"No, in fact, apart from their own three buses, they have hardly ever boarded any vehicles."

"What about the show? They have to go to various cities to catch the show. Are they all driving?" Zhou Yan asked in disbelief.

"Yes, they were all driven by car. In fact, we checked all the performances of the magic group in the last two years and found that they never go far away. They are all concentrated in one city. When there is no business, they will go to the next city. As for advertising, investment promotion, and job hunting, they don't rely on the Internet or telephone, but the most traditional way long ago.

For example, putting up posters, or going directly to the theater to find someone to negotiate.

In short, their performance locations will not be far apart, they are all nearby urban areas, and naturally they do not need to fly. "

Zhou Yan was stunned. He found that this magic group reminded him of a word, that is, nomadism.

There is no fixed abode, where to live, and when you have no money, you can find some performances, do not buy a house, do not get married, do not have children, do not have any pursuits, and do not need social status, just like this day after day.

"Then how do these people calculate the cost of the performance? Don't they need a bank card?"

The police officer said immediately: "We have also asked the parties in this theater about this. He said that the head of the magic troupe came to find the show himself. There is no need for any personnel from the theater, whether it is props, rehearsals, or The manpower is all made by the magic troupe.

Convenient and trouble-free, and the number of tickets required is still less thief.

So the theater agreed at the time.

The only requirement of the magic group is that the transaction must be cash! "

Lin Xi nodded: "Well, if they keep trading in cash, they really don't need a bank card, and the low demand will also make it easy for them to get the venue for rent."

"Then...the owner of this theater doesn't think that this group of people won't even let them see their ID cards, is it unreliable?"

"Um...maybe, but the benefits that this magic troupe can bring are enough to make the theater ignore many unreliable places. Taking a step back, even if the theater disagrees, there will be more One family, the next two...As long as there are few demands, they will always have a place to perform."

"Yeah...they don't worry about not having a place to perform." Zhou Yan thought to himself.

"Wait." Suddenly, Zhou Yan thought of something: "Then...their cars...the three buses must be registered by someone."

"Well, the only thing that can be detected is the three cars." The police officer said: "There are three people on the driver's license, namely Miss Zhenmei and her two sisters."

"Ah? Okay, just these three people left some information, and they all used them...hey? Now that Miss Zhenmei is dead, is there one less driver for the three cars?"

The police officer shrugged: "Who Anyway, these people can't drive a car for the time being. When I just came in, I saw that they had been called together for a while. The police station will send a car to take them all to the prison."

"Okay." Zhou Yan glanced at Lin Xi and thought to himself that he caught so many people at once, but he didn't expect the Detective Association to really agree.

And this group of people is really strange. Wouldn't they rather go to jail instead of revealing a little bit of information about the case?

Is magic so important to them?

While thinking about it, Zhou Yan also subconsciously glanced at the notes, and now the messages are still emerging.

[LE7EL5: What the team leader said: To find the secret, you have to walk in by yourself. Does this sentence mean to let you participate in the magic? Or does it make you think of a magic they can't see through? I feel that magic is a bridge between you and them...]

Zhou Yan looked at this message.....

" it a bridge..."

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