Detective Training Manual

Chapter 442: Killing without a motive?

Fortunately, the police arrived fairly quickly.

Otherwise, keeping so many people in this place for a long time will inevitably cause some small disturbances.

At this point, the security of the entire hotel was completely handed over to the police.

When Zhou Yan pushed the gate of the meeting place, there was already a police officer who was a little older than Zhou Yan waiting for him outside.

"Hello, Detective Zhou, I am the police officer in charge of this case, my last name is Li!"

"Okay~Okay~" Zhou Yan waved his hand. He is really not interested in listening to the name of this Xiongtai. Anyway, his parents must be named invalid as well: "I just call you Officer Li."

"Okay." Officer Li also spoke very well: "So what's the situation at the scene?"

"Two murders, two corpses."

"What?!" Officer Li was obviously taken aback: "However, when the report was reported to the police, it was a case."

Zhou Yan sighed: "Yes, but during the time you were walking here, another murder occurred." After that, Zhou Yan also pointed behind him: "The corpse is there, hurry up and look for it. Go ahead. The cause of death should be behind the scenes, the heart ruptured and died directly. Of course, the coroner's decision is what the coroner decides to do."

" there a suspect?" Officer Li asked tentatively.

"Yes, let's talk about the case in this studio first. The suspects are those on the stage."

Zhou Yan pointed to the studio. At this time, there were seven people standing on it, six men and one woman.

Zhou Yan pointed to four of them: "Look, those in yellow clothes, sweaters, long hair, and glasses. These four are suspects."

The reason why these four are suspects is that when the deceased was playing the piano, these four were sitting behind the deceased, while the remaining three were sitting on the left and right of the deceased. According to their positions, the three of them were sitting behind the deceased. It is impossible to shoot a long needle into the back of the deceased.

"Check the wall with the deceased's back to see if there are any mechanisms and their musical instruments. Maybe there are props that can shoot long needles. Anyway... I'll leave it to you."

"Okay, here's the order!" Officer Li immediately took out the walkie-talkie and ordered Zhou Yan's order down.

"So, what about another case?"

"Upstairs, on the 7th floor, I let the murderer go for a while, about 20 minutes, he must not be able to clean the scene very clean, room 9, you go now, you should be able to find a lot of footwork, fingerprints, The blood, dna, will be handed to you."


Officer Li didn't hesitate. This task was so convenient. When he arrived at the murder scene, the detectives had solved almost all the problems. They just had to follow the orders.

Then the next thing will develop in the foreseeable direction.

First, it is Alice's body.

In Room 9 on the 7th floor, I found traces of the treatment of the corpse. The carpet in the room still smelled of potassium iodide solution, and it was not dried.

Although the body has not been found for the time being, because the entire hotel is closed, the murderer definitely did not take the body out. As long as it takes time, it will always be found.

As for fingerprints, hehe, the murderer is so rushed to deal with blood stains, there is no time to clean up fingerprints and sweat stains, etc.

Some on-site forensics personnel quickly captured some fingerprints, sent them to the police station for investigation, and found the fingerprint records.

"Detective Zhou, the fingerprint comparison is out, I will send it to you now!"

After half an hour, the police officer sent Zhou Yan a photo.

Zhou Yan opened it and saw that, as expected, it was the security that Li Huan had found halfway through.

It doesn't matter what the security guard is called. What's worth noting is that the profession written on his file is...weightlifter.

Five years ago, he won the weightlifting championship in the Asian region, but news of this match was blocked because the brother was in a private life, was suspected of drug dealing, punched underground, and was beaten to death because his hands were too heavy. people.

When these things were fermenting, it happened to be when he was participating in the competition, so he was immediately disqualified from the competition and completely blocked.

This is the first time this Xiongtai has been on the stage of a continental sports competition...Moreover, although this brother was banned and banned, the results he created at that time are still present today. No one can break.

That's why he is called the ‘champion’. Of course, this is what people in their sports circles will know.

Since then, the brother has been in jail for a period of time, but spent a lot of money, walked a lot of contacts, and was finally released some time ago.

After that, no one knew where he went.

Unexpectedly, in this murder case, this person unexpectedly appeared suddenly.

Oh, yes, and one more weird thing is that the weightlifting champion seems to have nothing to do with Miss Alice.

In other words, he should have no motive to kill Miss Alice.

But the evidence search at the scene clearly pointed out that this guy was the murderer.

Officer Li also specifically asked the front desk when he came to the hotel as a security guard.

The person at the front desk looked at the photo and said it was about 5 months ago.

Roughly speaking, Mr. Haruta Hiro’s concert was announced in the media about 5 months ago. That is to say, at that time, this brother was going to enter this hotel to prepare for the murder at this moment. Up.

But...why did he have to spend a lot of time, preparing a little half a year in advance to kill a woman who has nothing to do with him?

Zhou Yan is very strange, but can't figure it out for the time being.

Anyway, this guy must be hiding somewhere in this hotel, on the twenty-floor floor. The police officers started a carpet search. It is estimated that in a few hours, he will be caught.

If you have any questions, let's talk about it when you catch him.

So the case of Miss Alice is like this for the time Next, we will search for the body of Mr. Haruta Hiroshi.

This one is more interesting.

Because... after a search, it was directly found out that inside a trombone, there was a special launching mechanism.

This mechanism is made of a strong spring, and it launches a long needle into a person's body with ease.

Therefore, during the concert, as long as the murderer activates the mechanism and swishes, the long needle will penetrate the heart of the deceased.

Then there is no need to guess, the murderer must be the man who played the trombone.

The method was directly cracked, and the murder weapon was stolen and obtained, leaving the brother no room for sophistry.

But... there is another suspicious place... after investigation, the trombone player does not seem to have the motive to kill the old man Haruta Hiro.

"His--why is there no motive for the murder that happened in this hotel?"

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