Detective Training Manual

Chapter 461: I plead guilty! Hahahahaha!

"Famous Detective Training Manual (!

Just listen to the loud noise of "boom".

The whole park... exploded!

This is a very strange adjective, because [Park] is not a complete building, it is more suitable to be called a ‘space’.

So, the explosion here... means that the entire thing that was divided into the park area was exploded!

The ground exploded first!

Three days ago, it rained heavily here.

The drainage pipes in the entire park are very easy to use, and hundreds of tons of rainwater can be discharged overnight.

And on that rainy night, a man in a purple suit drove a truck filled with plastic waterproof bags and drove on the roadway in the park.

He was humming and shaking his head, feeling very happy.

From time to time, he would jump out of the car, open the lid of the well in heavy rain, and then throw some plastic bags in.

There are many small hooks at the end of these plastic bags, which can be hooked on trash, cracks in walls, sewer guardrails, or corners.

Inside the plastic bag, small red and green lights flashed.

That's dynamite!

A whole truck of explosives!

No one knows how this guy got these explosives, no one knows why he threw the explosives into the sewers of the park on this rainy night.

In short, this person is very happy. He walks a few steps and stands on tiptoe, sometimes after throwing bombs, he likes to go around in circles like a ballet in place.

It's just that under heavy rain, there is no music embellishment, making his dance look extraordinarily weird.

In this way, in one night, along with the rain falling from the sky, these bombs spread throughout the underground drainage system of the entire park and even the entire block.

The cute little bombs waited quietly for three days in the underground, and the same time...exploded!

The ground went from cracking to swelling and then being lifted. The whole process took less than 2 seconds.

In such a short time, no one can react, and no one even has time to lie down.

Except for Mr. Edwards.

His fat body has never been so dexterous in his entire life. The moment after the loud noise started, his brain frantically collected all the information around him. Flower beds, streets, and underground street lights need cables, and underground pipes in urban areas. The width is about 4 meters. After a moment of planning, Edwards hastily simulated the drainage system of the entire area.

flower bed......

The bottom of this flower bed should be non-hollowed, without pipes, and under the powerful squeezing of explosions on all sides, its impact may be removed from each other.

It should be safe.

It must be safe...because if it is not safe, then he will definitely die here today.

Between the sparks and flints, Edwards's fat body plunged into the flowerbed. He could feel the heat wave at his feet, the ground was shaking, and the smell of sulfur accompanied by the groundwater rushing out of the cracks in the earth frantically.

The road collapsed, the cable was blown off, and Edwards was sober that there was no gas pipe, otherwise, everything in his line of sight would be swallowed by the fire.

Gunshots... yelling... wailing... explosions... groundwater spurts... laughter...

At this moment, it became a group of wild ghost-like neighs rushing out of hell.

Wait, why is there still laughter?

In the smoke and dust, Edwards opened a gap in his eyes. He was horrified to see that in the collapsing sight, the weird man was still sitting on the edge of the flower bed. Amidst the exploded dust, he was laughing...

He is like a naive child watching fireworks, dangling his body and legs, hehehe——hahaha————

Very happy to laugh!

Crazy-this man is crazy! What the **** is he going to do?

Just thinking about it, suddenly!

The madman turned his head, the gravel in the sky was still crackling down, and the madman stared at himself with his narrow eyes.

"Hehehe--you must be thinking, what am I going to do?" He said, "Obviously, I am committing a crime...

But please forgive me. I don’t know the definition of “crime”. Sometimes I don’t understand. What is the difference between snatching sugar from a girl’s mouth and blowing up a building? So, sometimes I do it. It's a bit overheated, and sometimes, my heat is a bit bad.

So, did I constitute a crime this time?

You... can you arrest me? "

With that said, the weird man actually stood up, walked over, and squatted in front of Edwards, very cutely stretched out his hands, and put his wrists together again.

"Then, arrest me, you should be handcuffed, right?"

Edwards stared at each other incredulously with his horrified eyes.

He...he wants me to arrest him?

So he bombed the police station?

Just for me to arrest him?

This this......

Edwards finally realized that he had never kept up with the thinking of this lunatic, and he even wondered if this guy had the so-called ‘thinking’.


"Huh?" The man made a puzzled sound: "Why, are there no handcuffs?

Or do I still have the right to let you arrest me? "

The man looked very depressed, he scratched his head, then stood up, and looked around.

Suddenly, he seemed to have found what he was looking for, ran over happily, stepped on the ruins of the ruins, and picked up a gun from the ground.

Not a stun gun, but a real pistol with bullets.

This gun was equipped for police officers just in case. The weirdo took the gun in his hand and pulled out of the magazine. After a glance, he confirmed that there was a bullet in it. Then he pushed the magazine back contentedly.

Then... he walked up to Edwards with the gun in his hand.

Edwards' pupils were locked tightly. He watched the weird man raise his gun and smiled at himself...

"I... Am I going to die here?" This was a very tragic question in his mind.

But the next moment...

That weird man suddenly stuffed the gun into the fat man's hand!

"Hey, it doesn't matter if you don't have handcuffs, there are guns here." He said, and as he said, he motioned to Edwards to raise the gun: "Come on, raise up, hehe, don't be shy, there is a bullet in the gun."

Edwards was stupid, his horrified eyes were now completely blank, helpless, and even...a little absurd to laugh.

What is this guy thinking?

He...he gave me the gun?

At a Edwards finally raised the grab and aimed at the lunatic!

"Ahahahaha—" The madman laughed, then raised his hands and knelt on the ground with a puff, but he was still laughing: "Hahaha—don’t shoot, I...hahaha— I plead guilty!"

At this moment, Edwards successfully arrested a vicious criminal!

But... he felt that he was arrested...

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