Detective Training Manual

Chapter 476: Chaos is approaching (2)

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This moment came after all, just as Zhou Yan and Lin Xi were most worried about.

How much they want to tell the people in front of them that the deaths of these people can save 700 million lives.

But they couldn't speak. With such multimedia attention, if this incident were leaked out, then it would not be just the riots of the hundreds of people in front of them.

Therefore, the cordon was immediately shrunk, and all police personnel were concentrated at the entrance of the seven-story building. They could not let these people rush in, otherwise, the order of jumping from the building would be disrupted and everything would be over.

The chaos broke out like this, and then continued.

But this is not the most important thing compared with what happened next.

I saw that the remaining 19 people on the rooftop were all looking downstairs... They seemed to have known that there would be such a moment, so there was no surprise on everyone’s faces, instead... .I am very pleased.

A middle-aged woman with a thin face smiled: "I am next..."

"The broadcast volume exceeds 370 million, I think it's okay." said the dead man who had more research on the Internet.

A young man wearing a plaid down jacket also nodded: "Okay, then look at the camera here."

In this way, the middle-aged woman twisted the hair on her forehead and looked at the camera that was taken to the top of the building. This scene, at this moment, appeared in the sight of 300 million people all over the world. .

"Hello everyone...My name is Mayumi Asakawa...I am a housewife.

I'm sorry for the troubles caused to this world, and I know it is wrong to do so.

But to me, right and wrong don't seem to be so important anymore, and it doesn't matter what the world is like.

I just want to die at the moment, looking forward to it from the bottom of my heart, so that I don't have to suffer or look at the world again.

My only appeal is to let you who sit quietly in front of the screen understand me, my son, and my husband. "

In fact, at this point, Miss Mayumi has already started to cry, but she still keeps a smile on her face, and she can feel that she has always been an optimistic and kind woman in her life.

"My husband is called Kotaro Asakawa. On July 11th, four years ago, he was sentenced to death.

The reason is that he was a gangster, possessed drugs, guns, wounded people, and... he killed a policeman with a gun.

It sounds like it is indeed a person who should die.

But in fact, my husband is an anti-drug police officer.

Ten years ago, he was entrusted by the police to infiltrate a gangster group to carry out undercover work.

Our whole family are the most law-abiding citizens. My father and my husband's father are all police workers. We have been told since childhood that our personal honor and happiness are based on the stability of society.

So our whole family is working hard for this long undercover work. We moved, my child dropped out of school, my husband took off the police badge, got tattooed, changed the gentle and strong personality and face, and became one. Humiliated.

But on that day four years ago... the gangster handed him a gun and asked him to kill an anti-drug policeman to prove his loyalty.

Otherwise... he will be killed too!

In desperation, my husband fired a gun and killed a colleague. Compared with the complete failure of the undercover plan, he didn't have many choices.

However... when everything was over, my husband was sentenced to death.

The reason is... the person in charge of this undercover project suffered a heart attack and died a few years ago. Asakawa Kotaro's identity was like this, he became a gang member completely.

No one from the police can help our family, and the court is like a cold machine. In the end, my husband...died in front of the people he had been fighting for.

But my children and I still trust the world. Perhaps it was just a play of fate that allowed us to embark on this absurd and tragic path.

I work harder. I take care of the whole family alone. I do 4 jobs a day and pay for my child's tuition and living expenses. Watching him grow up day by day, I think there is still hope for life.

Until... one day, when I came home from get off work, I found him hanged in the living room...

It was not until that day that I finally saw the bruises and scars all over the child..."

When talking about this, Mayumi finally couldn't keep smiling to the camera anymore, her voice trembled and her tears couldn't hold back.

"You know, my child has endured 4 years of torture in school!

His father was a murderer and a drug dealer!

He is suffering from school violence!

His head was once pressed into the urinal in the toilet.

He was stripped naked and thrown into the snow!

Because his father was a criminal, the things he suffered were recognized. The teacher turned a blind eye. The school had never mentioned these things to me. Maybe they felt that I was just the wife of a criminal.

After that, I found out that the school's end time was not 5:30, but 4:30.

I rushed to the school, wanting to ask for an explanation, and strongly requested to watch the school's surveillance video.

Then...I found out that in the long school life, my child would be taken to the office by his head teacher every day after school, and would not come out until 1 hour later... ."

Speaking of this, Miss Mayumi suddenly covered her face and burst into tears uncontrollably.

"Do you know what he suffered during this hour?

every day!

He suffers from this every day!

He is really strong. He has endured so much. If it were me, I might have been unable to stand it a long time ago and committed suicide.

I wanted to report on his head teacher, but the school destroyed the surveillance video and concealed all crimes.

I hired a lawyer!

I found the police!

I rushed into the court!

But to this day husband, my children, they still die in pain, and their souls are still suffering.

I want to die too! I want to die every second!

But I am the only one left in the whole family!

If I die, then no one will know all this!

I! Only in this way to complain! Someone will listen!

I hope that my husband can be restored to police status.

I hope someone from the school can come out and apologize.

I hope those who tortured my child, abused, beaten, and molested him can say sorry to him.

I hope this video can be seen by more people.

I hope that what I said will appear on the screen on Times Square. For those things that have not been unjustified until today, someone should come out to explain, and those who should be punished must be punished.

This is the law that this world should have, not shielding, evasive, and letting the insignificant people self-destruct in helplessness!

I need all relevant personnel and departments to proactively acknowledge all what I have said, announce the truth, and fulfill all my demands.

Otherwise, the remaining 20 of us will seal the password together! "

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