Detective Training Manual

Chapter 488: Key words

"?" All the people on this level were taken aback.

   "Where is the sound?" The warden frowned and looked around.

   " seems to be broadcasting." A staff member who has been on the fourth floor of the basement all the year replied, and then pointed to a small speaker above his head.

Because prisoners with serious sentences are held here and they are relatively deep. Usually, except for some scientific researchers who apply for research and testing, no one has come down. Therefore, unless it is something more important that needs to be called, other information will be controlled by this small person. Passed by the horn.

   The warden frowned and looked at the horn: "This is...Is anyone talking to us?"

   "Yes, it may be that the prisoners in the riot above have found the communication room...but..." the staff member said and couldn't go on.

  Because he clearly heard the words from the small speaker just now... [Boiled water].

   What does this mean?

Even if a rioting prisoner finds that the fourth underground floor cannot be reached, he should say something like "You have no way to escape. Open the prison door quickly, or you will wait to be starved to death!" in the communicator. That’s right.

   Say [Boiled water] What do you want?

   Just when the rest of the people were also confused...

   "Potato Chips..." A word rang in the communicator again.

   "Potato chips? Did the speaker just say potato chips?" The warden did not believe his ears, and asked the person next to him.

   "Uh... it seems to be potato chips."

   Plain water and potato chips? What does it mean?

   Yes, these two phrases don't seem to have any meaning, but in the communication room, there are indeed people who are saying these words.

   and not only these words, then [ bottle...]

   Some meaningless words came out one after another from the little speaker.

   In this situation, these meaningless words seem a bit permeating.

"Turn off! Turn off this thing!" The warden did not know what would happen, but he subconsciously felt that things would go in a terrifying direction, so he hurriedly ordered the person next to turn off the horn .

   But these speakers are the same as the overhead lights, they are all embedded, and there is no unilateral turn off button.

   "Damn! What about the gun, shoot! Don't let him sound like a ghost!" Dr. Chen exclaimed.

During this period of time... the rest of Haimen Prison has been chaotic. The prisoners held weapons one by one, flaunting their majesty in the aisles of the prison area. Some of the guards who resisted were shot dead. Some surrendered and were imprisoned, while the rest retreated to the work area.

Oh, yes, the work area is the area where the interrogation room is located. The lunatic prisoner, as well as [Cook] Edwards, [Liar Eater] Gandhi, and the woman named [Xiao Nan] who pushed Gandhi in one episode are all there. Here.

   This is also the entire Haimen Prison. The only area that exists is still considered safe.

   But how long can it be safe? No one knows. Let's talk about the things here later.

I came to the communication room. At this moment, there is a person sitting here. It is Lu Zeng who hasn't shown up for a long time. Okay, I know he is actually Zhang Wei, but because this guy has been using it for a long time. [Lu Zeng] This name, in the eyes of the world, he also has a more image of [Lu Zeng], so here is better to call him Lu Zeng.

   After the prison riots, all the cells were opened, but after Lu Zeng walked out of the cells, he did not cheer and was not surprised that Haimen Prison could also riot.

He was very calm, as if he had known that there would be such a day.

He just walked out of the cell quietly and brushed past the crazy prisoners outside. He didn't go to grab guns, let alone fight the prison guards. He just walked quietly to the communication room and sat down alone. Then picked up the microphone and pressed the [-4f] button.

   When the button was pressed, his microphone was connected to the 4th floor underground, and he also paused word by word, speaking out the meaningless vocabulary very clearly.

On the 4th floor underground, the warden was still calling for the guards to shoot, but he called for a few seconds only to find that the guards who were about to shoot with their guns seemed to be sudden...stiffened. .

   This is a very strange feeling. At that time, the word [Crispy Biscuit] sounded from the horn, and as soon as the last word [Dry] fell, the surrounding guards were almost still for a while.

   "Hey! What are you doing? Hurry up and shoot!" the warden shouted.

   But those who froze did not respond to him.

   "Damn! What's wrong with you?!" the warden yelled angrily.

   At this moment...


   Finally, in the small speaker, the last word was pronounced.

  At this moment, the warden seemed to suddenly realize something...

   No matter what, Dr. Chen is also a Ph.D. in prison management. When he was in school, he achieved good results in all subjects.

   So, he vaguely remembered that when he was studying criminology, the teacher seemed to have talked about a particularly rare and even mysterious criminal technique.

  That is...hypnosis...

   Hypnosis is divided into many types, if divided according to time, it can be divided into [short-acting hypnosis] and [long-acting hypnosis].

Short-acting hypnosis takes a short time and works quickly, but it can only last for a few minutes or even a few The commonly used props are some feathers, cups, or pocket watches, as long as the person being hypnotized has one Staring at the props, the hypnotist can implant some information into the other's subconscious mind.

   Long-acting hypnosis is very slow to take effect. It often takes days, even weeks and months to complete a complete set of hypnosis. The duration of hypnosis is also very long. Sometimes, the hypnosis is completed, but the hypnotized person himself does not realize it. Hypnosis will only take effect when some so-called [keywords] are read in a certain order.

As for what happens after it takes effect, it depends on the ability of the hypnotized person. In theory, the hypnotized person can even be manipulated to accomplish things that are impossible by himself, such as making a height-feared patient dance on the edge of a building. some type of.

   In this underground cell, there are only a few staff members all year round, and in the innermost part, there is also a ‘psychiatrist’.

   Could it be...

   Dr. Chen's heart had jumped to his throat at this moment, he rushed to a guard, grabbed his gun, and wanted to shoot at the small horn on the ceiling.

   But... he is still a step slower...

  At this moment, all the stunned people suddenly moved. They broke away from their consciousness, quickly rushed to the switch of the prison door, and then slammed the [open] button of the prison door!


   There was a piercing metal rubbing sound...

   All the prison doors on the fourth basement floor!

   are all opened!


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