Detective Training Manual

Chapter 497: Hypnosis, with the florist

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Lin Xi and Zhou Yan looked behind them together, and then they saw that the small spark on the smoke...extinguished in a place where the light could not be illuminated.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "pop", it was the sound of the lighter being pressed, and a small flame sprang up. Just after smoking a cigarette, the man directly took out another cigarette and connected it.

And under the flame, he finally saw this person's face clearly.

A person who is extremely decadent.

The man should be about 40 years old. His hair is very greasy and very long. A rubber band is tied to the back of his head, but there are still a lot of hair drooping down on both sides of his forehead.

In addition, there is a beard on the chin that has been ignored for a long time, and the collar is wrinkled. It is obvious that this shirt has been passed on for many years, and the light of the flame is reflected in the slightly drooping eyes. .....

"What did you say?" Lin Xi asked.

"Hee--whee--" The man took a deep breath of cigarette, and then vomited out comfortably: "Hehe, it's not bad to ask who I am first. As expected of Lin Fan's daughter."

He didn't say [Prophet], but directly called Lin Xi's father's name.

This style and context caused Zhou Yan and Lin Xi to frown.

"I mean... he's playing the guitar." The man said slowly.

Zhou Yan turned his head back to the screen, his eyes fell on that strange gesture...

The index finger and ring finger clasped toward the palm, and the remaining three fingers stood up, a very 6+1 gesture.

Playing the guitar...The man's gesture is to play the guitar.

To be more precise, when playing the guitar, the right hand is placed on the guitar string to call the gesture of quasi-pitch.

"Playing the guitar...?" Zhou Yan was also stunned for a while: "What do you mean?"

The person in the shadow finally stood up and walked under the light. His height was very ordinary, similar to Zhou Yan, and his facial contours were extremely clear. It seemed to be a descent of some mixed East and West, if it weren't for this one. With a sloppy temperament, he should be very popular with girls.

"Literally, the man holding the camera is playing the guitar, or... he thinks he is playing the guitar."

At this moment, Lin Xi also cast his eyes on the screen, and slowed it down at a speed of 0.5 times.

Sure enough, if you imagine that this person happens to have a guitar in his hand, then his two hands should be placed on the screen... But in fact, there is no guitar at all, his hands are Volley posing.

"Hypnosis?" Lin Xi muttered after thinking for a few seconds.

"Haha, yeah, hypnosis..." The greasy uncle pinched a cigarette and said, "Before I came, I investigated this anti-camera person. He had a dream since he was very young. That is to be a rock singer and have worked hard for it before I was 22 years old.

He used to work hard to practice guitar, but you also know that for music, it is useless to work hard, and you have to be talented.

So after the age of 22, he did nothing. He could only put down his hobbies and started looking for a job. In this way, he became a videographer for a TV station. "

Zhou Yan's eyebrows were still not stretched: "So you want to say that this person was hypnotized, and someone made him think that he was playing the guitar now."

"Yes, and you look at it here." Uncle Decadent pointed to the finger of the camera brother who pulled the fuse in the picture: "His finger didn't'buckle' the fuse and pulled it out, but used'pinch'. So I suspect that at this moment, the brother didn’t know that he was pulling the safety catch. He thought that the thing in his hand was a pick of the guitar. He just wanted to draw the strings, but it caused Exploded."

Zhou Yan listened, and quickly rewinded the video and watched it a few times. Of course, the people in the screen did seem to be playing the guitar, but...this is too ridiculous, it will hypnotize people... ? ? Isn't hypnosis all a trick on TV?

In these few words, Uncle Decadent finished smoking the cigarette in his hand, and he subconsciously put his hand into his pocket, and then took out an empty pack of cigarettes.

"Tsk~" He chuckled his mouth uncomfortably: "You guys can do your job first, I'll go buy a pack of cigarettes... see you later if you have a chance."

After speaking, the man turned around and walked out of the monitoring room.

The remaining Lin Xi and Zhou Yan looked at the leaving back, with a dumbfounded expression, after a while.

"Um, who is this person?" Zhou Yan couldn't help asking.

The two monitoring room staff present also shook their heads.

The security team leader Gao scratched his head: "Uh, I don't know you, I don't know."

"Huh? You don't know? Then you, let him come in casually, and then sit in such an important monitoring room?" Zhou Yan asked suspiciously, and then pointed to the wall that said [No smoking 】’S sign: "And he can smoke casually?"

"Um..." Lao Gao was also very depressed: "Yes, we really don't know who he is, and he didn't say it. However, this guy has the highest level of the Detective Association's first level Investigation order'."

"Investigation order? What is that?"

Lin Xi thoughtfully explained: "A document similar to a'search warrant', only a relatively high-level detective will be granted. Within the validity period of the investigation order, the holder can freely enter and exit all crimes. The scene can even directly replace the original detective position of the case. The rest of the staff, the police, and even the detectives, must do their best to cooperate with the person holding the first-level investigation order. Under special circumstances, special police teams can even be dispatched. "

"Fuck? It sounds like is like a soldier's talisman in the detective world."

Lao Gao also nodded in distress, "Yes, this person came more than two hours earlier than you guys. He came in directly, and we didn't dare to stop him. Then he went into the monitoring room and watched. After monitoring it again, we just sat there smoking, we didn't dare to care, let alone ask who he was."

Lin Xi and Zhou Yan looked at each other, and they didn't seem to know what this person came from.

After a while, the two decided to focus on the case first...

"Hypnosis, do you use this method to drive people to commit crimes?" Lin Xi bowed his head and said, "Did you think of anyone?"

Zhou Yan also had a similar expression at this time: "Of course...that woman."

That's right, that woman, a young psychologist who was locked in the fourth basement of Haimen Prison, now that Haimen Prison failed, that woman must have regained freedom. Then, a hypnosis case happened. Between these events, There is definitely a connection.

And at this moment, in a flower shop next to the TV station headquarters in the 12 district...a young girl slowly opened the door of the flower shop...

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