Detective Training Manual

Chapter 529: Nowhere to hide...and, the landlord

The ghost was very fast, but did not make any sound. It seemed to flicker in the dark, and appeared behind the convenience store owner. With a wave of his slender arm, the owner didn’t even hum, and moved towards The ground fell down.

Then the ghost's movements were even quicker. Without waiting for the boss's body to touch the ground, he grabbed his body, leaped gently, and disappeared into the shadow of the street lamp.

The whole process was extremely fast, about three seconds, and there was no surveillance nearby. In short, there was no one on the street now, only a rolling door that had just fallen halfway down.

This road is really too remote. After 30 minutes, no one passed by, but after passing, there is a high probability that nothing unusual will be seen.

After another 5 minutes, finally, this road should have a customer, that is a woman, long hair is very soft, hanging from the sides of the face, just to block all sight except the front.

She was carrying a lady's bag, and her clothes were not conspicuous, but she came to the door of the convenience store and walked in...

"Wow!" A string of soft sounds.

The woman closed the roller blind from the inside of the convenience store.

After the roller shutter was completely lowered, the four characters [吉店出交] written in red paint on it finally appeared.

It turned out that this store was a bit unable to operate as early as half a month ago. At that time, the world was chaotic. This convenience store was not too small and its daily flow could not be maintained at all, so the owner closed the door.

Who would have thought that on New Year's Eve, the crisis in the whole world was suddenly lifted, so the boss came back to continue his business.

Of course, only the boss knows this idea. This street is not prosperous and there are no residential areas around, so in the eyes of passing pedestrians, this is a shop that is on the verge of closing down and is ready for foreign exchange. These few months , This kind of shop is everywhere.

But in this shop, there is enough food for one person, plenty of water, daily necessities, and one person closes the door and lives in it for a month, or even two months, which is more than enough. And the owner of this convenience store has no relatives or friends, just the kind of lonely people who are dead, as long as they don't find the body, no one will notice.

The combination of all these attributes makes this convenience store an excellent hiding place.

That's right, just when all the criminals were doing everything they could to prepare to escape the city, Wu Xin unexpectedly found a convenience store on the street, preparing to live in such a quiet, no worries about food and clothing.

This approach is utterly stupid, but she did just that.

Turning back to Zhou Yan's side, at this moment, he and Li Huan finally got a rare break for several months. The two of them watched the Spring Festival gala in the high-end residential area that has no residential property.

Zhou Yan has never been able to appreciate things like singing and dancing, so when singing and dancing on the screen, he was idle and opened the detective's notes.

I thought, in this world, it is the New Year, then in your world, what time is it?

However, as soon as I opened the book, there was no time to say Happy New Year, Zhou Yan was surprised, because a lot of text appeared densely in the book!

[Xianyin Cry Jiuyou: Zhang San is about to run, and he is driving along Highway 11 to the edge of the city, driving a freezer truck with 100 boxes of frozen food. Just released. 】

Zhou Yan stared at this passage in shock.

"Zhang...Zhang San? On Highway 11?"

For him, this message was undoubtedly a clue that he was not thinking about the New Year.

"Oh my God, you guys... really **** awesome!"

Zhou Yan didn't know what to say for a while, he stood up quickly, muttering in his mouth.

"What's the matter?" Li Huan looked at each other suspiciously.

But Zhou Yan has no time to explain. If what the brothers in the book said is true, then with Zhang San’s ability to drive, it is estimated that after a while, he will never be found again. This guy has a very good chance. This is a great man who can drive a six-bodied truck in the mountain forest area and can reach 200 or more.

So Zhou Yan quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Qin Hanwei's number. At this time, calling a general police officer may not be enough, and you must call an explosion-proof group.

"Hey, Qin Police Department! I...I found Zhang San!"

"What!" The Qin Police Department's voice suddenly rose a lot.

"Route 11, heading out of the city, has just been released. It is a freezer truck with a truck of frozen food!"

"give it to me!"

Qin Hanwei didn't have time to say thank you, so she hung up the phone. The entire conversation lasted only a few seconds, but Zhou Yan panted nervously.

Li Huan on the side was shocked when he heard Zhou Yan's words on the phone.

"Zhang...Zhang San? That super criminal?" Li Huan is now about to be promoted as a benchmark image of saving the world. Naturally, things like criminal clubs have long been heard.

Zhou Yan nodded, his brain humming.

If what the brothers said in the book is true, after Li Si, Zhang San will also be arrested?

Knowing this moment, Zhou Yan's gaze finally began to look at the bottom of the note.

With this look, he took another breath, who had just breathed out.

[Xianyin Qiujiuyou: Mrs. Qian just talked to the biggest aquatic product owner in 12 districts, and the private jet left 40 minutes later. Can this be intercepted? 】

Zhou Yan was so shocked that his jaw was about to fall.

That's not counting.

[Xianyinqiujiuyou: Wang Wuze will land in a port in Eastern Europe on a cruise ship that will set sail in an hour. Can you catch it?

Other small shrimps such as Lu Zeng and Li Lei are also preparing to leave the city, but there is no specific information. UU read to read Yao Xiaoxin's. Then on 75th Street, a convenience store that closed very early has a long and thin shadow behind the boss, ghost image? 】

Zhou Yan's fists are clenched, these few messages are almost doesn't know what to say, in short, he feels like he is following those legends now. Like the legendary detectives who fell from the sky, they can hide the world's most evil criminals at a glance.

But in the end...what the **** is this ghost? Is it the person who has been transformed?

[1234059473038737408: Zhou Yan, in a convenience store on 75th Avenue, there is a long and thin ghost. 】

"Well, it really seems to be him."

Anyway, no matter what, these news must be told to Qin Hanwei quickly, maybe on New Year's Eve, even the criminals club can be served to even the pot.

But just thinking about it, Zhou Yan suddenly noticed a message.

[Return to zero agreement: Zhou Yan, be careful, there is a wave of university coming, be optimistic about the landlord, and be sure of the landlord! ! 】

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