Detective Training Manual

Chapter 543: ......

This woman...dead.

It took two or three seconds for Zhou Yan to accept everything that his eyes saw.

He walked to the corpse tremblingly, and touched the pierced head.

It's really dead, it's not a trick, it's not makeup, or a prop.

It's just dead...

But why?

This woman spent so much thought and time, and finally got what she wanted.

She obviously succeeded, but...why did she commit suicide?

"Damn! Fuck!" Zhou Yan cursed a few words, and for a moment, he even wanted to shake the other person to tell her not to die, but he knew that it was impossible.

So, just like what Wu Xin said just now...In this world, there is finally only one person left in this world who still retains his memory.

Zhou Yan's heartbeat began to accelerate, and he began to panic.

He quickly got up and ran towards the police car behind him. He squeezed through the chaotic crowd and found Cheng Xiaoxiao who was fighting with a passerby amidst crying and roaring.

"Damn, don't fight!" He rudely tossed the two people away.

However, this action made Cheng Xiaoxiao and that person start to counterattack themselves.

Zhou Yan worked hard to withstand the fists of two people, shouting: "Cheng Xiaoxiao, your name is Cheng Xiaoxiao, I know who you are, don't fight, listen to me!"

But no matter how he shouted, Cheng Xiaoxiao still remained in a state of extreme panic.

It is no wonder that for a person who has lost his memory, he suddenly finds himself in a chaotic place, and everyone instinctively protects himself.

But Zhou Yan can’t let the process go. As Wu Xin said just now, Cheng Xiaoxiao’s hypnosis ability is comparable to her own. Is it possible to let Cheng Xiaoxiao hold a few books on hypnosis teaching and study for several years? , He can recall the memories of people in this world.

This is the only way Zhou Yan can think of at this stage.

So he ignored the pain on his body and rushed forward and threw him down: "Damn, you can be honest! Looking at my face, you can't remember a bit of the **** thing?!"

Almost in the next second, Zhou Yan got the answer.

Because Cheng Xiaoxiao was in panic, his hand accidentally hit a tire removal stick that had fallen from the car, and he slammed Zhou Yan's head.

"Boom!" There was a muffled sound.

Severe pain swept through the consciousness. The last picture Zhou Yan saw before he fell into a coma was Cheng Xiaoxiao who broke free of her arms and ran forward.

"Don't run...Don't..."

Finally, Zhou Yan fainted.


The chaotic, noisy sound did not know how long it lasted. When Zhou Yan opened his eyes, it was already daytime.

The air was full of the unique smell of fireworks set off last night, mixed with the smell of gasoline and dust. The pain in the back of his head had not gone away. Zhou Yan struggled to get up. This action made him vomit a lot of acid water.

The blood from his head should have stuck to his eyes, and he worked hard to rub it away, but the world was still a little blood red.

On the highway, the traffic was jammed to an unimaginable point, some of which looked like apocalyptic scenes in zombie movies.

And people... don't know where they went.

Zhou Yan walked a few steps forward with difficulty. He saw a corpse, one torn to pieces, with blood on his face, he should have died in the chaos of last night.

What about people...

Where is Li Huan?

Where is Linxi?

Where is the Qin Police Department?

Where's the police?

Oh, and what about Cheng Xiaoxiao?

Reason told Zhou Yan that they shouldn't be nearby anymore.

What should we do now? what should I do?

Lost and helpless once again enveloped Zhou Yan, he subconsciously put his hand into his pocket, he wanted to take out the "Detective Notes", he wanted to see if the brothers in the book would give himself some hint.

Suddenly, Zhou Yan stayed in place.

He realized at this moment... his coat was missing!

He was wearing a shirt, standing in the middle of the road, detective more!

It should be that in the chaos last night, someone's clothes were torn off during the fight, and then that person took off Zhou Yan's clothes, put them on his body, and fled in a direction that no one knew.

For the first time in a long time, Zhou Yan left that book.

I don't know if it was because of hunger, Zhou Yan suddenly felt extremely weak, he staggered, supported a car, and slowly sat on the ground.

He took out a cigarette...Fortunately, the cigarette was in the pocket of his pants, and he didn't lose it.

He lit a cigarette, and the pungency entered his lungs with the cold morning air. This could even be regarded as a kind of pain, but Zhou Yan did not react at all. He just sat like this...

I don't know how long it took. The cold made Zhou Yan's body feel uncomfortable. He got up, found a coat in a car, and put it on himself.

He walked in a certain direction along the road. Along the way, he saw a few dead bodies and a few living people. They seemed to have locked themselves in the car, looking through the window, full of hostility and fear. Walking by Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan didn't go to say hello to these people, just passed by.

Go, go, after more than two hours, Zhou Yan finally walked off the road. He saw a supermarket on the side of the road. The glass was broken. He stepped through the window, walked in, and took it on the shelf. Some food.

He didn't even choose, he just took some. His brain told him that these were edible, and he followed the instinct of life to draw energy and stuffed it into his mouth, but he didn't feel the taste of the food at all.

Halfway through, a person also rushed into the store. He hurriedly held up some things, and then ran out. Zhou Yan didn't even look up at the other person.

The big city finally became strange again.

In the following period of time, Zhou Yan broke free from despair several times. He felt that he should have the ability to change the world back, at least not as chaotic as it is now.

He decides to go to the radio station or TV station to speak to the camera and tell people not to panic. It is best to get everyone together so that he can give them a lecture on basic survival after amnesia.

The traffic was half-paralyzed. It took Zhou Yan two days to get to the TV station alone.

As he planned, he recorded some things, studied the broadcasting system of the TV station, and finally broadcast these things on the fifth day.

Zhou Yan thought very simple. The people in this city should be out of the panic period. Even if they haven't, there should be a few sane people among them who can respond to their call.

day after day.

Zhou Yan didn't know how long it had passed, maybe even a week, but no one responded.

Finally, at around 7 o'clock in the evening one day, hum! ! There was a loud noise.

The whole city fell into darkness.

With no one to maintain the power system, something went wrong. Darkness enveloped the entire city, and screams and panic sounds came from outside the window. Those who hid seemed to have no idea what was going on.

No electricity... everything seemed to slow down.

Zhou Yan's plan obviously couldn't go on. He hugged his head in the dark, struggled for a while, and finally cried.

He cried for a long time, until the lack of oxygen in the brain made him fall asleep.

The morning sun awakened him, Zhou Yan regained his confidence and walked out of the TV station.

Fortunately, the chaos of the world made food and water readily available. Zhou Yan had enough food to maintain his next solution.

He was wondering whether he should grab a few people forcibly and let them listen to himself.

Or, do you have to wait for a while, maybe this kind of amnesia is just a lack of self-cognition, but knowledge and other things are still retained, which means that people will eventually gather together again with human wisdom to form some Small groups, and then slowly, it takes a few years to make society work again.

He just thought, thought.

Suddenly... an idea that surprised Zhou Yan appeared in his mind.

"If...I am amnesia too, that would be great..."

If I am amnesia, I won’t have these troubles. I will hide somewhere like other people in this world, waiting in horror or dazed. I will be like a relaxed new species. Exploring this new world may be difficult, but at least I won’t be trapped like I am now.

At this moment, Zhou Yan seemed to understand that obsessiveness with this kind of thing is indeed a nasty thing at some point.

However, Zhou Yan couldn't lose his memory after all, so he could only twist it like this.

The new world is full of adventures and a brand new beginning. In his eyes, it is actually just a puddle of mud. He walks in this mud, eats something when he is hungry, and finds a relatively safe place to sleep when he is sleepy.

Several times when Zhou Yan woke up early in the morning, he came to the roof and looked at the world under his feet. He found that he wanted to jump off. Several times he had already crossed the guardrail with one foot, but he finally took it back.

Then, continue to return to the days before, stop and go, hoping that one day he can find someone he once knew, find the lost book, or even he doesn't know what he is looking forward to. UU reading

Zhou Yan didn't know how long this kind of life would last, and if it was long enough, would he be lost in a moment.

Death...This is a subtle word. If a person dies, then he will be separated from the world, but the world still exists.

So, if the other way round is to destroy the whole world, only that person is left... then is this person alive or dead?

This kind of absurd question... Zhou Yan actually had time to think about it.

One day, one week, one month... After all, the change Zhou Yan was waiting for did not appear. He realized his insignificance. In the environment of the collapse of the entire society, he wanted to save by himself, really. too naive.

In early spring, the weather was warmer...

On this day, Zhou Yan was still walking on the street, searching.

Then... he saw a bar...

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