Detective Training Manual

Chapter 87: Wake up

   After a long time...


   Suddenly, Zhou Yan opened his eyes!

   He swishes and gets up, subconsciously touches his neck and back of his head, and then fumbles his whole body up and down again.

   Finally, he muttered with a puzzled look: "Hey? I'm not dead?"

   After confirming that there were no missing parts on his body, and no more holes, Zhou Yan finally turned his attention to the surroundings.

   He found that he still seemed to be lying in the room below the perverted girl.

   It’s just that the visibility is much better now than before, because some of the sunlight is coming in through the gaps in the windows.

   "It's daytime?" Zhou Yan frowned.

   It's actually already in the afternoon, and Zhou Yan has been in a coma for more than 12 hours.

   In the next second, he discovered another thing that surprised him.

   "Hey? Where's that corpse?"

   Yes, the floor in front of me was empty, there was not even a trace of blood, but there was a corpse lying here just before I fell into a coma.

   "Damn, what's up?!"

   Zhou Yan got up...

   After this night, his physical strength seems to have recovered a lot.

   Now that he could move, he didn't hesitate anymore, took up the notes on the ground, and then hurried to the place of the steps...He tried his best to lighten his steps and walked up cautiously.

   At the end of the steps, there was a small partition door, Zhou Yan gently pushed it open.

   The bright sunshine came in from the gap.

   Zhou Yan, who hadn't seen the light for a long time, couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

   Looking out from the gap, Zhou Yan found that this small door was in a corner of the girl's bedroom. In my memory, it seemed that there was a hanger there, but it has now been removed.

   Zhou Yan pressed his breath and sniffed very carefully.

no taste......

   Yesterday, the smell that made people brainy was gone.

   Zhou Yan had the courage and climbed the bedroom door and looked outside.

   There is no one.

   However, Zhou Yan found a mobile phone on the coffee table in the living room.

   is my own.

   Zhou Yan walked over and picked up the phone...

   As for what is he going to do?

   Nonsense, of course it is to the police!

  Although according to the woman's perverted method, there will be no traces left here in all likelihood, but she still has to call the police.

   At the very least, try that lumino reaction. I remember that when she dragged the body yesterday, the ground was stained with blood.

   Zhou Yan clicked on the screen of the phone.

   Immediately, it was a glimpse...

   Because he actually saw that his mobile phone screen was replaced, and the current screen was actually that abnormal girl.

   She seems to be holding her mobile phone, taking a cute selfie, and then acting as a prank, she directly sets the photo as the background of the screen, just like a childish act often done between couples.

   Uh...Don't tell me, it looks really good when you look at it this way.

   "Hey hey hey, are you crazy?" Zhou Yan shook his head quickly: "This is a pervert, the skin is more beautiful, have you forgotten what you experienced yesterday?"

   After Zhou Yan shook his mind about the desperate thoughts, he quickly found a place with a better signal and called the police.

   This is already the second time he makes a call, so he keeps an eye on it.

   He directly told the police station about yesterday, plus today's situation, and also specifically explained that now it looks like nothing happened in this room.

   also mentioned that if you try the blood reaction, you should be able to find out something. I also asked the police department to try if they could contact a Sherlock-level super detective, saying that there is a super pervert here that needs a high-level person to deal with it.

   But as he talked, Zhou Yan himself felt that his words sounded like making up.

   However, the operator is very professional. Even though he said nothing, he still conscientiously asked Zhou Yan about the specific situation and wrote down the address accurately.

   Just when everything was finished, when the police station also said that they would let the nearby police come to check it out as soon as possible... Zhou Yan suddenly remembered something.

   He asked the operator for a report mailbox.

   Then...posted the photo of the perverted **** the phone.

   Anyway, this is an important clue. If those super detectives see this girl's appearance, they will definitely notice this incident.

   After finishing all these things, Zhou Yan...he left the girl’s room and walked to the next door, the rental house where he lived before.

   What surprised Zhou Yan again was that the big cardboard box in this room was gone.

   Nothing in the room has changed, except that the cardboard box with the letter disappeared. It's as if that thing never existed.


   Zhou Yan looked at the messy bedroom in a daze: "Heh~"

   He suddenly smiled Obviously, this must be done by the abnormal girl.

   If she cleaned up the murder scene because she didn't want the police to make trouble for herself, then taking away the cardboard box full of letters, she definitely didn't want other people to know about the fat melon.

   However, even if I told others that a letter would fall from the void and hit my head, who would believe it?

   Zhou Yan sighed, was silent for a short while, banged, and closed the door.

   Then, walked downstairs.

   Well, yes, he didn't choose to stay here.

  The letter is gone, and he is guarding the messy rental house, and it is impossible to find any other clues.

As for the corpse... I have already told the police about everything. It’s useless to stay here. If the police do not find out anything when the time comes, then I think I’ve reported to the police. It's too uncomfortable.

   Zhou Yan went downstairs.

   Outside, it was still that narrow and depressed alley. The trash cans are still full and no one cleans them up.

   Nothing has changed, this night, it seems like a ridiculous dream.

at this time......


   The phone in Zhou Yan's pocket rang.

   He answered the phone.

   I found out that the person who called was Lin Xi.

   Zhou Yan suddenly realized something.

   It was because of him that he had been missing all this day and night.

   In the upper left corner of the phone screen, the number of missed calls has reached 21!


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