Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 643: The simultaneous deaths of twin brothers

The case was a bit confusing from the start.

Not only did he attack a strange woman, but he was so afraid and kept begging for mercy in the face of Maori Kogoro's help.

In the end, he even ran away at the risk of falling into a high-rise building and died. All this is not very common sense.

"Miss Nan Lixun, right?"

After a brief moment of doubt, Mu Mu looked at the aggressive Nan Lixun and said, "Please forgive me for being rude. Although you registered this name, your real name should be called Kanako?"

"Ah?" Nan Lixun looked at Mu Mu with a puzzled look upon hearing this, not knowing what the other party was talking about.

"Officer Mumu, she didn't see Kanako." Kogoro Mori waved his hand and explained, "I've seen Mrs. Galina's photo, it's not her."

"Oh, did that person see that Kanako was the wife of the deceased?" Officer Megumi asked after hearing the words.

"He is the younger brother of Matsuichiro, and the wife of Takehiko." After Kogoro Mori explained, he looked at Officer Mumu in puzzlement: "By the way, the police department, why do you think like this?"

"We checked Matsuichiro's phone number before, and the last time he called before his death was Mimi Kanako's wife." Megumi explained.

"On the phone..." Maori Kogoro asked thoughtfully: "Police Department, I don't know when the call was made?"

"11:20." Mu Mu glanced at the information on the book and said.

"At this time, I should have a clue..." Mouri Kogoro said, taking out his camera and calling up two photos for everyone to see.

In the photo, it was seen that Matsushiro entered the bathroom at 11:10, and walked out of the bathroom with a solemn expression at 11:30.

Combined with this call, the other party took the opportunity to call when he was going to the bathroom.

"That, I don't know if you have finished asking..." Nan Lixun looked at the landline phone on the side and immediately looked at everyone and said, "I'm really sorry, I want to be alone..."

"Sister Nanli, did you mention Mr. Anxi just now?"

At this moment, Conan smiled and asked, "Sister Xiaolan and I met you in front of the counter and asked anxiously whether there is a Mr. Anxi who is depositing things here."

"I do know Mr. Anxi." Nan Lixun said calmly, "But does this have anything to do with the case?"

"Ah...I don't know..." Conan was stopped by the question, and he could only scratch his head in embarrassment.

The conversation ended here. Nan Lixun directly got up to see the guest this time. Without any evidence, the group really couldn't do anything to the other party, so they had to leave the other party's room and let him calm down.

"Really, he actually said that he didn't know anyone to meet Matsichiro. It's just a series of lies." Kogoro Mouri muttered while sitting on the sofa in the hall.

"It's also possible that she really doesn't know her." Tang Ze replied casually while checking the photos of Kogoro Mouri who had secretly taken a photo of Matsuichiro.

When he observed Nan Lixun's reaction before, he felt that the other party's reaction when he mentioned this person was very real, and there was no sign of concealment or disguise at all.

On the contrary, when Conan mentioned that Mr. Anxi, her expression became unnatural for a moment, and she avoided talking about Conan's questions, and answered Conan's questions with questions.

And taking advantage of this time, Tang Ze also roughly browsed the photos.

Photos can be roughly divided into three aspects.

One is a photo of Hikari Matsuichiro kneeling beside the pool begging a man lying on a beach chair for mercy.

The other is the photo of the other party sitting alone in the hall after saying goodbye to the man.

After the photo of the other party going to the bathroom to steal a phone call, there is nothing too strange except for a young handsome guy in a blue shirt who seems to also go to the bathroom and enter the bathroom.

At most, when I walked out, it seemed that something bad happened, and my face was a little ugly.

"Huh? This photo is a bit strange." Tang Ze suddenly flipped to one, and said strangely.

"Well? What's so strange?" Kogoro Mauri hurriedly came over after hearing the words, and found that he secretly took a photo of Matsuichiro making a phone call at a public phone booth.

"I remember I remember seeing that Matsujiro should have a mobile phone with him." Tang Ze explained: "But you see that he is using a public phone to call people now."

"Maybe it's because of the poor signal." Kogoro Mori once again said his usual useless reasoning.

Just looking at a woman on the phone around him, his remarks seem to have no credible basis.

"Could it be that there is someone he contacts that is inconvenient to use his mobile phone to contact?" Ayako asked uncertainly.

"But there is such a possibility." Tang Ze nodded, and he and Conan were more inclined to this possibility.

However, before the group could continue to discuss this issue, Officer Mu Mu, who was on the side, hurried over.

"Oops!" Officer Mumu said in a panic as soon as he ran over: "Hey, look at the TV over there."

Hearing the words, several people couldn't help but cast their eyes on the public TV in the hall. At this moment, a brown high-rise apartment was showing on the TV screen, and the host's narration came next.

"This is an apartment building in Cupido, and it is also the scene of this murder. The male deceased lived on the second floor of this apartment..."

Just looking at the photo of the deceased who jumped on the TV, the group no longer paid too much attention to listening to the news.

Because the photo of the person in that photo looks exactly the same as Tomi Matsichiro except for the hairstyle!

The news was so shocking that they never thought that just after seeing Matsichiro's death, they got the news that his younger brother Takehiko was also dead.

At this time, Kogoro Mouri also revealed a piece of news, that is, his client is Hitokami Takehiko!

Before, Kogoro Mouri never disclosed the client's information, because as a detective, he wanted to keep the employer's information confidential, but now that the client has been killed, there is no need to keep it secret anymore.

"Brother Mouri, I don't know what Takehiko is entrusting you to investigate?" Officer Meguro looked at Kogoro Mouri on the sofa and asked.

At this moment, the group has moved to the reception room of the hotel. After all, the previous public places were really not suitable for talking about the case.

"It's a behavioral investigation."

Maori Kogoro said with a serious look: "Mr. Takehiko told me that his brother Matsichiro used the fact that they are twins with the same appearance, and used this to pretend to be his identity to swindle outside and do business with many people."

"That's what happened..." Mu Mu nodded when he heard the words: "I don't know if there is any real evidence?"

"I haven't found it yet, but according to my investigators in the past few days, I saw that Matsichiro did owe a lot of money outside."

Mouri Kogoro said, "Tang Ze criminals should have seen it on the camera. The man in the swimming pool was urging him to pay back the money."

"It's this one." Tang Ze heard the words and found the picture in the camera and showed it to everyone.

In the photo, a man wearing a green Hawaiian shirt is holding a wine glass arrogantly, while Hitoichiro is kneeling beside him with a begging expression.

"Is there a way to pay back the money when people see Song Ichiro coming to the Rice Blossom Hotel today?" Tang Ze guessed.

"We have already sent someone to investigate this aspect." Officer Mu Mu said, "If there are photos, we will be able to find the other party soon."

"It's just that what I'm concerned about now is that the two brothers will die at the same time." Tang Ze touched his chin and said, "I feel like there's something hidden behind this..."

"It must be a spiritual connection!" Xiaolan on the side said suddenly when she heard the words.

"Hey, what are you saying all of a sudden?" Kogoro Maori looked at his daughter speechlessly and said, "We are discussing the case, don't talk about those crazy things."

"But how do you explain that both of their brothers died at the same time."

Xiaolan said with a serious face: "Although it can be said to be a pure coincidence, I always feel that things are not that simple. Maybe fate is playing tricks on their brothers."

"Spiritual connection..." Tang Ze smiled and said, "It's a theory put forward by psychologist Jung, but it's just a theory that hasn't been clearly confirmed."

"But some things are really hard to explain." Xiaolan smiled and gave an example: "Look at the three of us, Tang Zexun and Dad, didn't we meet at the same time in this hotel?"

'No, no, we were gathered together simply because of the "death physique"...'

Tang Ze complained in his heart that although he felt that the murder case must still be carried by Conan's goods, but he was able to participate in this case by such a coincidence, I am afraid it has something to do with his stupid talent.

Now that Tang Ze has accepted his fate, isn't it a "death physique"? If there is one, there will be. In some respects, this may also be a good thing...

At least there are rewards, and some difficult cases will not be unsolved or dealt with unexpectedly.

At least it's a good thing!

The trigger of the murder case has nothing to do with me, Tang Ze, it's all the fault of the "death" Conan!

As for the coincidences that Xiaolan said, there is no such thing. After all, this is a case triggered by Conan.

It was Maori Kogoro who saw Matsuichiro's death. Although it can be determined that it was an accident, 80% of the time there is a secret behind it.

There is also Nan Lixun who was attacked. Why this stranger was involved in the case could not be just bad luck.

Coupled with the fact that Zhuyan's death was seen, there must be a connection behind the three cases, but there are too few clues at present, and no connection has been found.

It is impossible to change things just by thinking about it or not. Tang Ze and his party drove towards the scene of the crime after learning about the client's meeting with Takehiko at Mouri Kogoro.

When Tang Ze and his party arrived at the apartment at the scene of the crime, the criminals at the scene had already checked the scene of the crime, and they were now reporting the information they had investigated.

The deceased saw that Takehiko had died at the entrance where he had just entered the door. The door was locked, and there was no sign of picking the lock after inspection.

Tang Ze also looked at the keyhole and found that the keyhole was in the shape of a five-pointed star, which was one of the more difficult security.

The interior was very messy, and the windows were smashed from the outside, it looked like a thief had invaded from the outside.

Judging from the situation at the scene, it should be that the thief took advantage of the fact that no one in the house smashed the window and stole something. At this time, Ren Jian Zhuyan happened to enter the door and went home. He was afraid that the thief who was discovered would attack and kill Ren Jian Zhuyan directly at the entrance.

It looked like a complete accident, nothing suspicious.

However, Tang Ze had long believed that it must be related to the case. Seeing that there were no clues, he was not in a hurry, but patiently carried out the investigation bit by bit.

At this moment, he is questioning the first discoverer of the case, the wife of the deceased man, Kanako, together with Officer Megumi.

"Mrs. Kanako, you said that you opened the door when you came home from the outside at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and found that your husband was killed, so you immediately called the police, right?" Officer Mumu confirmed.

"That's right." Mrs. Kanako nodded with a low expression.

"Then where did you go before that?" Officer Mumu continued to ask.

"Go to Rice Flower Town."

Everyone was shocked when they heard Kanako's words, but when they saw the group's surprised reaction, Kanako looked at everyone with a puzzled look and said, "Then...Is there any problem?"

"Is this some kind of spiritual connection..." Mouri Kogoro murmured while touching his chin. UU reading

"That's right. We were in the Rice Flower Hotel in Rice Flower Town before, and Mr. Matsichiro Hitoichi fell to his death at the Rice Flower Hotel."

The bad news that Tang Ze said instantly made Kanako's face turn pale.

"How could this happen, is this true?" Seeing Kanako covering her mouth, she couldn't believe it.


Officer Mumu looked at Kanako Tomiami and asked, "Mrs. Kanako, is the main purpose of your visit to Mihua Town just to meet Matsichiro Tomiami?

We have checked the call log on his phone before, and it shows that he has called you. "

"That's it..."

Hearing the words of the police officer Megumi, Kanako nodded and admitted it.

"I don't know if you can tell us, what exactly is he looking for you?" Tang Ze asked.

"It's like this. Brother Matsushiro has always wanted to reconcile with my husband, so he hopes that I can help as a middleman."

After seeing Kanako finish speaking, he began to explain the ins and outs of this.

It turned out that the two brothers had been working in their father's company before, so naturally there would be disputes over who would inherit the position of president.

Later, their father died, and Kanako's husband, Takehiko, became the president, which naturally caused dissatisfaction with his elder brother Matsichiro. The two had a dispute and her husband fired Matsichiro.

After that, Songichiro also opened a club, but it soon closed down, and he himself owed a whole lot of debt.

And just a few days ago, it was seen that Matsushiro came to the house and begged his younger brother to lend him money, but Takehiko ruthlessly refused.

In order for the two brothers to be able to reconcile, she secretly found each other, and left him her phone number at the next meeting, and gave him the key to the home.

And today's call is for that too.

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