Developing Pokemon, Sister Zhou Was Bitten By A Dog And Got Out Of The Circle

Chapter 65 I'm Going! Four Or Two Strokes? Does Your Makuhita Know Tai Chi?

Although she was overshadowed by the vine tree, Zhou Shu was not worried.

She immediately ordered Combusken to launch a counterattack.


Zhou Shu also said.


Combusken, who received the order, spewed out fiery waves of flames directly towards the charging Machop.

The flames are extremely fast!

In addition, after spraying out, the coverage area is large.

This time, the entire Machop is directly covered~.

Facing Combusken's Flamethrower, Machop was hit directly.


Growl came from Machop's mouth.

Under the burning of the Flamethrower, it suffered serious damage.

Although he was not directly taken away by the blow, only a thin trace of 'blood' was left in his physical strength

"Last blow, solve it!"

"Quick Attack!"

Zhou Shu also continued to give orders.


Combusken directly turned into a white Spark.

Its body went straight towards Machop, who was on one knee, burned by the Flamethrower.


The sound of Tackle is coming!

Machop's body was directly thrown out by Combusken, and landed in front of Vine Tree.


Seeing Machop who was seriously injured in front of him, Fujiki expressed concern.

Then, he saw his own Machop rolling his eyes.

Obviously lost the ability to fight.

"Machop fights can't!"

The winner of this battle is Combusken!"

Also at this time!

The referee announced the result of the battle and announced the victory of Liji.

"Come back, Machop!"

Fujiki took out the Poké Ball and took back his Machop.

"What a raging wave!"

"But I like big waves like this!"

Looking at Zhou Shuyi and Combusken in front of him, he said to himself.

After collecting Machop's Poké Ball.

He took out another Poké Ball and released his second Pokémon.

"Come out, Makuhita!"

next moment!

I saw a whole body yellow, with hands like black boxing gloves.

A Pokémon with a 'napkin' around its neck and a 'bow tie' on its head appears.

"The length is not bad!"

"A bit cute!"

Looking at Makuhita in front of her, Zhou Shuyi's eyes lit up.

Compared to the Meditite, which looks like a head of garlic, and the Machop, which has all the skinny bones.

Makuhita, definitely looks bigger and cuter!

This gave her the idea of ​​taming a Makuhita!

"My Makuhita, not only looks good!"

"The strength is even more powerful!"

Hearing Zhou Shuyi's comments, Shushu healed Weiwei repeatedly.

"That's right!"

Zhou Shu also glanced at the Pokédex in her hand, and nodded slightly.

Good guy!

This Makuhita's level is actually as high as he guessed before.


If it wasn't for his Combusken to brush up a wave of disciples from the Dewford Gymnasium, he would have risen to LV20.

This time, Combusken's level will be tied by Makuhita.

Thinking about it this way, Zhou Shuyi suddenly became a little bit petty!

Shouldn't it, when laying down a gymnasium.

The level of the gym owner’s Trump Card Pokémon should be higher than that of his main Pokémon!

It seems that she really needs to level up after that!

There are NPC Trainers to brush NPC Trainers!

No NPC Trainer spawns wild Pokémon!

"Attack first and I'll take it!"

"Makuhita, use jiji!"

Fujiki gave orders to Makuhita and launched the first attack.

Fake Out is the move with the highest priority.

If you use this trick, you must go first.

Even if it is Quick Attack, Extrreme Speed ​​and other moves that are 'must go first'.

In front of Fake Out, you must also stay behind.

However, Fake Out also has one of its biggest weaknesses.

That is, it is only applicable to the first round after the Pokémon appears.

If used in other rounds, it will definitely fail.

It can be said that this is a "mixed joy and sorrow" move.


Makuhita charged towards Combusken.

"Combusken, Flamethrower!"

Zhou Shuyi is going to use the Flamethrower to repel the incoming Makuhita as before, and severely damage it.

However, this time she was a little miscalculated.

She hasn't had time to check Makuhita's moves, and she doesn't know the power of Fake Out yet.

This time, he directly suffered a dumb loss.

Even with Combusken, this time also suffered a big loss.

Waiting for it to spit out flames from its mouth.

Makuhita had already arrived, swung the palm of his glove, and smacked his face.


The beaten Combusken screamed again and again.

Even its Flamethrower, was interrupted by Makuhita before it could breathe out.

If it weren't for Fake Out's damage, it wouldn't be very high.

It is bound to suffer heavy injuries after being beaten in a row.


"How could it be so fast!"

"Combusken's Flamethrower doesn't even work!"

Seeing Combusken who was slapped in the face, Zhou Shuyi was startled.

She was surprised by Makuhita's Fake Out.

After seeing the introduction of Fake Out on Pokédex.

Only then did she understand the reason.

This trick can actually make Pokémon cringe Contest Condition.

It is no wonder that Combusken had difficulty launching a counterattack and could only be forced to take a beating.

Poor Combusken, this was beaten for nothing.

The most important thing is......... was slapped in the face!

Presumably, Combusken at the moment must be Fiery Wrath.

I don't know that beating someone doesn't slap your face, but slapping your face hurts your self-esteem?

For this point, it’s just as good if you switch to a ‘chicken’!


After pumping the Combusken.

Makuhita did not give Combusken a chance to fight back.

It took a step back, about to distance itself from Combusken.

However, Combusken will not let it go.

As Zhou Shuyi thought!

It was very angry at the moment when it was slapped in the face.

Even, it was about to explode.

So much so that its eyes seemed to be ablaze with flames.


Seeing that Combusken looked anxious, waiting for his order to beat Makuhita.

Zhou Shuyi immediately let Combusken launch a counterattack.


From Combusken's mouth, a large piece of flame spewed out immediately, heading towards Makuhita.

The move that was interrupted by Makuhita just now and could not be displayed was finally used by it now.

Makuhita, who was right in front of him, was immediately burned by Combusken.


Feel the heat and pain of the flames.

From Makuhita's mouth, Growl soon came.

Just, judging from its miserable Growl.

Combusken's Flamethrower, seems to do limited damage to it.

At least, it's not as heavy as the damage suffered by the force just now.

There may be a reason for the level!

However, there seem to be other reasons that are unknown.

"Is it Thick Fat Ability?"

After checking Makuhita's Ability with Pokédex.

Zhou Shu also understood the reason.

A Pokémon with the Thick Fat Ability.

When receiving damage from the two Attribute moves of ice and fire.

The thick fat in their bodies can help them resist the two forces of ice and fire to a certain extent.

This also makes!

The damage they receive will be halved.

This made Zhou Shuyi want to complain!

As for the Ice Type moves, she is easy to understand.

The cold solidifies the fat, which makes it hard to help resist injury and such.

However, switch to Fire Type moves.

When fire encounters fat, won't it burn more vigorously, thus causing more damage to oneself?

Is it okay because the internal fat cannot be burned?

Zhou Shuyi's little brain can't figure out the reason behind it.

"That's right!"

"It's Thick Fat Ability!"

"The Fire Type moves can't cause too much damage in front of Makuhita!"

Fujiki smiled complacently.

No huge damage from Fire Type moves!

This time, Combusken can only use melee moves to compete with Makuhita.

And this is what Makuhita is best at!

As the head of the Fighting Gymnasium, he is not afraid of anyone in close combat.

"Then hit Close Combat!"

"Combusken, Double Kick!"

Zhou Shu also changed the order.


Combusken stopped the flames in his mouth, turned and kicked hard at the lower curtain in front of him.

"Well done!"

Dodge and use Force Palm!"

Fujiki was delighted to see Lie Xin, and let Makuhita go up to meet him.


Makuhita ducked to dodge Combusken's kick, and Hitomi slammed into Liwangji's belly.

With its mighty power!

Combusken's body was directly thrown out by the bullet and hit the ground heavily.


Combusken screamed.

Under this blow, it was seriously injured.


at the same time!

There was also a scream from Makuhita's mouth.

Then I saw a paw print on its shoulder.

That's Combusken's paw print!

Although Makuhita did escape Combusken's Double Kick, he only escaped Combusken's first kick.

Combusken's second kick still landed on its shoulder, causing it a little damage.


"Is it still hit?"

"Double Kick, it's really difficult to deal with!"

Fujiki was slightly startled.

Sure enough, Combusken, who has an advantage in speed, is still a bit tricky to deal with.


When Fujiki was startled.

Combusken stood up from the ground.

The new order was also issued by Zhou Shuyi, and launched an attack on Makuhita.


The anger brought by the pain made Combusken swiftly slash towards Makuhita.

The claw light flashed like a knife light, and it was about to fall on Makuhita's body.

"Arm Thrust!"

Fujiki ordered Makuhita to fight back.

Immediately Makuhita opened his hands, facing Combusken who was coming towards him in front of him, and continuously pushed hard!

Immediately, under Zhou Shuyi's astonished eyes, something incredible happened.

Makuhita's Arm Thrust pushed Combusken's hands away easily.

0......seeking flowers......

Or in other words, call


This also makes!

Combusken's Cut, failed to hit Makuhita once.

On the contrary, it was Makuhita's Arm Thrust, after pushing away Combusken's hands, it blasted directly at Combusken's chest.

Under a series of bombardments.

Combusken hit Betty again and flew out.

Fortunately, Combusken adjusted his posture in the air this time.

It was not knocked to the ground, but landed firmly on the ground.


"Four or two to pull a thousand catties?"

"This is really Tai Chi!"

"Damn it, Makuhita also knows Tai Chi?"

"Is there such a move in Makuhita's moves, or does Makuhita have mastered Tai Chi?"

See this scene.

In particular, I worked hard on the scene where I pushed Wan's hands away with both hands.

The fans were all stunned.

Immediately, one by one exclaimed, their faces full of disbelief.

What did they see?

A Pokémon using... Taichi?

Or to put it another way, because of his extreme skills!

"I just said why it looks so familiar!"

"It turned out to be the four-two-thousand-thousand-jin in Tai Chi!"

See the barrage of fans.

Zhou Shuyi also reacted belatedly.

What the hell!

My God!

Makuhita actually knows Tai Chi?

This is not a move that Makuhita himself has mastered!

The moves of Makuhita retrieved from the Pokédex do not have this move.

That is to say!

This is the Tai Chi mastered by Makuhita himself, who turned it into a skill and used it in his own battle.

How can you still do that?

Thinking of this, Zhou Shuyi was shocked again.

this this this...

What kind of existence did Qi Yang create?

Probably not, there are Pokémon who can subdue the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon or other martial arts in the future!

Zhou Shu is also delusional!

"Did you find out?"

Seeing Zhou Shu also directly stated the key to the technique used by Makuhita.

Fujiki was slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Shuyi also understood Tai Chi and saw the techniques used by Makuhita.

"That's right!"

Zhou Shu also nodded slightly.

"Since you discovered it, then we won't hide it!"

"What I'm really good at is the technique of overcoming rigidity with softness!"

"Tai Chi is one of Makuhita's compulsory courses!"

"Even surfing with Makuhita every day is about taking Makuhita one step further from the waves!"

Fujiki had a showdown.

"You are awesome!"

Hearing what Tengshu said, Zhou Shu was also a little speechless.

It’s Tai Chi and Surf, how can it train Pokémon so well?

If it wasn't for Fujishu being the owner of the gymnasium, she really didn't bring the letter!

"Ha ha--"

"Thanks for the compliment!"

Fujiki laughed indifferently.

"Next, savor this power of Makuhita to your heart's content!"

As soon as the words fell, Fujiki's eyes became serious.

At the moment when the details were 'exposed'.

He has decided to go all out!

"Makuhita, Arm Thrust!"

Vine tree shouted lightly.


Makuhita immediately charged, hands in an Arm Thrust stance.

The Tai Chi skills of four or two strokes are brewing in its hands, and they may be performed together with the moves at any time.

"Combusken, Flamethrower!"

In the face of Makuhita's charge, Zhou Shu also issued this order.


Combusken spit out flames without hesitation and headed towards Makuhita.

"It's useless!"

"This will only stop Makuhita for a while at most!"

Fujiki looked unconcerned.

Flamethrower or something, it's hard to hurt Makuhita too much.

It's Combusken instead, as long as it's touched by Makuhita again.

With this blow, it is possible to directly force the chicken.

"It's enough to stop for a while!"

Zhou Shu also smiled slightly.


Noticing the smile on the corner of Zhou Shuyi's mouth, Teng Shu suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Just let you try Combusken's new moves!"

"This blow will definitely hit!"

"Even if your Makuhita knows Tai Chi!"

Zhou Shu also looked confident.

Immediately, under Fujiki's astonished eyes, she gave Combusken a new order.

"Combusken, rain Aerial Ace!"

Zhou Shu also said.

Aerial Ace!

This is a new move that Combusken has mastered after his level has risen to LV20.

Moreover, it is still a move of the Flying system.

And the Flying system is the nemesis of the Fighting system!

Using this trick to restrain Makuhita of the Fighting system is perfect.

The most important thing is the 'must hit' feature of Aerial Ace.

Under Aerial Ace's agile and continuous circular attack, Makuhita will definitely be hit by Aerial Ace and be hit hard.


Hearing the order from Zhou Shuyi's mouth.

Ivy's eyes widened!

Unexpectedly, Combusken actually mastered the Flying move of Aerial Ace?

Patronized Combusken's Fire Department and Fighting Department's Attribute.

He actually forgot that Combusken can also master certain Flying moves. .

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