Developing Pokemon, Sister Zhou Was Bitten By A Dog And Got Out Of The Circle

Chapter 77 With The Strength Of The Disciples Of Mauville Gymnasium, Kenin Has To Come In Vertically


"It's up to you!"

"Come out, Kirlia!"

After saying hello.

Zhou Shu also sent her own Pokémon.

She didn't send Makuhita and Aron with moderate levels very "gently".

Or, the lowest level Wingull, Vigoroth.

She directly dispatched her second in command...... Kirlia!

Dawn's Ralts, she already knows their strength after identifying them with Pokédex.

Not very strong!

That's LV16!

Just one Ralts!

Looking at the Rustboro Gym, it may be a bit difficult.

Not to mention, the Mauville Gym.

Not to mention the owner of the Mauville Gym, Tie Xuan, I am afraid that the strength of the disciples of the Mauville Gym has an LV15-LV16!

With Dawn's Ralts, it is absolutely difficult to challenge successfully.

That being the case, let her 'ruthlessly' persuade Dawn to leave!

In this way, it can be regarded as fulfilling Dawn Uncle's wish.

"This is the 'Father and Son Bureau'!"

"Damn sister Zhou, you are bullying people!"

"Dawn is such a kind person, you have the heart to do it

"Cancel it, cancel it!"

"Give Dawn some face!"

Seeing Zhou Shuyi face Dawn's LV16 Ralts unexpectedly ruthless.

The fans couldn't see each and every one of them.

For Dawn, they still have some appreciation.

Although it is an NPC, it looks like a "brother-type" character.

And now, Zhou Shuyi actually wants to use violence against Dawn, the "brother"?

Facing the ridicule and complaints from fans, Zhou Shu also ignored them.

How could these little bastards understand my own 'good intentions'.


"Sookie, you also subdued the Ralts, did you let the Ralts evolve?"

Seeing that Zhou Shu also sent Kirlia, Dawn was very surprised.

Even with Ralts, they are all incomparably surprised at the moment.

It looked curiously at its 'senior'

The eyes are full of longing and longing.

As for Kirlia?

When it saw Ralts, the 'junior', it gave him a slightly surprised glance.

There was a little care and encouragement in his eyes.

"Even if it's the evolved Kirlia of the Ralts, my Ralts will never lose!"

After some surprises!

I only heard firm words coming from Dawn's mouth.

However, his firm words, in Zhou Shuyi's opinion, had the meaning of "stunned youth".

Is it because there is no Pokédex, so I don't know the opponent's level and strength?

I feel that the current Dawn is a little bit!

So, let her undo Dawn's arrogance343!

Young people need to be 'educated'!

"Dawn, I'll leave the initiative to you!"

Zhou Shuyi generously gave up the right to strike first.

"Then I won't be polite!"

Dawn didn't care.

Hearing what Zhou Shuyi said, he immediately issued his own instructions to Ralts.

"Ralts, Confusion!"

Dawn ordered.


Although facing Kirlia, a senior, he felt a little timid in his heart, but with Dawn's order, Ralts still shot at Kirlia.

Powerful confusion emanated from its eyes, heading towards Kirlia.

"Kirlia, we use Confusion too!"

Zhou Shu also said unhurriedly.


Kirlia nodded.

Immediately, it also released its own confusion.

The powerful confusion turned into fluctuations, heading towards the Ralts, meeting the Ralts' confusion.


Before Kirlia's mighty Confusion.

Confusion of Ralts is like paper Normal fragile.

Almost the next moment!

Its Confusion was defeated by Kirlia's Confusion.

Even with himself, he was seriously injured.

"Is there a big difference in level?"

"So strong!"

Seeing that Ralts' Confusion was defeated, Dawn frowned, slightly worried.

However, his eyes remained firm and he did not give up.

"Use Double Team!"

Dawn issues new orders to the Ralts.


Ralts' figure began to blur.

Then I saw that many Ralts appeared in the audience, making it difficult to distinguish.

"This trick is useless to me!"

"Besides, Double Team is too easy to be cracked before the super power Pokémon!"

Zhou Shu also said.

With the experience that Dewford Gym brings.

After some observation.

With the naked eye, she had already discovered where Ralts was based on the color depth of the shadow.

And Kirlia over there!

Even without her knowledge.

Kirlia, who exudes confusion, seems to have already captured the whereabouts of Ralts.


Hearing what Zhou Shuyi said, Dawn was shocked.

Don't wait for him to say something, or tell Ralts to be careful.

I saw that Zhou Shuyi's order had come.

"The final blow!"

"Kirlia, use the Magical Leaf!"

Zhou Shu also said.


next moment!

I saw countless leaves scattered around Kirlia.

Then I saw that a huge leaf was condensed by Kirlia, and launched towards the front.

And the direction that the Magical Leaf is aiming at is exactly where Ralts is at the moment.


Seeing the Magical Leaf coming towards him.

Ralts panicked immediately.

It subconsciously wants to launch a counterattack.

Just, don't wait for it to launch any counterattack.

The Magical Leaf has already arrived in front of it and hit its body.


Ralts who was hit by the Magical Leaf immediately let out a scream.

Its petite body was directly sent flying into the air.

Finally, it flew upside down to the Ground not far in front of Dawn.


Dawn looked worriedly at Ralts in front of him.

Where he looked.

At this moment, Ralts had already lost his ability to fight, and was instantly killed by Kirlia's Magical Leaf.

"Is that how you lose?"

"Sure enough, isn't our strength enough?"

"However, Shuyi's strength is so strong!"

Dawn talks to himself.

Immediately, he took out the Poké Ball and took the Ralts back.

After taking back the Ralts!

Dawn walked up to Zhou Shuyi.

"I lost!"

"Shuyi, your strength is so strong!"

"Looks like Uncle said, I'm not done yet!"

Dawn sighed.

Room of emotion!

He is still a little bit unwilling!

After all, he had put in a lot of hard work before, allowing himself to master the current strength.

"You're already strong, Dawn!"

"As long as you can continue to work hard and make further progress, there will be no problem in challenging the gymnasium later!"

Zhou Shu also comforted her.

"That's right!"

"Keep up, Dawn!"

"After going through this battle, you must have a good understanding of yourself!"

"If you can continue to make breakthroughs, I'm sure I won't stop you like this next time!"

"Because, at that time, you definitely possessed enough strength!"

Dawn's Uncle also comforted him.


Encouraged by Zhou Shuyi and Uncle, Dawn nodded.

His depression caused by being easily defeated by Zhou Shuyi seemed to have eased a lot.


"Next, let's go back to Verdanturf Town!"

Dawn said to himself Uncle.

"it is good!"

Dawn's Uncle nodded.

Originally they were on the side of Verdanturf Town connected to Mauville City.

It was only because Dawn went out privately and wanted to challenge the gymnasium that he followed along.

Now that Dawn is willing to take the initiative to go back, he is quite relieved.

“Shuyi, Mauville City is very close to Verdanturf Town!”

"If you beat the Mauville Gym Leader and pass through Verdanturf Town afterward, come and sit at home!"

Dawn invited Zhou Shuyi.

Immediately, he informed Zhou Shuyi of his specific address.

By the way, I also registered a wave of each other's Pokémon navigator information with Zhou Shuyi, so that I can contact you in the future!

"Will do!"

After putting away the Pokémon navigator that recorded the information.

Zhou Shu also nodded with a smile.

"Then let's go first!"

After a few words at the end.

Dawn's Uncle is about to take Dawn back to Verdanturf Town.

After walking for a while.

It seems to remember something.

I saw Dawn's Uncle go and come back.


"Almost forgot!"

"Listen to Dawn, you helped him subdue his Ralts!"

"Thank you very much!"

"After having Ralts, Dawn's body recovered quickly, and his whole person became cheerful!"

Dawn's Uncle thanked Zhou Shuyi.

"If you have a chance, please come and sit at home!"

Dawn's Uncle also invited Zhou Shuyi.

After speaking, he left (aicd) again and caught up with Dawn in front.

"O Verdanturf Town!"

"When the time comes, go and have a look!"

"I don't know if the tunnel between Verdanturf Town and Rustboro City is connected!"

"If it works, can't I just go to Rustboro City to get my reward?"

Looking at the back of Dawn and the two of them going away, Zhou Shu expressed her wish.

She didn't forget that Zvokki still owed herself a reward.


When Zhou Shuyi was thinking about her reward.

Only a burst of laughter was heard.

She turned her head and looked over.

Then, I saw a familiar figure again.

That was the Ahida she had just met in Slateport City.

"Long time no see, Shuyi!"

"I saw your battle just now!"

"It's wonderful!"

"In the face of your friend's challenge, you defeated him without hesitation!"

"I appreciate this very much!"

"I like this Trainer!"

Ahida laughed.

"Ha ha--"

Facing Ahida's 'confession', Zhou Shu also responded with a dry smile.

This stuff is literally everywhere!

The number of times she met Yashida was no less than the number of times she met Xiaoqi.

"Then, keep trying!"

"I've seen your growth!"

"I think, I can continue to see your progress in the future!"

"Before the next meeting, do your best!"

Ahida said.

After speaking, he left in a hurry as before.

"What a freak!"

Glancing at Yashida's back, Zhou Shu also shook her head.

"Then, it's time to challenge the Gym!"

Looking at the Mauville gymnasium not far away, Zhou Shuyi was full of expectations.

Hold this expectation!

She strode towards the Mauville gymnasium, opened the door and entered.

"Is it a challenger?"

"I'm the referee at the Mauville Gym!"

"Need me to explain to you the challenge rules of the Mauville Gym?"

Zhou Shuyi just walked into the Mauville Gym.

I saw the referees from the Mauville gymnasium walking towards them, just like the Rustboro gymnasium and Dewford gymnasium Normal.


"It's time to work!"

Zhou Shu also nodded without hesitation.

Hearing what Zhou Shuyi said, the referee nodded.

Immediately, he began to explain to Zhou Shuyi.

"In the Mauville Gym, there are many Gym disciples."

"Only by defeating him can we challenge the owner of the hall, Master Tiexuan!"

"However, defeating all the disciples doesn't mean you can immediately challenge Master Tie Xuan!"

"The gymnasium is full of power organs. Only by finding the corresponding button in the organ and unblocking the corresponding path, can you see Master Tie Xuan at the end point to challenge Master Tie Xuan I from the city.

The referee spoke eloquently.

"Is it different from Rustboro Gym and Dewford Gym?"

Hearing the referee's explanation, Zhou Shu also nodded slightly.

It's to defeat the disciples, and it's to find the mechanism button or something.

In the future, gymnasiums seem to be more and more fancy.

It has to be said, though, that it was fun.

"The above are the challenge rules for the Mauville Gym!"

"If you are ready, you can enter and start the challenge!"

the referee said.


Zhou Shu also nodded.

After clarifying the challenge rules of the Mauville Gym.

She stepped into the depths of the gymnasium and was about to challenge the gymnasium.

"Zi la—"

Just walked into the depths of the gymnasium.

Zhou Shu also heard the clear sound of electric current.

A portal made of electric current appeared in front of her, blocking her way.

"This should be the mechanism in the Mauville gymnasium, right?"

"Just show me where the button is!"

Zhou Shu also thought to herself.

Looking left and right!

She soon found out.

In the passage to the left of the organ door, there are two gymnasium disciples.

This is not the most important!

The important thing is that beside the two of them, on the wall of the gymnasium, there is a peculiar button.

Presumably, that is the button to unseal the current portal.

It's just that if you want to press the button on the wall, you may have to defeat these two gymnasium disciples.

No more hesitation!

Zhou Shu also went straight forward and launched a challenge!

"Are the challengers coming again?"

"Let us see how strong you are!"

Seeing Zhou Shuyi's arrival, the two disciples of the gymnasium waited in full force.

After taking Zhou Shuyi to the nearest battle field, they each released their own Pokémon.


This is a two-man battle!

In this regard, there are not many surprises!

When she was in the Dewford gymnasium, she met two gymnasium disciples in the maze at the same time, and had a two-player battle.

On the way to Mauville City, she also met several NPC Trainers who were fighting in pairs.

It can be said that it is quite experienced.

In her opinion, a two-player battle is more difficult than a single-player battle.

The energy to pay is undoubtedly more.

The timing to grasp is undoubtedly more critical.

Even so, compared to single-player battles, two-player battles seem to be much more interesting.

She's quite fond of it!

"LV17's Electrike and LV17's Meditite?"

"It's really increased the difficulty again!"

"If Dawn is allowed to challenge, it will definitely be 'self-inflicted humiliation'!"

"Even if Kenin comes, he might come in vertically and go out horizontally!"

Zhou Shu was also amazed.



"Sister Zhou's mockery!"

"It means that Kenin and Dawn are not here, I'm afraid it's just a wave of team-up doubles!"

"Combined doubles, we can't beat sister Zhou, Lin!"

Zhou Shuyi's ridicule made fans laugh out loud.

However, who let the fact be so!

"Come out, Makuhita, Aron!"

Zhou Shu also said.

Instead of sending out Combusken and Kirlia, she wanted Makuhita and Aron to practice.

By the way, save a wave of stamina!

In this way, all the way to the gymnasium master Tiexuan.

She'll save herself another trip to the Pokémon Center or wasting Potion.

"Aron, buy a mallet!"

"Makuhita, Force Palm!"

Zhou Shu also commanded Aron and Makuhita at the same time, and launched an attack on the Electrike and Meditite of the gymnasium disciples.

With not a small level difference and strength gap!

Within a few rounds!

The two gym disciples were easily defeated by Zhou Shuyi!

She is no longer who she used to be!

Also after defeating the two gymnasium disciples.

Zhou Shu also successfully pressed the button on the wall.

I only heard a sound of 'Zi La', the current portal just now disappeared, and I can enter.

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