["What should we do? Those Otsutsuki are not something that can be dealt with by ninjutsu." Sakura frowned.

"Or maybe Ninjutsu has no effect on the Otsutsuki at all, only Senjutsu and Taijutsu can hurt them, but their Taijutsu are very strong, and they all have difficult pupil techniques."Shikamaru sighed and said

"Now Sasuke is in a coma, Naruto is missing, and the ninja world has no power to resist the Otsutsuki."Shikamaru is overwhelmed when he thinks of the Otsutsuki whose abilities are more buggy than each other.

"I will rescue Sasuke as soon as possible, and I will send a message to Master, asking her to return to Konoha to help."Sakura said firmly

"Konoha must also make war preparations, take inventory of weapons and equipment and food crops, and notify the other four Kage. If the sacred tree is successfully planted,......."Shikamaru felt like his hair was going to fall out in clumps again when he thought about what he had to prepare, but he couldn't not do it.

"Let's hold a Five Kage meeting. Shikamaru, you draft the documents. This is a matter of world survival and can't be delayed any longer. Sakura, you ask Tsunade to come back as soon as possible to rescue Sasuke and find Naruto. Naruto and Sasuke are the strongest forces in the ninja world right now. With them, we can fight against the Otsutsuki."Kakashi made a decision and said to Sakura and Shikamaru,


Konoha Village

"Ninjutsu doesn't work on Otsutsuki?"

"Difficult pupil technique? Is it the white eyes? Is the white eyes difficult to deal with?"

"Will Sasuke and Naruto be so powerful in the future? Can they represent the entire ninja world?"

"The Five Kage Conference? They've actually come to the point of convening a Five Kage Conference? The last time the Five Kage Conference took place was during the First Generation's time, right?"

"The strongest fighter? Seriously? That Naruto?"


That Sakura is indeed Tsunade-sama's apprentice!

"Hey, hey! What are you talking about, Konoha? Two guys I've never heard of dare to claim to be the strongest in the ninja world!"Raikage Ai glared at him.

"Yo~, stupid bastard, I will be the strongest in the future~" Kirabi said

"Your side? And who knows if this video is real or fake, and it's the strongest."Raikage Ai said dissatisfiedly

"Isn't the point about the Five Kage Summit, which concerns the survival of the world?" Darui said in a listless manner as he watched the two brothers quarrel.

"Five Kage Summit? How long has it been, Ao? The last time was when the First Mizukage, Byakuren-sama, was here."Mei Terumi said that at that time, the Hidden Mist Village was not yet known as the 'Blood Mist Village' as it is now.

"Yes, Lady Terumi Mei." Ao responded.

"Sasuke and I are the strongest fighters in the ninja world! The strongest!"The dizzy little fox grasped what he could understand from the long conversation, grabbed Sasuke's hand and shook it

"Strongest......."Sasuke listened with shining eyes and did not hit Naruto's hand. He even threw away the issue of the survival of the ninja world.

If he was the strongest, he would definitely succeed in killing that man in the future. Did he avenge everyone and make Uchiha Itachi repent?

The red moon, the wailing sound of the knife stabbing into the flesh, the floating smell of blood, the useless pleading and crying, all eyes were filled with bright red color.

""Sasuke, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy?" Naruto keenly noticed that Sasuke was in a bad mood and asked.

"Happy......How can I be unhappy?" Sasuke's voice was low and soft.

"Sasuke......"Naruto looked at Sasuke worriedly. Sasuke had never spoken to him like this before. His voice was gentle, but why was his expression so.........So sad.

Sakura stared at them leaning against each other. Naruto usually looked careless and slow to react, but in fact he could always find out what was wrong with Sasuke at the first time. And Sasuke was also.......He actually......She has always been very concerned about Naruto.

She has actually long realized that she is incompatible with Naruto and Sasuke, but her love for Sasuke and her contempt for Naruto have blinded her eyes.

They actually have always known clearly which path they should take and have been working hard to become stronger.

‘What about me? What do I want to do? 'Sakura thought of herself as the head of the medical department as she saw on the screen.

‘Medical ninja? 'The confusion faded from Sakura's green eyes, and she gradually made up her mind.

Kakashi watched this scene with satisfaction behind the three of them. His three students had really grown up a lot.

After Nara Shikamaru and Haruno Sakura on the sky screen obeyed the order, the screen dimmed, and a new picture appeared soon.


"Not yet, another picture appeared."

After the sky darkened, the people of Konoha did not rush to leave. Sure enough, a new picture appeared, which was much faster than the last time.

【The sun was blazing, and the scorching sun was emitting heat waves on the sand. The camera was focused on a huge plant.

It stood between heaven and earth, and looked very strange. On a spiraling main trunk was a blood-red flower bud and simple leaves. A large number of huge roots were firmly rooted in the land that had turned into yellow sand, and there was a dead silence around it.

The camera quickly passed by, and familiar terrain and buildings appeared one after another, but there was no life. Only the same huge roots just now spread on the familiar land, sea water (life in the ocean is also life), and mountains, and countless white cocoons were hanging on those roots. 】

Everyone in the ninja world watched the picture appearing in the sky in silence.

What is this? What's going on? This question echoed in everyone's heart.

The people of the Fire Country watched the roots take root in the forests and fields that they were very familiar with but now felt unfamiliar. The people of the Water Country and the Lightning Country watched the roots cross the coast and take root in the islands and mountains they were familiar with.

They all watched the place where they usually survived become lifeless in the sky.

【The camera continued to move forward, and in the desert, there was finally a little life. The roots that seemed to be everywhere also decreased, and finally human figures appeared in the picture.

In the hustle and bustle, ninjas wearing vests of various colors and wearing different forehead protectors used their own ninjutsu to remotely attack the huge roots lying on the ground.

They tried their best not to let their bodies touch the roots of these sacred trees, and saved the white cocoons hanging on the roots.

Everyone did their job. A team of people transported the rescued white cocoons to the back to be cared for by medical ninjas, and the rest continued to cut off the roots of the sacred trees that spread here.

The medical ninja used a chakra knife to dig open the white cocoons, revealing the figures sleeping inside. Those who left the white cocoons showed varying degrees of White Zetsu transformation.】

"It’s people, those white cocoons are full of people!"

"How many white cocoons are there on that tree? Too many to count, right?"

"Are they all dead?"

"How could it be? How could it be like this?"

"I seem......See me?"

"Was that the sacred tree just now? What kind of sacred tree is this!"

"Where is the border of the Kingdom of Wind?"

"Ninjas from all villages gathered in the Kingdom of Wind, but where are our homes? Where is my home?"

"The Fire Nation, Lightning Nation, and Water Nation are all full of those roots. Is our country finished?"

"So this is how you absorb life force."

"Why is this happening? Woohoo~"

"Fake! Hahaha, this must be fake! How can this be true, wuuuu~"

Everyone in the ninja world looked at the sky curtain with fear and grief. Is this their future? They also wanted to say it was fake, but it was all too real, so real that it was terrifying, and they knew that this sky curtain was definitely not something that could be achieved by any ninjutsu.

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