[The scene changes to a completely different space from the previous one. In a building built on lava, a lifelike statue of Kaguya Otsutsuki stands.

"Is this not possible?" Otsutsuki Momoshiki's face was full of surprise.

"It seems so." Otsutsuki Kinshiki said as he looked at the scroll that disappeared in his hand."None of Kaguya's scrolls can be deciphered."

Otsutsuki Momoshiki snorted in dissatisfaction.

"Momoshiki-senpai! Why are you still here?"A man with pale skin, long light blue hair, two horns in the shape of a visor on his head, and a high ponytail called out politely with a smile.

"Have you found out the whereabouts of the Chakra Fruit?" Otsutsuki Momoshiki said coldly.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time, and you're talking about this right away?"Otsutsuki Urashiki said frivolously.

Otsutsuki Momoshiki rolled his eyes and looked over angrily.

"Okay, of course I have investigated it." After seeing Otsutsuki Momoshiki getting angry, Otsutsuki Urashiki became a little more serious.

A black vortex appeared, and the picture inside was a water-blue planet.

"Is that the area that Kaguya was once in charge of? Go and collect the chakra now."Otsutsuki Momoshiki said as he looked at the aquamarine planet.

"Wait! Are you leaving now? I say!" Otsutsuki Urashiki asked loudly as he looked at the two people walking towards the black vortex.

"Xiao Tao is still so indifferent."Otsutsuki Urashiki whispered】

"Wow, these white eyes, plus the fact that Momoshiki Otsutsuki also went to Konoha, this Otsutsuki clan is not from Konoha, right?"

"Kaguya? The one who successfully planted the sacred tree but was sealed, what are they looking for?"

"Is the space-time ninjutsu the bloody boundary of the Otsutsuki? Why does it seem like everyone knows it? It would be nice if I had it too."

"Why are there these weirdos again?"Naruto's face fell. Sasuke clearly mentioned me just now, why didn't I appear?

"There are three of them, plus Isshiki Otsutsuki and Kaguya Otsutsuki. Isshiki didn't seem to have Byakugan when he first appeared, except for Kaguya Otsutsuki. They all have pale skin and horns on their heads."Nara Shikaku circled it in the notebook. The characteristics of this clan are actually easy to recognize, but Byakugan......Lu Jiu put a question mark on his eyes.

"Could it be that our Hyuga clan is really related to this Otsutsuki?"Hinata Hiashi looked at the three pairs of white eyes in the sky, and it was not good news to be related to the Otsutsuki who would destroy the ninja world in the future.

"Shikamaru, what do you think that chakra fruit is? Is it delicious?"Akimichi Choji said as he looked at the barbecue in his hand.

"I don't know." Nara Shikamaru's mouth twitched when he saw the aqua-blue sphere appearing in the sky. That aqua-blue sphere reminded him of the planet he mentioned last time. Could this be our planet?

【In the vast universe, the aquamarine planet was quietly rotating, and above the blue planet were three figures floating.

Everyone in the ninja world was speechless as they looked at the brightest aquamarine planet floating in the quiet universe. They could feel their own insignificance just by looking at it.

"good......so beautiful!"

"Is this where we are? Where we live"

"They can all fly and look like monsters. I would say they are not human."

"They are not our stars.......Um....The planet said so, right? They are not from our planet?"

The faces of the shadows and knowledgeable people in the ninja village were a little ugly. The future enemy is aliens and they really destroyed the ninja world. What a hell of a joke.

【Otsutsuki Momoshiki calmly looked at the aqua-blue planet below and said,"Did the chakra of the sacred tree disperse and become nine monsters?"

Otsutsuki Urashiki fell behind him and spread his hands and said,"Yes, the people here call them tailed beasts, and the person who integrates the tailed beast into his body is called a Jinchūriki."

"That means the chakra is all in the Jinchūriki."Otsutsuki Kinshiki continued.

"Yes, and for some reason the Jinchūriki's chakra has become very huge." Otsutsuki Urashiki raised his mouth, as if this was something very interesting.

"Letting monsters live in the body to increase chakra, what the people here do is really interesting."Otsutsuki Momoshiki looked at the blue planet with interest.

"There are two Jinchūriki now, Killer Bee of the Eight-Tails and Naruto of the Nine-Tails."Otsutsuki Urashiki said with a smile.

"I see, I can indeed feel the huge amount of chakra that is not suitable for lower creatures." Otsutsuki Momoshiki became a little excited.】

"No one knows how the tailed beasts came from. It turns out that the tailed beasts come from the chakra of the sacred tree."

"Doesn’t this prove even more clearly that it was true that Kaguya Otsutsuki successfully planted the sacred tree a thousand years ago?"

"But why did the sacred tree split into nine tailed beasts?"

"Jinchūriki? Those monsters!"

"Two, how come there are only two left?"

"Logically speaking, shouldn't there be nine Jinchūriki?"

"Where are the tailed beasts from our village? Why are there only Konoha and Kumogakure left?"

"You low-class creature, you look like an albino, how noble can you be?"

Temari and Kankuro looked palely at Gaara, whose expression became sick when the sand around the Jinchūriki became riotous. How come there are only two of them left? Where's Gaara? He had participated in the Kage-level meeting as the Kazekage before. Even if they are afraid of Gaara, he is still their younger brother! They don't want anything to happen to Gaara.

The Fourth Raikage Ai breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Killer Bee was still there, but then he became nervous again. These damn Otsutsuki came for the tailed beasts, and they would never let Killer Bee go.

"Jinchūriki......"Naruto lowered his head and didn't dare to look at the reactions of the people around him, but he felt a warmth on both sides, and someone leaned against his side.

Naruto was stunned for a moment and looked around:"Sasuke, Sakura." He blinked his eyes, looked at the two people sitting next to him with worried eyes, curved the corners of his mouth, and blinked away the moisture in his blue pupils.

The other four watched the interaction of the three little ones with smiles in their eyes.

‘Minato-sensei, Naruto has made some great friends. He won't be lonely anymore.' Kakashi felt guilty and relieved.

Although he knew that Naruto was Minato-sensei's child, he never showed up in front of Naruto when he was a child, let alone took care of him. Naruto grew up to be a brave, resolute and excellent ninja who never gave up easily.

Jiraiya watched the little fox, who was just listless, become energetic with the comfort of his companions, and those sealed memories came to his mind.

‘I hope my unborn child can become a ninja like the protagonist in the book, so.....Can I name my child after the protagonist of this novel? The blond man smiled tenderly when he thought of his unborn child.

‘Hmm? Is this okay? I just thought of this name while eating ramen! I was really shocked at that time.

‘Naruto, this name is great! 'In the end, this name was really used, Minato.

As a teacher, I have to do something. I will teach this child the ninjutsu that Minato knows. Will he learn as fast as Minato?

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