Until Jun Chen jumped into the black river, the people reacted, the six gods were swallowed by Jun dust, and the latter was undamaged.

"Is this still human?"

"The head of the heaven academy claims that the gods come down to the earth, and the gods are not afraid of them. Is he really a god man?"

Countless people were speechless and couldn't believe their eyes.

At this time, Jun Chen has come to the bottom of Heishui river.

There are many memorial tablets and statues, thousands of which have been worshipped. I don't know where the Lingfei ancestral temple was demolished or robbed, but it can prove the glory of the ancestral temple of Lingfei. In the past three thousand years, they attacked numerous sects, suppressed those sects and trampled on the gods of other sects.

This is no surprise to Jun Chen. No matter the holy land, the earth, or the nine realms, the religious sects built with faith as the core can not accommodate other faiths. In their eyes, except me, the rest are heretics.

In short, it's a conflict of interest. Your belief can't be impacted by other beliefs. If you get more beliefs, I'll get less.

At the end of the law, they believed in gods.

The power of faith is the most precious in the practice of the end of the law era. Even if it is not the end of the law era, the power of faith is still a unique orthodoxy of practice.

From these tablets alone, Jun Chen can see the intensity of the struggle for believers among the major religious sects in the last three thousand years.

However, unfortunately, these gods have been destroyed by heishuihe Town, or merged by other gods. The gods who can survive are the best, but not many.

The release of Jun Chen's divine consciousness had limited effect. Black water could be isolated. He could only explore the area within a mile.

Jun Chen slowly groped, one area after another to investigate.

The gods of these beliefs are all good things, and he doesn't want to miss one.

At this time, Jun Chen found that he seemed to have intruded into the sleeping area of a certain God. The powerful power of divine consciousness of the God directly covered him and swallowed him up.

The next moment, Jun Chen fell into a dream, and suddenly appeared in an ancient palace city full of flowers. All the people in this palace city were wearing uniform white robes, which were the Taoist clothes of the ancestral temple of Lingfei.

In the city, there is a beautiful stone statue of goddess, 30 meters high. The whole body is carved from white jade. It is incomparably gorgeous, dazzling, holy and has many beautiful symbols.

Jun Chen recognized that it was a statue of the spirit princess.

At the bottom, millions of people worship and worship, and the rich incense is comparable to the clouds in the sky.

Jun Chen couldn't help but kneel down to worship.

This is not an ordinary Palace City, but a Jiaomen palace city. Jun Chen saw three words on the gate, Erythrina city.

Is this the ancient city of Erythrina?

Look at the characters. It's Xiaozhuan. It should be two thousand years ago.

As powerful as the king's dust, of course, he knew that this was a dream, a dream created by a God for him.

Jun dust thought a move, in front of the dream scene instantly burst, but surprisingly, Jun dust did not wake up from the dream, but fell into another dream.

Or Erythrina city.

But Citong city has become a sea of fire, the city has become a sea of fire, the invaders are a group of people wearing guns.

They destroyed the city of Erythrina.

"Is this what happened in the past in Erythrina city?" Jun Chen thought.

He didn't tear up the dream and went on.

After the group of people in fire robes set fire to the city, they began to stare at the statue of the imperial concubine and gathered many strong people to overthrow it.

At the critical moment, the statue of God was angry, and the sea water poured back, and the Erythrina city was submerged.

The invaders with fire signs died in the flood.

"Is this the power that the spirit of the ancestral temple can possess?"

Jun Chen did not understand.

Even the gods of two thousand years can't have the water pouring back into the city.

The gods of three thousand years have no such energy.

However, the gods can do it through other ways, such as ordering sea animals to make waves. Jun Chen has experienced this in Qiantang city. A king of Jiaowang ordered 100000 water demons in the West Lake. The West Lake is inclined and the water is overflowing with gold.

Two thousand years ago, near the ancient times, the aura began to dissipate, but some ancient animals may not have degenerated, so it is possible for the sea water to pour back.

"It seems that this is a powerful God, and the guardian God of the first generation of Lingfei's ancestral temple."

"If I'm right, this is a 3000 year old deity. No wonder it can easily control my consciousness and drag me into my dream."

"Qin Xiaomeng was able to dream, most of which was recognized by this deity and given miracles."

Jun Chen's heart is more and more clear.

But bigger doubts are coming.

If this is the patron saint of the early imperial concubines, it should be worshipped. Why seal it in this dark underground Canyon?

Is there another secret here?Jun Chen offered a nightmare and began to fight back against the dream.

There was a crash.

The dream was torn up directly, Jun Chen was glad to come over, and was on the Bank of Heishui river.

At this time, ye feiye also came to Jun Chen.

"Have you found anything?" Ye Fei asked.

"Yes. Come with me. " Jun Chen leads the way ahead.

He had already locked in the position of the patron saint of the first generation of saints and approached them at a high speed. Soon, they saw a statue of a god lying on the bottom of the water.

This statue is the stone statue of the goddess in the dream. It is as tall and towering as it is, standing in the deepest part of the river, emitting a strong dreamlike brilliance.

"Three thousand years of God!"

Jun Chen took a look at the stone statue and made sure that he had not guessed wrong. There is a god of three thousand years, which is placed in this statue.

However, there are black runes on the statue, which are composed of eight kinds of talismans, which seal the gods in the stone statue.

Jun Chen probably knows why he was dragged into a dream before. This 3000 year old God is attracting him to help her open the seal.

Jun Chen took a look at the runes and popped several six spirit patterns, trying to change the core of those talismans, but failed.

Liupin Lingwen doesn't pay attention to crack these eight kinds of talismans!

You need seven spirit lines!

"I will." Ye Fei pulls out his sword.

Jun dust quickly stopped: "be careful to hurt the gods, or I come."

Although Jun Chen has stepped into the peak of Shenhuo, it is impossible to carve out the seven grade holy stripe in this realm. It needs to step into the next realm. However, Jun Chen's spirit pattern matrix can be overstepped.

The six product spirit pattern matrix constructed by the six product spirit pattern can be compared with the seven product spirit pattern, which is why he can make seven grade spirit weapon.

One minute later.

Jun Chen carved out a matrix of seven grade spirit patterns, which directly bombarded the statue of goddess.

There's a big bang.

The eight grade Rune matrix on the goddess statue collapsed directly.

The stone statue of the goddess who lost its seal and suppressed suddenly shines freely. The dreamlike spirit shines through the dark river and illuminates the whole underground rift valley.

Then, the dreamlike fairyland constantly poured out the stone statues of goddess, and gathered into a goddess in the rift valley, floating in the sight of all people.

In the rift valley, everyone was stunned.

And she's not aggressive.

"The dream Guardian God of the ancestral temple of Lingfei? It turns out that there is no nonsense in the ancestral home. This patron saint really exists. " Qin Xiaomeng is also excited because of the surprise, Jiao body gently shudder.

More surprising later.

This dream goddess flew directly to Qin Xiaomeng.

Qin Xiaomeng suddenly knelt on the ground, pious way: "I was selected?"

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