
The person who came here is Lanting, and has spent 100 days of the robbery of Yuanying. It is a real master of yuaninfant. This makes the Flower Shadow feel deep in his heart.

Lanting has been through the hundred days of rebirth too fast, is this the effect of breaking Erdan?

The Flower Shadow suddenly vigilant up, looked at the king dust: "Dean, Lanting is your card?"

Jun Chen nodded, "yes."

The Flower Shadow gently bite teeth: "Dean, am I not good to you? What do you want, what do I give you, you actually set me? The people who play the routine are really dirty. "

She always thought that Junchen had no bottom card, and deliberately delayed the day to restore strength and enhance her own strength, so she stared at Jun Chen.

I didn't expect that she was set up.

Jun dust voice cold, said: "compared with your means, I am nothing."

The Flower Shadow sword is on the neck of the king dust. It is a flying sword with eight talisman, Yuan Ying Dao, carved by ancient strange wood, and is full of strength.

The flower shadow was angry and said, "I don't like her calling to disturb our wedding. The Dean please let her leave immediately."

The figure of Jun dust scattered.

The shadow of the flower a pair of peach blossom beautiful eyes immediately lose color, this just reflects, in front of her is just a magic shadow.


The shadow of the flower gently bite teeth, a flash out, to the surface of the pear garden.

At this time, Jun Chen has stood in front of Lanting, patting the woman's shoulder: "yes, you reach this realm faster than I thought."

"I don't know you're caught if you don't inform me." Lanting looked at Jun Chen nervously and asked, "I came late to learn a trick. Are you ok?"

Hearing that, people were shocked.

Jun dust has been arrested for a day, how to inform the green lotus fairy?

In fact, Jun Chen took the initiative to enter the strange face pear garden. Before entering, he left a hand for the safety of Lanting and frosty face, leaving his nightmare outside.

He also used his nightmare to find Lanting and inform her.

Meanwhile, nightmare also returned to Jun dust.

Jun dust shook his head gently: "nothing."

Jun dust took out several seven pieces of the seven refined Lingdan to eat for Lanting. She just became a real nun of Yuanying. Only half of the magic power, hualingdan can help her restore her magic power and stabilize her state.

After taking pills, Lanting clapped the drum chest in one hand and said seriously: "you do the side to see the bustle, as for the flower shadow that evil girl will give it to this girl."

At this time, the flower shadow has come, the face is not very good, to two nine secret elders: "you two, to destroy the goddess wedding woman away!"

The two were slow.

The sound of the shadow of the flower was cold: "she will not die, you die."

The two nine secret elders shudder, and they may die, and they will die if they are not.

That's a lotus fairy!

A super three-level jindanhua infant nun, although just breakthrough, but the grade of Yuan infant has the advantages of rolling.

"You don't want to choose. I'll help you choose." Lanting is light, raising hands is two sword Qi, directly cut the two old head to the ground.

Facing the fast lightning of the blue lotus sword, they even have no chance to return.

The flower shadow in the heart of a deep: "good sword Qi!"

Lanting looked at the flower shadow, cold way: "Flower Shadow, we calculate a account, Zhao Feiyan is my life and death, but also our girl, you send someone to steal her, want to live to catch her, but also take advantage of her pregnancy when the hand."

"Although you didn't catch her, you could take it!"

"My Lanting is named as the master of the altar of martial arts. Today I will take you down and behead on the spot!"

The beautiful eyes of the flower shadow are cold and clear, warning: "you just stepped into the level of the baby, based on instability, and I am already the first child 2, do you think you will be my opponent?"

"As long as you leave immediately, I can see on the face of the president, and I can put you on a living path."

Lanting scolded: "why nonsense! Let's get out of here! "

The Flower Shadow immediately hands, the sea of flowers suspended and quickly open, to be included in Lanting.

Lanting 3000 green silk rose without wind, and the body floated slowly. Then the magic power broke out, and became Qinghai as vast and shining. A blue dress was like a fairy, which made most people here unable to look directly at her posture.

It was just the beginning. Her magic power was increasing rapidly, and the blue sky changed, two, three, four, and then stopped the fifth.

Her mana strength has been upgraded by a level, reaching the height of the second grade of Yuan infant, and finally fighting against the flower remnant of the yuan infant.

The pupil of the flower is shrinking.

How can this woman have the secret of temporary promotion?

She went through the whole dome academy, and she didn't find a similar secret method. It seems that the Dean left a hand!

However, this is eventually forced to improve the cultivation, as long as she insists on a moment, Lanting will fall."Take it! The art of green lotus! The setting sun is shining

Orchid Pavilion a light rebuke, a sword pointing to the sky, the whole body of green light gathered on top of the head, turned into a round of green sun, bright 100 times.

Qingri is expanding rapidly, and thousands of green lotus sword Qi are brewing in it.

This move is a magic power in the green lotus formula. Although it can't be compared with the green lotus seed, it is also better than all the magic skills currently practiced by Lanting.

Hua canying's eyes are blurred. She envies that Lanting's hand is so dazzling and powerful. Her killing moves are far less than Lanting's.

In an instant, she turned into ten thousand flowers and scattered to avoid its edge.

But she underestimated the horror of Lanting.

The sword Qi of green lotus was like rain in an instant, covering the whole hollow area of Jimian pear garden.

Flower Shadow escape, is covered by the sky green lotus sword!

"How quick! It's impossible! "

Hua canying's face changed. Unexpectedly, Lanting's magical power was brewed so fast that it was released in one second.

Forced, she immediately offered her whole body mana to resist!

At the same time, she fought back.

"The five elements are reversed!"

With a whisper, the Flower Shadow points to the top of the head, shooting out the endless blue lotus sword.

At the next moment, Qingtian yaori splits quickly, and the green lotus sword Qi is weakened by half!


Orchid Pavilion water eye light trembles, also was the flower shadow this mysterious magical power to frighten, the next moment someone told her the answer.

Yehe looked alert and said, "this is This is the pre word secret magic power in the nine secrets. It can make the five elements collapse. I didn't expect that this woman actually cultivated the former word secret magic power! "

Cheng Huang said elegantly, "she is the goddess of pear garden. She must have more than one kind of nine secret magic powers. She may even have nine kinds of them."

Flower Shadow again shot at the top of the blue sky Yao day, will be broken on the spot, Lanting magic was broken.

Lanting's face was deep.

Flower Shadow voice with pride and conceit, said: "goddess these two words are not qualified to call, others call me goddess, this is not a white call!"

Lanting water eyes a Lin, a palm in front of the convergence of magic, clover green lotus cohesion.

This is her biggest card, green lotus seed!

"Lanting, your magic power and magic are very powerful, super three grade golden elixir baby is also very rebellious, but you are still too young, still need to pay some more tuition fees."

With that, the shadow of the flower once again presents another power in the nine secrets. A pear blossom mark appears in the eyebrow, and then flies to the Orchid Pavilion.

Lanting chopped off with a sword and flew the mark of pear blossom. However, the mark of pear flower was transformed by the spirit energy and dissipated in front of her and integrated into her body.

The next moment, her body is out of control, her mind is out of control, and an external force wants to take control of her body.

Lanting instant cold sweat DC, looking at Jun dust: "my body, to lose control of control!"

The green lotus in her palm is disillusioned. Her big move is interrupted and her release fails!

Yehe suddenly stood up, his eyes as pure as black gemstone were full of vigilance, and whispered to Lanting, "be careful, this is the body control skill after the fusion of the magic power of" zhe Zi Mi "and" Ge Zi Mi "

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