On this day, Jun Chen went to every corner of Kunlun.

Kunlun Mountain's seven grade and eight grade miracles were taken away by him.

Jun Chen understood the principle of winner take all since he was a child.

As a winner, he won't be soft.

What's more, Jun Chen knows that Kunlun's elixir is not only these, but also those caves he has never been to. There must be some miraculous medicine, but sooner or later it will be his, so don't worry.

With the elixir, Jun Chen and Lanting entered the dark ice cave of Yuling peak.

Like the Huiling cave of Kunlun leader, this cave is a magical cave bred by the mountain. It has no attack power, but it has large-scale spiritual veins converging and breeds all kinds of miracles.

It is a small ice palace in the dark ice cave. It is a cave world opened up in a large thousand year old ice. It is extremely cold and the spirit turns into ice.

Jun Chen can bear the cold, but Lanting doesn't believe it. As soon as she enters here, she is trembling with snow white face.

LAN Ting held his chest in both hands and shivered: "it's too cold. Are you sure you want to close up and recuperate in this place?"

Jun Chen offered a group of fire from the Southern Ming Dynasty to disperse the cold air in the air, which made Lanting feel better.

The ice palace is cold and solemn. It is estimated that only the peak master is practicing here on weekdays, and there is no one there.

Jun Chen soon came to the main retreat of Yuling peak.

There is an ice pool, which is three meters deep and ten meters wide. The pool is a rare thousand year ice essence, which is evolved after thousands of years of convergence of aura and cold.

For the friars with ice attribute spirit root, the essence of Millennium dark ice is undoubtedly the treasure of cultivation. It can provide benefits that ordinary spirit liquid can't place, and can enhance and refine their own ice magic power.

"The child's mother is the ice attribute magic power. There are many thousand year old ice essence here, which can help the child's mother break through two realms at least."

Jun Chen thought of it in his heart, and his eyes were locked on the ice pool. There was an ice bed floating on the ice pool.

This is a piece of eight grade dark ice jade, two meters long, one meter five wide, and half a meter thick. It's chilly. It's ten times colder than other places. It's estimated that once you lie on it, your soul will freeze.

Ordinary thousand year black ice is very fragile and can't be used to refine weapons. But after the dark ice turns into jade, it can be used to refine flying swords. If the Xuan ice jade bed is used to refine airplanes, at least 188 flying swords can be produced.

It is worthy of being the first mountain in the world, and the details flow freely. A piece of eight grade xuanbing jade bed is worth tens of billions of drops of essence liquid!

Of course, Jun Chen doesn't plan to use it all for Qi refining. This dark ice jade bed is good for him and has a great effect on suppressing heart demons. Sitting on it to practice and break through can reduce the chance of being invaded by heart demons.

When Jun Chen lay down on the bed, he found that the dark ice jade bed had other functions, which could suppress the wound and prevent the wound from spreading. He was injured all over the body, suffering endless pain, but the pain was replaced by cold.

When the Orchid Pavilion learned from Jun Chen's mouth the efficacy of this dark ice jade bed and the essence of the thousand year dark ice, he couldn't help but smack his tongue.

"Is it good for me?" Asked Lanting.

Jun Chen said: "the cold air of xuanbing is useful to everyone. It can refine magic power, divine power and divine sense power."

"There is also the essence of the thousand year dark ice. If it is used for bathing, it can also have many effects. It can make your elixir field, Yuanying, and spiritual pulse more tenacious."

"If you can bear the pain of the cold invasion, after some tempering, even if you don't break through the realm, you can still enhance 50% of your combat power in this realm."

Hearing this, Lanting's chest fluctuated slightly: "really? I'll try. "

Jun dust took half of the essence of the Millennium ice, leaving half to Lanting: "then try it, I just want to recuperate."

Lanting jumped into the pool, was wrapped by the cold, she immediately screamed, but quickly got up.

Jun Chen took out all the miraculous herbs collected on that day.

There are forty-five seven grade miracles and nineteen eight grade miracles. There are all kinds of them. Hualing pill, Shenhua pill, Nirvana pill, Huitian pill, dahuahua pill and po'erdan can be refined at will.

From these elixirs, Jun Chen took out two strains of Qipin and one of bapin, and then began to refine Qipin Shengsheng pill with experience!

It is a kind of universal pill for healing wounds.

There was no accident. There should have been a chance for a alchemy of eight grade pills, but because Jun Chen was injured and in poor condition, there were only ten seven grade pills.

And they are all the best of seven.

Jun Chen's current alchemy attainments can not guarantee that all pills are top seven.

However, this time is not an accident. This is the effect of refining elixir with eight grades.

Jun Chen ate all of them and cultivated for a while. He continued to refine the elixir with the seven grade elixir. He refined a furnace of seven grade elixir. There were nine of them, four of the best. The rest were top-grade, and they were handed over to Lanting.

In the next three days, Lanting ate all the nine hualingdan pills. On the first day, he ate five top-grade pills, and on the third day, he ate the remaining four top-grade pills, and broke through again, stepping into the triple realm of Yuanying.Continuous breakthrough, and with the help of the essence of the Millennium ice, she did not leave any sequelae, which made Lanting very happy.

"If you can take pills every day, I'm afraid you can forget all the troubles in the world." The thought of Lanting's beauty.

That night, Jun Chen also ended the closure. With the help of endless Dan, he successfully got rid of all the sequelae.

Jun Chen also noticed the continuous breakthrough of Lanting, which was not surprising, because the first few small realms of each big realm were easy to break through. He immediately closed his eyes and was ready to sleep.

Although he recovered, he was still weak and needed time to recover his power and mana.

All of a sudden, Jun Chen felt that there was a figure beside her. It was Lanting. She also lay down on the xuanbing cold jade bed and got close to her side.

Jun Chen asked, "why?"

Orchid Pavilion mysterious smile: "Chu Zhongtian, before you are not you can be immortal? Teach me. "

Jun Chen took out a piece of the best inspiration jade, put the cultivation method and some cultivation inspiration of xiantianzhen Yuangong on it, and then threw it to Lanting.

Lanting is a little incredible. Is a little man so cheerful?

She quickly felt the inspiration of the cultivation method of yunei.

Yuangong in Xiantian town is very domineering in name, and it is also the art of cultivating spirits.

But she took a look at the cultivation method, and it was difficult for her to cultivate even though she had some inspiration from a little man.

"It's too difficult. It's as hard to practice as the Qing emperor." Lanting road.

Jun Chen nodded: "the more powerful the skill is, the more difficult it will be."

Orchid Pavilion shallow smile: "then no problem."

The Qing emperor is so difficult that she can understand it thoroughly. I believe that Yuangong in Xiantian town is OK.

Jun Chen closed his eyes.

Orchid Pavilion also silent, after a long time, she suddenly whispered: "are you not cold?"

This cold jade bed is more than five times as cold as the essence of thousand year old xuanbing. She doesn't know how the little man falls asleep.

Jun Chen said, "it's OK."

Orchid Pavilion hesitated for a moment, then secluded way: "you are not afraid, I am afraid. Do you want to freeze me to death? "

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