Boom! Boom!



The empty mirror bombarded by the thunder and lightning of Tianbian suddenly appeared cracks.

"Well, with all our might, a mirror would like to block it?"

Inside the four elephant tripod, Zhao Feiyan can't help but feel a burst of cold hum when he sees the cracks in the virtual space.

However, she is not surprised. Although the attack power of the void mirror is terrible, it is just a piece of incorruptible Dongtian treasure, which is the same level as the ancient tower she used to resist the curse of heaven.

The ancient tower of subduing demons has been destroyed, and the empty mirror is no exception.

Empty mirror, Zhang Qingyang is also scalp numbness.

"The void mirror has the ability of magic immunity, but it can't resist the curse of heaven?" Looking at the spider webs all over the world in the mirror, Zhang Qingyang almost suffocated.

Once the void mirror is broken, he thinks his body will be directly exposed to the scourge.

The empty mirror is an incorruptible treasure of the cave. It is so indestructible that it can not resist the curse of heaven. He doesn't think his body can resist it.

Zhang Qingyang's only hope is that the empty mirror can hold on for a while longer.

"I was careless and didn't bring the empty tripod!"

Zhang Qingyang clenched his teeth with cold sweat.

"Well, it didn't disappoint." In the safe area, Murong Qingleng snorted. She was really afraid that Zhao Feiyan would not be able to open the curse of heaven before, and then she would pit her like a pit junshao.

She is not that little man, once her punishment can not be opened, two people have no cards, have to play, even Phoenix Mountain are burned.

Two minutes later.


The noise was so loud that the void mirror burst.

A figure was shot out, it was Zhang Qingyang.

And at this time, the scourge is still extremely terrible, there is no intention of weakening.


"Ah, ha ha! ——”

after the desperate roar, Zhang Qingyang's voice became extremely shrill and heartrending.


Black lightning drill into the body, the whole person is twisted, the whole body is emitting black smoke.

Even if he had hands-free mana, Zhang Qingyang only persisted for three seconds, then he was severely damaged, and the spiritual pulse in his body was directly burned.

Then, the Dantian was smashed.

The sea of knowledge where the spirit is located is a thousand storehouses and a hundred holes.

Yuan Ying also began to dim.

"I am wrong, I am wrong, I am willing to submit! Don't kill me! ——”

Zhang Qingyang risked the dead and begged for mercy in despair.

Murong Qing angrily rebuked: "if I had known this, why should I have done it at the beginning?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Murong Qing heard a loud bang.

Zhang Qingyang suddenly exploded.

It's gone!

Looking at Zhang Qingyang about to fall, not only Murong Qing, Zhao Feiyan is also quite excited.

The two of them actually worked together to wipe out a powerful existence of Yuan Ying Jiu.

The scourge lasted another minute, then gradually weakened, and finally dispersed.

The sky's curse cloud also quickly returned to the void and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Zhao Feiyan jumped out of the four elephant cauldron and held a round with Murong Qing.

Both women were a little excited.

Zhao Feiyan's chest was full and proud, and she heaved violently. "We killed Yuanying nine together. Even if it was Jun Shao, we didn't have this ability at present."

Murong Qing held her chest in both hands and cast a gratifying look to Zhao Feiyan: "Zhao Feiyan, you have not let people down at last. You have finally released the curse of heaven. It's very powerful."

Zhao Feiyan said: "I think our skills are complementary."

Murong Qing disdains a smile: "complementary? Don't be kidding. I'm strong enough to make you feel complementary. To be honest, don't you think I can fight Zhang Qingyang for hundreds of rounds even without you? "

"He can't hold me down at all, and I can hold him down."

Zhao Feiyan frowned and said, "without me, is it useful for you to fight hundreds of rounds? I have to lose. "

Murong green mouth slightly up, teasing way: "you still do not accept? I Murong Qing asked you, do you think you can beat me now? "

"It's very powerful to open the damnation, but I have a hundred ways to interrupt you."

Zhao Feiyan was speechless.

Although very uncomfortable Murong Qing that arrogant appearance, but have to admit, Murong Qing in the possession of double super four spirit root, really some adverse.

Although there are only Yuanying 6, the secret method can be promoted to Yuanying 8. After that, it can also suppress Yuanying nine dozen, making the other party have no temper. It is impossible for her to do so.

Murong Qing said: "it's a pity that Zhang Qingyang must have a lot of resources. They are all destroyed by the curse of heaven."

Zhao Feiyan said: "it's a good result to kill Zhang Qingyang. By the way, Zhangjia has come, and Chen's has not come yet. It is estimated that it is also broken. ""Don't talk nonsense. We may have to face a new baby nine. If we meet with each other now, we will surely die. Let's quickly restore the mana."

Murong Qing nodded.

"The strength of the two young ladies is really amazing. They are indeed the mainstay of Fenghuang Mountain and the woman selected by the dean of the sky academy. Your strength is really shocking. I have been greatly enlightened and educated."

At this time, a white God awn came down from the sky and turned into a person. The way of appearance was appalling, as if it had come out of the void.

The wave of powerful mana almost choked the two girls.

He was a white robed old man with bright stars and a galaxy around him. He was a powerful monk who mastered the power of the stars. It was very shocking.

"Yuanying nine!"

"Yuan Ying Jiu?"

Zhao Feiyan and Murong Qing both changed their faces. Although the mysterious man and Zhang Qingyang were both Yuanying 9, they obviously had higher Linggen grade and stronger cultivation. It seemed that they were the peak of Yuanying 9 and might step into the existence of Yuanying 10 at any time.

Zhao Feiyan has read a lot of books in the sky academy and heard about the Qi refining technique related to the stars. He is known as the star friar, refining the power of the stars as his own magic power, which is extremely powerful.

This unexpected guest seems to be a star monk.

Zhao Feiyan asked in a deep voice, "where is your holiness?"

The white robed old man is kind-hearted and has a look of rejuvenation. Although he smiles faintly, his eyebrows show extraordinary pride: "no one dares to ask my name for many years. I almost forget my name."

"Some people once called me the star Taoist, and others called me beixuan Zun. In the past few hundred years, Jiuding pavilion has granted me the title of" the first sword under the sky ". As for my name, it doesn't matter. What's important is that I come to attack Fenghuang mountain on behalf of Chen family and Jiuding Pavilion."

Murong Qing shared some information from the flower shadow, probably knowing the origin of the old man. His face sank: "are you Chen beixuan, the head of the Chen family?"

"My friend said you killed Yuanying ten?"

Chen beixuan still said with a faint smile: "little lady, don't say, I have forgotten. After all, it was ten years ago. That Yuanying ten is a parallel product. Don't mention it."

Wen Yan, Zhao Feiyan and Murong Qing suddenly suffocated, unprecedented pressure.

Even if it's Yuanying 10, it's the peak of Yuanying. It killed the existence of this level ten years ago. Ten years later, I'm afraid it's even more terrifying.

Chen beixuan said with a faint smile: "two little ladies, don't be afraid. In fact, I don't like that Jiuding pavilion just like you, so I show up here because of the order and have to come."

"I heard that there is a God against heaven pill in Fenghuang mountain. If you eat it, you can upgrade your spirit root level."

"If Fenghuang Mountain helps me to be promoted to the top three level spirit root, I will go back wherever I come from, and the gratitude and resentment between the Chen family and Fenghuang mountain will be written off. When I turn to God, if there is any place in Fenghuang mountain that needs help, I will give my best to help."

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