Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Jun Chen took out the other four kinds of alchemy materials and couldn't wait to put them into alchemy.

And in front of the fire tripod, reached a height of 10 meters, white flame rolling, temperature frightening.

Zhao Feiyan watched, her eyes staring at the green copper ring that Jun Chen threw aside.

After Jun Chen's concentration on alchemy, Zhao Feiyan stealthily takes Jun Chen's green copper ring and takes out a blue treasure box hidden in it.

In this treasure box, it is the ancient blood sealed with the nine Youming Phoenix.

"At last."

Zhao Feiyan's chest fluctuates violently. Seeing Jun Chen not paying attention to herself, she quietly withdrew from the cave space.

Talk about Jun Chen.

He is still unable to ensure that he can refine the nine grade pills, but this time he has refined all the miraculous medicines of the great fortune pill.

There is a high probability of nine grade pills.

But that is not enough.

At least more than one is needed.

Therefore, he entered the realm of forgetting things and me, and all his energy was put on alchemy.

One day later.

Jun dust around the emergence of colorful lightning, from the void diffuse out, and then into his fire Ding.

Boom, boom.

Thunder and lightning roared.

Jun Chen woke up suddenly.

"Dan Jie?"

Jun Chen's heart vibrated.

He knew that if he had more than nine pills, Dan robbery would occur, but only in a very few cases.

There are good and bad in Dan Jie.

The advantage is that Dan Jie can upgrade the level of pills. This is an opportunity, which can not be met.

But the disadvantages are enormous.

Dan Jie will damage the furnace. If the Alchemist is not good enough and his fire fighting skills are not perfect, he may blow up the furnace directly and lose all his efforts.

The same is true.

When more and more colorful thunder and lightning poured into the fire cauldron, the fire cauldron began to be unstable, twisted, the flame leaped, and quickly went to the edge of collapse.

Jun Chen didn't dare to have any carelessness. He urged the divine power to consolidate the fire cauldron with his divine power, and his fire control skills were also performed to a superb level.

Soon, the fire cauldron gradually stabilized.

Jun Chen broke out a cold sweat.

Fortunately, he had 30000 years of alchemy, otherwise this furnace of pills would be destroyed today.

"This time, the alchemy has led to Dan Jie, and the finished pills are definitely not low." Jun Chen began to have a lot of expectations.

Half an hour later.

Dan Jie is gone.

There was no trace of lightning.

A strong aroma from the fire cauldron spray out, intoxicating.

"Is it done?"

Jun Chen's heart vibrated.

Another 10 minutes later, the Danhua bloomed, and the golden Danhua came out of the flame. The whole Zhongpin cave space was bright and peaceful.

Jun Chen knows, Dan has become!

Then, a golden light broke out from the fire cauldron. It was a golden elixir the size of a pheasant egg!

"The bottom nine?"

Jun Chen is a little nervous.

Then, the second also flew out, is a nine grade inferior.

The third one is still under the ninth grade.

"This time, the alchemy has brought about Dan robbery. Isn't there a middle grade of nine grades?"

Jun Chen is more nervous.

His purpose is nine grade Chinese medicine.

Not out of the middle class, the probability that he will be promoted to more than ten levels of blood is less than one percent.

The fourth pill came out again, the light was twice as bright as before.

"Top nine! You're here at last

Jun Chen was so excited that he was so excited as to become a pill for the first time in his life.

Because it took him half a year to gather these elixirs. Once the refining failed, it would be difficult for him to find a second batch within a few years.



The seventh!


All of them are of the best quality!

The smile on the corner of Jun Chen's mouth.

Because the upper limit of his immortal Shura blood is very high, a nine grade high-quality big fortune pill can increase his success rate by about 5%. If you eat five pills, the success rate will reach about a quarter.

This is a pretty high success rate.

"There is no top-grade eight. It's a pity that Dan has gone too fast."

Jun Chen was satisfied with the eight pills. When he was about to remove the fire cauldron, he suddenly found that there was still a pill in the fire cauldron!

As soon as this pill came out, the space was colorful and dazzling. It was bigger than other pills and could be compared with the big eggs of chickens raised at home.

Jun dust was excited to stand up: "nine top grade?"

He said that Dan Jie all appeared, how could there be no top-grade nine grade, there is really.With this nine grade top grade, his promotion success rate of super four blood will reach about 30%.

This probability, together with Jun Chen's 30, 000 years of cultivation, means that the probability of being promoted to over four is nearly half.

Jun Chen drank miraculous medicine and took Huili Dan, and began to supplement his divine power.

He also noticed that Zhao Feiyan was not there, but he didn't care too much and began to recover at full speed.

A day later, he recovered to his peak.

"Finally you can start to taste the pills."

Jun Chen took out all the nine products and put them in front of him. He collected the three inferior ones, and took out a middle-class one from the rest and put them into his mouth.


He ate it.

Impact super four is on.

"If I can step into the super four, I will be invincible in the world."

With this kind of expectation, Jun Chen urged him to swallow Tianjue and refine pills.

The first pill, the whole body blood vessels boiling, incomparably active.

He tasted it for a long time.

Half a day later, the second pill went down, Jun Chen's blood appeared obvious sublimation trend, he waited for a long time.

Jun Chen was very satisfied.

The third pill will be taken after it is almost consumed.

After the third pill was refined, its power was boiling in Jun Chen's body, and the trend of blood sublimation was four or five times higher than before.

An hour later.

Jun Chen ate the fourth.

The power of blood is from quantitative change to qualitative change.

Here comes the opportunity.

Jun Chen didn't take the fifth one immediately. He left the cave and went to look for Zhao Feiyan.

He needs to be tempered.

Two golden crows are still guarding him.

He immediately asked the two golden crows to spit out the purest fire and burn him.

At the beginning, the two creatures did not agree. They were afraid to burn Jun dust. They agreed with him.

Jun Chen goes to Zhao Feiyan again.

Zhao Feiyan is also nearby. He adjusts his state. Jun Chen directly asks Zhao Feiyan to open Tianbian and help him refine his blood.

After two external forces helped to refine the blood vessels, Jun Chen sat down, took a deep breath, and ate the last nine top-grade pills.

In the next moment, the fire of Jinwu was rolling, and the heaven's punishment condensed and spewed down. Two kinds of external forces swallowed up the king's dust.

Jun Chen also used the sixth move of Tianmo fist, and forced his blood to super-4.

Zhao Feiyan didn't know why Jun Chen wasted his power to upgrade his blood, so he asked Jun Chen.

Jun Chen told him that it was a shortcut to promote blood.

It's very difficult for the power of pills to help blood vessels complete the last step of transformation. At this time, your own skills play a huge role. You can improve your blood vessels independently, and then accept the help of the power of pills. In this way, the success rate will be higher.

When the end of the use of the secret arts, as long as the blood level does not fall back, the breakthrough will be successful.

Zhao Feiyan's eyes widened. It was the first time that she heard of such a breakthrough method. She expressed doubts.

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