For ye Fei Ye's words, Zhao Feiyan and Murong Qing are skeptical. Can the saint resist it?

"Let's step back and I'll help."

It's not Jun Chen's style to let his wife be bullied, adding, "remember, prevent the gold family from sneaking in!"

Both women were stunned.

Can you join the war?


A shock at the foot of Jun Chen, the river was broken, and his body turned into a flash of lightning, shooting at the wind from behind.

In the process of approaching each other at high speed, Jun Chen used the sixth move of Tianmo fist, and his cultivation broke through to the level of half step tianwu.

The king dust of half step tianwu is about tianwu 1.

This is also his strongest strength at present. Although the sequelae has disappeared, he has not recovered and can not use the magic prison skill.

"The Dean has done it."

"The Dean moved."

"Didn't the media say that the dean's accomplishments have not been restored?"

"Yes, the dean is not at the top. I don't think it will help much."

"The effect is not big also must go up, looking at the wife is bullied not to move, that is not a man."


Jinling is in hot discussion.

"Hum, Junchen, are you here to die?"

Feng Wucun was a little nervous at first, but he calmed down quickly.

He has seen the battle between Jun Chen and Feng Su Yi, and he has seen Jun Chen, the God of heaven, who is invincible in the world. But now, Junchen is far from perfect.



The wind does not save, return to the body is thousands of spears, to shoot Jun dust into a beehive.

"A lean camel is bigger than a horse."

Jun Chen used his magic shadow to flicker, continuously moved to the limit, and died. He succeeded in breaking through the gun awn of fengwucun and was close to fengwucun for ten kilometers.

For the strong in the fifth level, it's not far to be hundreds of kilometers, but ten kilometers. It's already close to the body. It's hard to prevent some powerful martial arts and supernatural powers against the sky within this distance.

Sword shadows roar up all over the sky, and each sword has the power to kill the dragon.

"Go away!"

Fengwucun is still afraid to let Junchen get close to him. He is not afraid of ten thousand. He is afraid that if he raises his hand, he will destroy the withered and decadent palm and blow up the sword spirit of Jun Chen.

At the same time, the wings behind the sun also waved at the king's dust.

Feel the pressure of the torrent, Jun dust instant to determine the strength of the other side, and the wind plain clothes are almost the same.

Jun dust was immediately shaken off and blasted out hundreds of miles away.


Shake fly Jun dust, the wind does not exist, arrogance soars to the sky.

However, he overlooked one thing.

He just dealt with Jun Chen, wasting three seconds.

Three seconds is a long time for a leaf.

Before I could lock the position of Ye feiye, I could feel that there were thousands of spears behind me.

Looking back, it was not a spear, but a huge wave flew out of the river, and then split in the sky. In a split moment, countless huge ice cones were shot at him.

Each cone is hundreds of meters high as an iceberg.

These flying icebergs instantly block the sight between him and ye feiye.

"Breaking the sky! Give it to me

Feng Wucun's move is thousands of spears, called breaking the sky. It's a martial arts magic. It's used again to smash thousands of icebergs.

Ye feiye didn't continue to attack. At the other end, he turned into a giant dragon in the sky against the cold water, like a dragon out to sea, bringing up a storm and a huge wave.

The huge wave circled and turned into a dragon pillar of tens of miles. The dragon pillar was quickly frozen and turned into an ice dragon flying in the sky.

It seems to be a defensive move.

Ye feiye is so complacent that he hides himself in the ice dragon.

It took her five seconds.

In these five seconds, the wind broke through his thousands of icebergs and killed him in front of the iceberg.

"Little skills! Give it to me

The wind does not save a cold smile, around the ice dragon pillar, thousands of spears toward the ice dragon column boom.

This ice dragon column is extremely strong under Ye Fei ye xuanbing's mana reinforcement. However, it is too big. The ice dragon beads have a thousand storehouses and hundreds of holes.

Layers of dark ice fall off, and the icicle keeps getting smaller.

Five seconds later, the Qianzhang ice dragon pillar collapsed and hit the river, but the river didn't roll because it was frozen, and the whole river couldn't bear the huge impact force and split into pieces.

"Has the saint failed?"

Jinling fell into a dead silence.

The wind does not exist, but feel very strange, do not think the saint will die so quickly.

The virgin may have a second hand.

Soon, the frozen river suddenly vibrated, the lower water gushed, the upper layer of ice was pushed to the river by water.

It was a huge piece of floating ice, thousands of miles across.All the people in Jinling were shocked.

When was such a huge piece of floating ice formed?

This is not ordinary ice, but Millennium ice.

Jun dust did not continue to attack, wind does not exist, see this piece of ice, his mouth hook up a faint smile: "it is really that move."

"Magic soldier!"

Looking through the ice floe, into the interior, the wind Wucun saw the cold, suddenly angry extremely counter smile, "think to make such a big piece of ice, I can't break it?"

The wind did not exist and fell from the sky. Three thousand spears were blasted on the ice, and the layers of ice were blown apart.

Twenty seconds passed.

There is no wind, there is no hurry, no slow.

The ice is only half as thick.

The wind does not exist in the near delay, continue to use the front busy bombard the ice.

Ten seconds later.


There was only a loud noise, and the ice suddenly broke open.

The wind finally broke through the ice.

However, waiting for him is not a harvest of magic weapons, but a heinous peerless sword spirit.

This sword is just the second form of flying immortal outside the sky, the unique sword.

This is a long-term Kendo magic power which can gather the sword spirit and the sword spirit.

It took half a minute to break the ice.

Ye feiye took half a minute to gather the sword spirit and meaning.

At this moment, the sword spirit and meaning of the peerless sword have reached the peak.

"Not good!"

The wind does not exist, pupil to crack.

The sword was so terrible that he was less than 100 meters away from the Shenbing.

This sword can't be avoided in any case.

Only hard touch!

Wind Wucun roared: "infinite style!"

All his powers are concentrated in this spear.


A sword, a shot, an instant hard touch.

The huge ice floes and the river burst out in an instant. The spear and sword shadow swept across the eight wastelands and devastated.

At last, the white sword swallowed up the golden gun shadow all over the sky.

Some powerful beings, such as Jun Chen and Jin Tai Dou, saw the sun gun flying out of the wind and then shattered into pieces.

"It's going to be a disaster if the wind doesn't exist."

Jin Tai Dou murmured to himself, and suddenly felt that Jinling was very cold.

It's cruel to count the saint in a series.

The reality lures the wind to attack by making ice dragon pillars, which expands the time advantage, and then creates such a large piece of ice floe, so it is complacent and continues to let the wind not survive to attack.

The wind does not exist to think that the saint is complacent, that can think of, or delay time.

There is space in the ice floe, so that the saint has enough space and time to condense the sword spirit and the sword spirit.

If the wind doesn't exist and can't break the ice floes, it's OK.

But he broke it.

The wind does not exist, and is doomed to death.

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