"Is the abyss destroyed?"

Benina also saw the huge sinkhole. It was estimated that the abyss had been flattened, and the ancient demons were also destroyed.

"The two lotus flowers are really terrible," he said


Just then, there was an angry roar under the sky, which was creepy.

The golden winged ROC bird immediately recognized the owner of the voice, and his face changed: "loud, remember the colorful sparrow I told you about?"

"That's the sound. He's not dead."


An earth shaking gale blew out of the chaos, with a golden light, a colorful sparrow flying out of the sky.

This dragon sparrow swoops down and turns into a six armed Toutuo in the world in front of Jun Chen.

This head of Buddha is extremely huge, with a height of thousands of feet. It is not the true Buddha Dharma. Looking down at the three people, all sentient beings have a feeling that they have become a grain of sand. Even if you are ambitious and dare to compare yourself with the sky, you will become ashamed.

Jun Chen knows that the seven color dragon sparrow has no such ability.

The third ancient Buddha was attached to the seven colored dragon sparrow.

This is not the most terrifying.

There is also a relic in the body of the colorful dragon sparrow, which is the relic of thirty ancient Buddhas.

There are more than 30 ancient Buddhas in the yuan God of the colorful dragon finch.

Strong and powerful sense of oppression, even if it is Jun dust, breathing is also unable to help but become a bit repressed.


Jun Chen immediately ordered.

The five clawed Golden Dragon and the golden winged ROC also take Benina out of the area.

Jun Chen, this is to stay.

The Colorful Peacock looked at Jun Chen coldly and majestically and asked, "aren't you afraid of death?"

Jun Chen stood with his hands on his back, his eyes calm, and his movements were full of invincible calmness. He said, "I am the God, when I suppress all enemies in the world!"


A sense of God's oppression, which belongs to 6000 years, broke out from Longque's eyebrows and rolled down. Although it can't be seen, it's actually oppressed.

The golden winged ROC bird and the five clawed golden dragon, who fled tens of thousands of miles away, could not help but feel the heart, gall and cold sweat.

However, facing the king dust face of the colorful dragon sparrow, he is still so calm and calm.

The power of the gods of six thousand years may be able to hold down other powerful spirits, but it can't hold down Jun Chen.

He has practiced for 30000 years and practiced for two generations. The yuan God is far different from ordinary people's strength. What's more, what he practices is the most top-level alchemy in the nine realms.

It's impossible to crush him with pressure!

In the distance, Benina saw Jun Chen and 30 confrontation, still so confident and calm, did not fall into the wind, shocked to the extreme.

The golden winged ROC bird was also a little confused: "my darling! Little princess, is that boy really a God

Before this, although he called Jun Chen by a big God, he didn't think that boy was a real God, but he was just a little more powerful than ordinary friars.

But now, the boy is still calm and calm in the face of the oppression of the thirty ancient Buddhas, and the invincible self-confidence emanating from his body is still strong and unaffected. He is definitely not a brainless self-confidence.

Apart from God, he could not think of anyone in the world who could have such self-confidence!

"Demons, go back wherever you come from."

The Colorful Peacock utters Sanskrit like thunder. It is solemn and grand. It raises a bead of Buddha on his hand, and then a golden one flies directly to the king's dust.

The power of the Buddha is huge. It magnifies tens of millions of times under the sky and becomes a golden sun. With the fire of burning the heaven and earth, it seems that the Buddha wants to turn the world into Purgatory.

Jun Chen's fingertips bring forth hairs.


The Giant Buddha turned into the sun and fell down from the sky. His power suddenly dropped and his light was dim.

The colorful dragon finch flicks its fingers.

Boom, boom.

The rest of the Buddha beads flew out, quickly enlarged, and bombarded Jun dust together.

Jun Chen still with hair to deal with.

A minute later, the Buddha beads all over the sky were smashed, the hair of Jun dust became dimmer, and the cracks became more obvious, which might break at any time.

Jun dust holding hair, calmly said: "do you have any secret treasure? Take it out and have a look. "

The seven colored dragon sparrow did not offer magic weapon, but the Buddha light in the eyebrow heart used the secret skill of spirit and soul. A huge swastika print was produced from the eyebrow center and quickly enlarged between the heaven and the earth, and rolled down towards the king's dust.

Jun Chen's eyebrows also fly out of the sun print, and the sun in one, like the sun, the light is not weak in the swastika, and then the two collide in the sky.


Two marks are broken.

Although we can't see this kind of power, except for Jun Chen, who is especially powerful in Yuan Shen, other yuan gods dare to step on the top, and the yuan God will be destroyed in an instant.Boom!

The peacock eyebrows of colorful peacock fly out three swastika prints successively.

Jun dust also has three Shendan God printed Japanese characters, both sides fight the same, no one can do anything.

"The third generation of ancient Buddha, but so."

"Ignorant ants."

The third generation of ancient Buddha was angry, and the light behind it was shining. The big day came. The five colors world was sealed with the divine power.

The taboo divine power in the body of Jun dust awakens, and the terrible and super five blood vessels are under the influence of the powerful force. Then, the sword is drawn to the sky, and the sword is rolled down from the top to the bottom. The sword spirit seems to exist forever, and becomes the forbidden area of the colourless boundary divine power, and can no longer affect the surrounding separation of Jun dust.

With the second layer of magic prison magic disintegrated King dust, has reached the peak of his ability to reach the current combat power.

"Master's sword can cut through the power of the world without color!"

"This power is already extraordinary."

Tens of thousands of miles away, Benina, five clawed golden dragon, golden winged Dapeng bird were all stunned.

Especially the golden winged Dapeng bird, they knelt down and looked up at the dust.

Because in his cognition, it is impossible to have such a bad strength in five situations, but the young man did.

At this time, the seven color dragon birds spit out the truth secret words.

Jun Chen felt the change of heaven and earth, and the world became purgatory. He appeared in the purgatory, without any pain, loss, hatred, and covering himself.

His cultivation has also been lost in purgatory and becomes a mortal.

That burns itself, and the body is gradually turned into fly ash.

Endless pain, let the heart of the dust you dust move.

Jun Chen also felt, he did not block, directly awakened the mind.

"What's the situation?"

Meanwhile, Benina saw Jun Chen roaring and yelling in the sky and earth, and was crazy.

"This is the spirit of the demon! The spirit of the great God is hooked up by the vision of Buddha kingdom! "

The golden winged Dapeng bird recognized it and his face changed.

Of course, if they know that Jun Chen deliberately let the heart demon run out, and is using the spirit to fight against the illusion, it will be a big surprise.

"Resistance to the corner." The third Buddha again made a sound by the flesh of the seven color dragon birds, which was extremely cold.

Soon, the state of Buddha was terrible, and the mind devil of Jun Chen was killed by the fantasy.

The illusion still envelops the dust of the king, tormenting the dust of the king.

But, Jun dust opened his eyes, and relaxed to break away from the illusion, woke up.

Jun Chen whispered: "thank you for your help. I think it's hard for me to get rid of this evil so soon."

The color of the seven color dragon birds is very ugly, like the dead: "hell Vientiane has not trapped you How could it be? "

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