"Do you know a fart?" the old man said angrily? I bear the humiliation! You don't know the situation of Yungu Tianhe. It has been conquered by Xianzu. "

"To be a hero for one second is heroic, but what is dead is gone. Only by living can we have a chance to turn things upside down."

"Only when I am alive can I pass on the inheritance of Yungu Tianhe people, and the civilization born in the largest valley of the nine kingdoms will not die out."

"Yungu Tianhe was snatched from the hands of the Xianzu by a great emperor of the human race. His name is Junchen emperor. I put up with it in order to hope that one day, Emperor Junchen and his old people can return to Yungu Tianhe, suppress the arrogance of the Xianzu and recover the mountains and rivers."

"A lot of people are waiting for him."

"You know my origin. I think it's a coward who escaped from the ninth world to the tenth world. You are more shameful than a man who bears humiliation like me."

Jun dust Leng Leng Leng, eyes deep, as if floating to the ancient times.

Tens of thousands of years ago, he succeeded in preaching in the Yungu Tianhe Valley and expelled the Xianzu.

Since then, innumerable human groups have gathered in the Yungu Tianhe basin. In a few hundred years, Yungu Tianhe has grown up, and many strong people have emerged.

Since then, the Yungu Tianhe Valley has become a holy land for the nine kingdoms, which has gathered four trillion people for thousands of years.

It is a rare light in the long history of the Terran.

Unexpectedly, after he left, Yungu Tianhe fell again, and even the most powerful lineage of Yun clan was also reduced to the servants of Xianzu.

It's pathetic.

But just a few seconds later, Jun Chen's eyes reappeared and became indifferent and said, "the emperor will go back. That day, it won't be too far away."

Jun Chen raised his hand with a sword, and with some anger, he turned into an epoch-making sword and cut it forward.

The spirit of the sword penetrates the sky, and the cage where the old man's space law converges is split into two instantly.

The sword spirit continued to move forward and exploded with the nine day coagulation light array.


Nine days of light burst suddenly.

The leaves are not leaves, and turn into a fairy awn, and fly out from it, gathering with the king's dust.

The old man was shocked: "you You've broken my field? "

Jun Chen hid his sword behind him and said indifferently, "descendants of the cloud clan, I will not kill you."

"Go back where you come from."

The old man was furious: "don't stop me! I have to take the first nine immortals back

Jun Chen said, "she is my wife."

"The old man angrily rebuked:" she is a fairy, I help the Xianzu catch Xianzu, not against the ancestral precepts. "

"If you don't get out of the way, I don't have eyes."

The sword in Jun Chen's hand pointed to the earth, and said faintly: "very good, then let me see how strong you, the descendants of the cloud family, have cultivated the boundless divine sword formula."

"I won't let you down." The old man's palm, thousands of miles of ice clouds gathered, turned into a vast sword, roared to the king dust.

This sword is magnificent.

"It is worthy of being a strong man who once set foot in the semi holy land. The cultivation of cangyun Shenjian Jue is really superb."

Jun Chen spoke softly and his strength increased sharply. In an instant, he stepped to the top of tianwu from tianwujiu. With his own means, he gathered thousands of miles of ice clouds and gathered a sword.

this sword is as like as two peas.

In the old man's extremely shocked eyes, two boundless swords flashed together.


When the two swords collide, the old man's boundless sword breaks in an instant. It is not Jun Chen's opponent.

"You Do you know my cloud family's boundless sword? "

The old man's face was fantastic. What's more, it was extremely difficult to cultivate the boundless magic sword. It took him two thousand years to complete the cultivation to the point of perfection.

This young man not only can, but also has cultivated to the state of transcendence and transcendence.

Jun Chen said, "let's have the second sword."

"Canglong destroys the city!"

The old man gathered the flying dragon again, and the ice cloud of nine days turned into a black dragon, which ran across the nine days and blew to the king's dust.

But it took two seconds to do it.

In the same way, the king's dust comes first, gathers the water of the Arctic sea, turns into an ice dragon and flies to the sky.

His release was a second faster than the old man.


Two angry dragons collide, the sky explodes and the void collapses.

Finally, the black dragon will collapse, as long as the ice dragon flying in the sky.

The old man turned green.

The same moves will not say, although it is only a second difference, but this gap is the difference between heaven and earth, is the difference between the supernatural and the divine.

The old man finally couldn't help but be shocked: "where did you learn the secret of the boundless sword?"

"You are not nobody! Who is it? ""Dare you name yourself?"

Jun dust way: "want to know the identity, win me again."

"Boundless sword field!"

The old man gave a big drink and flew into the sky. His hands were facing the sky. He gathered countless boundless sword Qi. The sword spirit was like raindrops and attacked with the king dust as the center.

What's more, Jun Chen is also confined by the space field.

The so-called field is the way in which the six strong states present the law of space.

For some top players, the field means invincible. For example, the master of Wuji jianjue, Wuji Jiansheng, dare not get close to him even if his opponent is a higher level.

As for Jun Chen, a strong preacher, his field is stronger than invincible. He has become a forbidden area and will die when he enters.

This old man's field is indeed very strong. He can kill all the five realms, but he can't kill Junchen and ye feiye, who are so ancient and brilliant as ye feiye.

Holding the cold against the water, Jun Chen once again displayed the magic sword formula. Like the old man, it was the third form.

However, there are two changes in the third form of Cangmang Shenjian Jue, one is offensive and the other is defensive.

The old man evolved an offensive.

Jun Chen is on the defensive.

Jun Chen has no field, but there is cold in the hand.

Against the cold water into an ice dragon, in accordance with the defensive operation, protect themselves.

Whew! Whew!

Boom, boom.

The boundless sword Qi gushed down and blew around Jun Chen. A sword field appeared in his whole body. Let the boundless sword Qi attack and kill him, his sword field would not move like a mountain.

One attack and one defense, lasting one minute.

Ye feiye, who watched the battle, was very nervous.

There is still a gap between my husband and the old man, and there is no lack of strength in the field.

It worried her a little.

However, a minute later, the old man stopped the attack. His face was pale and his words were astonishing:

"there is no field, it is better than a field. It seems that you are a rare Kendo wizard for thousands of years. I can foresee that your sword will surely shine through the ages."

"There is such a genius in the tenth world. I didn't come here in vain and was taught."

"I can let your husband and wife go, but before you go, you have to go back to my question."

"Who are you?"

Jun dust light way: "my name Jun dust."

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