Since the first world war with Murong Qing, she showed her face to the little man. The latter took advantage of her seclusion and left without leaving any news. She left the orphan and widowed mother in Fenghuang mountain.

In general, she felt comfortable, but now that the boy is no longer in danger, she is depressed and worried. She is afraid that the demons will gather a large number of strong men to attack the latter.

She can't control the whole situation by herself.

"Is junshao back yet?"

"I need help."

"There are more and more demons from Ares mountain. There are not enough people to stop them."

"We are under siege. We can only last one day at most. You have to find a way."

Mobile phones continue to send voice messages from Qin Bingyun.

Zhao Feiyan can only tell the truth, but also helpless.

Cheng Huang, ye he, were sent by her to meet Qin Bingyun.

Zhao Feiyan immediately called Murong Qing: "Murong Qing, what's your situation there?"

Murong Qing said: "I can hold Hanyang, but there are more and more demons. If I leave, this city will be lost."

Zhao Feiyan called Lanting again and got the same result.

Zhao Feiyan called mu Nanzhi, the holy land of Lishan Mountain: "Mu palace master, can you get rid of it?"

Mu Nanzhi said: "not for the time being. There may be a war in our holy land at any time. Our opponents have two six armed demons, and their strength has exceeded five levels."

"If I leave, younger martial sister alone can not resist."

Zhao Feiyan

Big Purple Palace, in the office.

"Your Majesty, we can't wait any longer," the Secretary General said in a deep voice

"A choice has to be made."

"We have only one way to counter attack the Ares mountain and force those demons to return to defense."

Zhao Feiyan of course knows the price of this one, that is to give up the three big cities of the Federation.

After a second of silence, Zhao Feiyan asked, "is this the conclusion of the United Front Work Department?"

"If we counterattack, what is the probability that the demons will return to defend ares mountain?"

"These demons were premeditated to attack four big cities and disperse the power of our union, thus providing time for some presence in the Ares mountain to break the seal," the Secretary General reported

"Therefore, attacking Zhanshen mountain is tantamount to encircling Wei and rescuing Zhao. This is the most representative opinion given by the United Front Work Department at present."

Zhao Feiyan nodded: "good."

"You go and tell the United Front Work Department that tomorrow morning at seven o'clock, Phoenix Mountain will attack ares mountain."

"I need Mayor Mu Rongqing, the former master of Wu Shentan LAN Ting, Wuzhao Jinlong, Wu Shentan altar owner, etc., to create a two-hour vacuum period before 7:00 a.m. tomorrow, and to appear in the Hanshen mountain at the same time."

The secretary general asked, "Your Majesty, will two hours be too short to win the Ares mountain? I think it will take at least one day. "

Zhao Feiyan said: "in these two hours, the strong people in the cities that have been attacked will be evacuated, and they will certainly face the disaster of the invasion of the demons, with huge losses."

"Two hours is the biggest loss I can afford."

"If we can't force the demons back in two hours, we have to defend."

The Secretary General nodded: "yes, your majesty."

Zhao Feiyan also said: "also, let the Ministry of communications immediately into a state of war, I want to cut off all contact information of the enemy."

The Secretary General said, "yes, your majesty."

"Go ahead."

After the Secretary General left, Zhao Feiyan left the palace and went back to Fenghuangshan. She immediately called Huang Xiaoyan and told her that from now on, Fenghuangshan was under martial law.

No one is allowed to leave the mountain without her order.

Then she began to pick up her energy.

The ten great demons who came to Jinling also gathered together to discuss privately and prepare to take action.

"We have been here for two days. We are very safe. No one attacks us. It is basically certain that the saint is not on the mountain, nor is the dean. There is only the queen on the mountain."

"She should stay at Phoenix Mountain."

"The queen has not taken the initiative to fight us, I think her strength is not as strong as we think, otherwise she would have gone."

"Our task is to contain the queen, so that she can not get away from her body, not to take the initiative to attack."

"The elder asked us not to attack, but should we not attack? This is the nest of Jinling, the holy daughter and the dean. They gather resources from all over the world. If Fenghuang mountain is broken, all the resources here are ours. "

"Yes, the elder doesn't let us attack Fenghuang mountain. He certainly doesn't want us to get resources. I can't let him do that."

"And when to attack?"

"Right now."

"There is a big array in Fenghuang mountain. We can't enter the city, but we can force her out."

"How to force it?"

"Isn't that easy?"A rebellious big devil clapped the bottom, and several big towns turned into fly ash.


In the direction of Fenghuang mountain, there was a purple and golden lightning coming towards the outskirts where the ten demons were.

"Here comes the queen. Get ready for the arrest bell!"

as like as two peas in the same way, the ten big black heads are taken out of the same black bell, which is shaped like a human skull and has a half meter wide.

Zhao Feiyan instant arrival, Feng Mou cold: "you dare not challenge me in this way!"

An old man in black, who was the head of the top ten demons, stood up and gave a gloomy smile: "queen, this is just a small warning. If you don't want to see the destruction of Jinling, hand over the pills."

Zhao Feiyan said in a deep voice, "what if I don't give it?"

The ten demons laughed one after another.

The black robed old man was also Jie Jie with a smile: "we have ten people here, all of them are the top of the five realms. Although the queen is powerful, and Jinling has a big array to guard, can you stop me alone? Can we have ten people?"

"As long as you dare to fight, half of the urban area of Jinling will turn into human purgatory."

Zhao Feiyan secretly gritted her teeth. These demons suddenly threatened the lives of the citizens in the city. She thought about it, but she didn't expect it to happen.

One person can't stop ten people.

Zhao Feiyan said in a deep voice, "I can give you pills, but you must leave immediately."

The black robed old man said with a smile: "not much. All the pills of Fenghuang Mountain are taken out. If the quantity is satisfactory, we will leave the day after tomorrow."

"If you don't believe us, you can pay in installments. We don't mind."

Zhao Feiyan said in a deep voice: "you should be glad that you are facing me, not my husband. Otherwise, when you say these words, it will become a corpse."

"Ha ha ha."

"Ha ha ha."

Ten demons look up and laugh.

The old man in Black said with a smile, "is the Dean on the mountain?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Take out the pills and let our ten brothers eat first."

After biting her teeth, Zhao Feiyan decided to take out the pill.

She also had many pills on her body, at least 600 pills. She took out 50 pills: "that's all the pills in Fenghuang mountain."

The old man in black immediately sucked the pills in the air, then took out all the pills and was shocked.

At the sight of the pill, ten demons were all red and their saliva flowed.

It's fifty pills!

And they are all nine grade!

The old man in black put away the pills, and his eyes were sick: "queen, you must have pills. This is not enough for our brothers to eat. Another 100 pills."

Zhao Feiyan said without expression: "no more."

The black robe stares at Zhao Feiyan and takes out the green copper ring of the pill: "then take the ring and let us check it."

Zhao Feiyan angrily denounced: "wanton!"

The old man in black sneered: "I'm sorry, brothers, butcher the city!"

Zhao Feiyan was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood: "wait!"

"I give it!"

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