
This fist is powerful and powerful. It seems that there is a god of war in Jun Chen's body, and a towering God of war Dharma covers him.

With the spirit of war, the power of this fist is more powerful.

"The warrior fist of Terran?"

Others can't see this boxing technique, but Bai Qingxia recognizes it. It's a supreme imperial skill of the human race. It was created by a Emperor Wu. It's extremely domineering and pushes thousands of people.

She had only heard of the existence of this boxing technique, but she had never seen it. She never expected that the emperor would use it.


The huge fist collides with the Dark Dragon King.

After a dull sound, the Dark Dragon King was shocked back for a distance. Although he was not injured, his face was full of horror.

For the first time, he saw that some human beings could beat him back with fists.

What's more, the other side is only four fold cultivation in the field.

"Junchen! Did you break through? "

Zhao Feiyan exclaimed in surprise. She thought she was going to catch her. Unexpectedly, her man suddenly descended from the earth and was born in the sky. She was shocked to retreat from the Dark Dragon King with a powerful blow.

At this time, Jun Chen, although she improved her realm with secret arts, could feel that her men, like herself, were the starches in field three.

Jun Chen said in a deep voice: "you open the curse of heaven."

"My child, her mother, you'll hold the other one."

Zhao Feiyan soared to the sky.

Ye feiye also blocks Bai Qingxia in front of her. Without the attack of the Dark Dragon King, she no longer needs the Arctic fairy light to protect her body, because it consumes too much.

Bai Qingxia a joy: "you don't need the Arctic Fairy Light, you will die very ugly."

The big elder of the witch clan retreated from a distance and also drank: "fairy, stop the saint. Let me call on the subordinates of the devil."

The sorcerer subdued many demons in the central region. Like Xiaji, they were controlled by the talisman, but they did not gather. The elder of the sorcerer took out a horn of an ox and blew it.

The sound of the trumpet was heavy and melodious, spreading over 90000 Li.


The magic soldiers in the hands of the two women have begun to collide continuously.

The other direction is the main battlefield.

Zhao Feiyan was under the dome. Although she was injured, she was not afraid to open the punishment because of the Dharma protection given by Jun Chen.

The Dark Dragon King stares at Jun Chen and warns: "academy boy, you are hurt by years in the forbidden area. You are absolutely my opponent. Get out of the way!"

Jun dust cold way: "then try."

With a roar, the Dark Dragon King rushed directly to Zhao Feiyan in order to eat Zhao Feiyan and refine the magic medicine in the latter's body.

Jun Chen's cultivation increased sharply, the taboo divine power awakened, and stepped into the field of five fold.


The God of war fist blows out again. It moves out of the mountains and rivers, and the heaven and earth collapse, and the void shatters. It is like the huge and bright fist of the sun to the Dark Dragon King.

The Dark Dragon King did not dare to ignore Jun Chen's fist. He spat out a black ball in his mouth. The ball quickly enlarged and then hit Jun Chen's fist.


The earth trembled, and the terrible roar shook the Dark Dragon King away.

Jun dust was also shaken back for a distance by the turbulence in the sky.

There is a small gap between the two sides.

Jun Chen began to gasp.

The power of the war god boxing is huge, and his Shura finger is the top level of physical magic power, but one represents the extreme impact force, the other represents the extreme power of penetration.

But the God of war consumed more than the Shura finger. Although he only used two fists, his internal divine power had gone to 70%.


The Dark Dragon King roared and jumped at Zhao Feiyan again.

Jun Chen is flying in the air, and his fist is a fist of war god.


The Dark Dragon King was shaken off again.

The dragon scale fell off a large area and was covered with black and blue.

Zhao Feiyan was watching in the sky. Her eyes were cold. Only her own man could not stop the Dark Dragon King. If she was someone else, she would have been destroyed by the Dark Dragon King.

However, the whirlpool of Nemesis thunder cloud has formed, and the scourge of thunder is brewing rapidly. In another five seconds, the scourge will come.

But Jun Chen has been unable to follow.

The gap between the two sides is too big, and the other side is also a real dragon. It is not easy for Jun Chen to persist for such a long time.

"I ate you."

The dark king opens his mouth and swallows up the black dust.


Ye feiye's magic weapon comes and locks in the eyes of the Dark Dragon King.

It is extremely fierce.

This is a sword to practice Xu Wu!

She also used secret arts to improve the cultivation of Xu Wu!

In the heart of the Dark Dragon King, the Dragon wagged its tail and drew to ye feiye's magic weapon.


This is not ye feiye's killing move!

At the moment when the Dark Dragon King attacked the flying sword, ye feiye pointed to the Dark Dragon King in the distance, and Tianxin shot down the Arctic Fairy Light, enveloping a man and a dragon.The Dark Dragon King was immediately imprisoned by the most intense Arctic Fairy Light, such as mire, Longyou shoal.

"Ah! ——”

"roar! ——”

The Dark Dragon King roared and tried his best to break away from the Arctic Fairy Light. The terrible ice cover was breaking little by little, but it also scared the Dark Dragon King to death.

He is not afraid of the ice. He can break it, but the curse is coming.

Not far away, Bai Qingxia saw the scourge, her face changed greatly, turned and ran away, and ran toward Outland.

The big elder of the witch clan runs towards Outland.

Ye feiye falls from the sky and blocks them on their way. They both come out with their palms and fly swords.

The North Pole immortal light one after another, bright, cold light hundred thousand miles, freezing, if hit by the Arctic Fairy Light, it will be imprisoned, frozen.

If you are imprisoned, you have to eat the flying sword.


Bai Qingxia and the big elder of the sorcerer clan are terrified. The five consecutive saints are too strong. They have no strength to fight back and can only escape.

One breath effort, two people can not escape, but forced back to the edge of the restricted area.


Facing the forbidden area, Bai Qingxia hesitates for a moment. Ye feiye's flying sword comes and goes through the chest, blood stained in the sky.

"Ah, ha ha! ——”

Bai Qingxia screamed bitterly, which was the second time that ye feiye had pierced her chest in a short month.

Last time, he was so quick that he failed to plot the magic medicine. As a result, he took another sword.

Fortunately, she is immortal body, strong body, turned to run in the restricted area.

As for the sorcerer.

Ye feiye failed to hit because the elder of the witch clan had already run into the forbidden area ahead of time.

Ye feiye's flying sword catches up.

They fled to the depth of the forbidden area.

I don't know how long it has been. I guess it's ten thousand miles away. Ye feiye finds that the induction of the flying sword is weak, so he takes it back immediately.

At the same time.

Ye feiye expels Bai Qingxia and the elder for only two seconds.

Two seconds later, the Dark Dragon King also broke free of the Arctic Fairy Light and ice, ready to fly away.


The boundless scourge is coming.

"No! ——”

The Dark Dragon King's whole body was upside down, and its hair was blown up!

I wanted to find an opponent, but I didn't see anyone.

Zhao Feiyan, Lanting, Jun Chen, all three of them have left the battlefield now.

The next moment, the endless scourge of thunder engulfed thousands of miles, where the finger turned into a black sea of lightning.

The Dark Dragon King was also engulfed.

After that, a series of angry and shrill screams came, which made people shudder.

I don't know how long after that, the Dark Dragon King screamed No more.

Ten minutes later, the scourge of thunder dispersed, and everything seemed to be over.

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