In the distance, several demon emperors were watching.

Tianjiao demon emperor, Tianwei demon emperor, Tiankeng demon emperor, Canglong emperor, Tianxin demon Emperor

Everyone has stopped fighting, because they are controlled by the emperor of Tiankang demon.

Only the heavenly tail demon emperor and Bai Yiyi didn't show up.

Their eyes fell on the battlefield at the moment, and their looks were dignified to the extreme.

Zhao Feiyan, Lanting and murongqing are more nervous.

If Jun Chen fails.

The dangling emperor of Tiankang absolutely captured the three of them.

Seeing the sun billowing in the sky, the sky collapsing and the earth sinking, the three women were all extremely nervous.

Jun Chen, can we really base ourselves on that level of war and meet with half step power?

Tianjiao demon emperor stares at Tiankang demon Emperor: "broken eight, against half step power, the gap is obvious, Tiankang demon emperor, with the Terran, sooner or later he will die."

Tiankang demon emperor ha ha ha a smile: "I just believe in the Terran, how?"

The eldest prince of Canglong sneered: "just him? My mother hasn't used all her strength. Maybe in the sun's torrent behind her mother, he has already fallen

Tiankang demon emperor doesn't care.

In any case, he will not lose the battle.

When the man won, she made great contributions to protect the three women.

When the man lost, he took the two Terran saints, and the queen who could punish God was quite good.

With these three people in the harem, Tiankang demon clan will surely be able to create great achievements.


"Shrinking head tortoise, you actually learned eight or nine Xuan skills. There is a kind of special hiding, come out to fight!"

"Queen Ben knows you're in the sun."

When the empress Canglong handed it over, the nine suns whirled rapidly, turning the torrent of the sun hundreds of thousands of miles into a solar vortex, a tornado, and then poured into the nine deep abyss.

She wants to pour the sun torrent into the abyss and force Jun Chen to appear.


A batian spear pierces the sun's current, and a towering figure appears in front of the Black Dragon Queen.

It's Jun Chen!

Jun dust or broken peak, breath is obviously stronger than before a lot!

"Shrinking head tortoise, you did show up and lead to death!"

"Since you want to fight, I will accompany you to fight!"

With a big drink, Junchen's accomplishments increased dramatically. In an instant, he broke through the broken peak and stepped into the realm of half step power. The Shura Dharma emerged and stood upright, just like the God of Shura coming to the world.

Standing there, the broken power spreads out, and the world collapses.

The terrible sense of oppression and the murderous spirit of the endless Shura made the empress of Cang Long look gloomy: "you actually stepped into the state of half step power temporarily?"

"You are a fake half step power, but this queen is a real half step power. Do you know what the big step power is? Do you understand Heaven and earth? Die

Control the nine suns to blow to the king's dust.

"No one knows heaven better than I do."

Jun Chen glared at the way, and the spear was in the hand.


The nine suns were shot by the king's dust, with cracks all over the place, and then exploded.

Ninety thousand miles of mountains and rivers are trembling for it.

"You Can you destroy the vision of power? "

Canglong queen saw her nine suns flying, and her face was pale. She could not bear to look down upon this Terran youth any more.

This son demon, can be called against the sky!

"But do you really think this is the Queen's strongest strength? Let me show you, what is ten days of the same day, heaven and earth submit! "

"This empress tells you today, what is the same realm invincible skill!"

The Dragon Queen roared and reunited. Nine suns reappeared behind her, and then the tenth sun appeared.

Then, ten originally huge suns were magnified by ten times to block out the sun. All of them turned into human purgatory, and everything was red.

The sky, watching the war, the demon emperor and the three girls are staring big eyes.

The queen of Canglong actually sacrificed for the tenth day.

Across hundreds of thousands of miles, they all feel the breath of destroying the sky and the earth.

There are two demon emperors, already scared to kneel down.

"This son is so powerful that the Empress Dowager is forced to sacrifice her cards!"

The big prince of Canglong widened his eyes.

Jun Chen said coldly: "although you are invincible in the same realm, I am invincible in the same realm!"

"The heaven is the boundary, and the myriad boundaries are the abyss!"

"The abyss of heaven and earth!"

Jun Chen roared, his power overflowed mountains and rivers, and a bottomless abyss appeared under his feet, as if he could devour heaven and earth.

At this moment, the nine demons in the dark can't help but tremble.

They are also demons, and Junchen is also demons. They feel more clearly than Canglong empress.The vision of heaven and earth of this human demon cultivation is not only the heaven and earth.

But with the rudiment of the heaven and earth forbidden zone, only half the power of the forbidden area, but still terrible.

After this powerful existence falls, it can form a forbidden area and bury all living beings!

It's horrible!

"What is this? Why is it so terrible! "

"Is it a restricted area?"

"In this world, someone can build a forbidden area?"

"It's not an absolute box, but it's at least half."

"If this son is not dead, he will surely dominate the Three Kingdoms and become the Lord of the Three Kingdoms."

The emperors felt that the dust of the king was so terrible that it was more terrible than the queen Canglong.

In fact, Jun Chen was shocked.

At this level, he could only open half the forbidden area even if he was trained to the extreme level in the last generation, which has reached the limit.

But in this world, he can open half a box if he is half a step.

This means that he will be able to open the real forbidden zone and even the absolute forbidden zone after he becomes the real Hualong power.

There are absolute forbidden areas, all of which are the strong ones who have lived for many generations.

This represents him, his potential has already exceeded the previous ten times the height!

After the baptism of the same day of the sun and moon, he became stronger and the quality was enhanced!


Nine sun hit Jun dust, but they did not hit, and the trajectory of flying and falling was distorted, all fell into the abyss behind Jun dust.



Sun after sun into the dust behind the sky in the abyss, all quickly collapsed, the light is full of dim.

It was not until the ninth sun was swallowed that there was a crack, and there was a light shining through the abyss to illuminate the sky, but it was quickly swallowed and the light was completely destroyed.


The tenth sun fell.

The abyss of the heavens and the heavens continued to break and twist, and there was a sun and God shining out on all sides, as if it were to break down.

"Is it not in the way?"

"If the abyss were shaken by the sun, the man would have been unable to escape and die."

The emperors and the three daughters shut up their breath and waited for the results.

"You are all the same in the sky and the abyss. Although you have the position of opening the forbidden area, you are only half a restricted area. The queen thinks she can change her name, which is called potholes." Queen Canglong shouted, the war is so powerful that she is proud of the clouds!

"You are enough to kill half the forbidden area," said Jun Chen


Suddenly, a blast of the sky blew up in the abyss.

The tenth sun was crushed by the abyss of the heavens and the thousands of worlds!

In the semi restricted area of Junchen, there was unrest, but the calm was restored quickly and the unrest was suppressed.

So far, the tenth sun has been destroyed.

The sky is spinning.

The forbidden area moves quickly, swallows to the Canglong queen!

The face of Queen Canglong changed greatly: "here It's impossible! How could you have a forbidden zone

Jun Chen cold way: "I said, with the realm, I absolutely invincible!"

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