In the midst of a stir, the auction began.

The focus of discussion also shifted from Jun Chen to semi holy medicine.

"What is the semisacral medicine? Do you know, brother

"Cut? Thanks to you, you are still a superior God. You don't know anything about the semi holy medicine? "

"I tell you, semi holy medicine is beyond the existence of the nine heaven God medicine, but it can not reach the level of holy medicine, so it is called semi holy medicine."

"Some of the top nine heavenly medicines and congenital elixirs have a very small chance to grow into semi holy medicines after being bred by heaven and earth. Of course, some immature divine medicines are also semi holy medicines. "

"In a word, the semi holy medicine can improve your accomplishments very quickly. If you have the right type, you can upgrade from God to King."

"Some top semi holy medicines can even help you step into the semi holy state, isn't it?"

"It's a pity that what is auctioned tonight is not the semi holy medicine, but the clue of the semi holy medicine. If there is a clue, it may not be able to get it. Maybe it is a trap."

"The three realms have experienced immeasurable catastrophes, not to mention the holy medicine. It is estimated that at present, only Jinao island has Archean stars, and there are semi holy medicines and holy medicines."


Jun Chen was also attracted by the clue of the elixir.

At present, he has consumed almost all his resources. Besides a small amount of elixir and a large amount of excellent spirit liquid, he has no extra resources. It will take at least 10 years for him to break through into the realm of the divine king only with the spirit liquid.

He can't wait ten years.

He had intended to help himself break through the realm of the divine king with the help of the merits and virtues of Jinlian's holy position, and then point to the semi holy state.

Now that the golden lotus is in the Qingxuan temple, this idea can be broken.

If he wants to be promoted to the divine king and even the half holy, he needs the semi holy medicine and even the holy medicine.

If there is a suitable semi holy medicine, he can break through the realm of God in a month.

Jun Chen sat and waited.

The auction was very lively, and most of the items ranked were magic weapons, immortal utensils, and nine day immortal medicine.

There's no shortage of these monarchs.

Only the best jiutianshen and Xianyao can enter his eyes. Unfortunately, there are no top-grade medicines. At most, they are top-grade. They are dispensable. He can't use them at all.

It took more than three hours for the auction to reach its climax.

The highly anticipated clue to the semisacral medicine finally appeared at the auction.

"Look, I have a treasure map of the empty sea in my hand. The address on this map is Yuexian harbor in the west sea of jin'ao island."

"In ancient times, this port belonged to the power of Yuexian hall, which flourished for a time. However, after the Yuexian temple was destroyed by the Wu family on jin'ao Island, it sank into the deep sea of emptiness and could never be found again."

"In the past ten thousand years, the Yuexian harbor in the West Sea has been shrouded by the void storm. After ten thousand years, the tunnel has finally been restored. Countless monks from jin'ao island have gone to Yuexian port in the West Sea, but they have not found the moon immortal hall which has sunk into the deep of the empty sea."

"This map is the empty west sea map drawn by Yuexian hall. With this map, the strength of finding Yuexian hall will be greatly increased."

"People in jin'ao island should know what kind of terror exists in Yuexian hall. The Mingyue clan of Yuexian hall once dominated the fear of half of the strong men in jin'ao island. There were saints in ancient and old people."

"Yuexian hall, where is the details of the Mingyue clan. If you find Yuexian hall, there must be semi sacred medicine."

"Even the elixir is not impossible."

"Now, do you know the clue is powerful?"

As the old man said, the crowd was boiling.

"The map of the Moon Clan in the west sea? If this thing is true, once it flows into jin'ao Island, it will surely lead to looting. "

"The master of the moon immortal hall is wonderful. It comes from the Mingyue clan. The Mingyue clan originated from the Mingyue Kingdom and was once equal to the immortal kingdom. In ancient times, the Mingyue clan once ruled the three realms. Until Zhang Bairen ascended the throne of heaven, the Mingyue clan was exiled to jin'ao Island."

"I have also heard that the sage of the Mingyue clan was killed by the emperor of heaven. This is the only saint on the surface of the emperor of heaven, that is, the sage of the Mingyue clan. This holy position is inherited by the holy daughter of Qingxuan."

"Ji Qingxuan, the holy daughter of Qingxuan, rose with the tide and replaced the kingdom of the moon."

"It is said that the reason why the Yuexian temple was destroyed in those years was that the Mingyue clan, in anticipation of the coming of the immeasurable catastrophe, changed their positions in a hurry and went to bury the holy ancient star, so they were attacked and destroyed."

"The strength of the celestial kingdom of the moon is indeed powerful. The empty waterway we are now in is the only one that has not been destroyed, which was opened up by the kingdom."

"There is no need to talk about the details of the Mingyue clan. If we can find their Yuexian hall, there will be some semi sacred medicine."


At the same time, an old man of xianzun level stood up: "master Daoyou, this map is from the three realms?"

The old man, who presided over the auction, nodded slightly: "yes, a year ago, the talented men of jin'ao island came to the three realms together with the half saints of the Wu family and the half saints of the God of war. They went to the ruins of the kingdom of the moon and found this treasure map.""However, those who have obtained the treasure map know that their ability is limited, even if they have a map, they can't find the moon immortal hall, so they auction the map."

"Therefore, although this map is only a clue, its value is not inferior to that of semi holy medicine."

"Ask the price, the seller asked, as long as the pills, the best fairy liquid, holy ware, not holy art."

"Secondly, the grade of pills and sachets must satisfy the seller."


"Don't you want any holy skills? You look down on people too much? "

"Is holy art still valuable? The emperor of the Terran Phoenix mountain camp has put on a batch of holy skills. As long as you have the spirit liquid, the nine day fairy medicine and the divine medicine, you can go to see it. "

"Yes, the existence of the heaven academy has attracted many talents of jin'ao island. If it had not been closed down, it would have been a long time before all the sacred arts would have been everywhere in jin'ao island. Do you think the holy arts are still valuable?"


"100 million drops of the best spirit liquid!"

"200 million drops of the best spirit liquid!"

"300 million!"

"500 million!"

"One billion."

However, within a few seconds, the price soared all the way, and all the bidding parties were in the box, with different voices and no identity revealed.

What's more, the most advanced private cave on the ship can be randomly transferred to the box. Only the organizers don't know who is bidding.

The way of trading is also very simple, that is to put the auction products in the corresponding box, and the bidders also put the spirit liquid in the box to complete the transaction independently.

Jun Chen also had a private cave with the highest level on the immortal ship, so he went back to the cave directly and waited for him to appear in the corresponding box.

The price of the map has risen to two billion drops.

But this seems to be just the beginning.

Although Jun Chen carried a lot of fairy liquid, it was only about 10 billion drops.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, the map rose to 10 billion drops of immortal spirit liquid, surpassing the best spirit liquid on Jun Chen's body.

However, he still has three top-grade magic elixir.

So he tried.

"Three mysterious elixirs, in exchange for a map."

Jun Chen offers.

Soon, someone came to his box to inspect the goods.

Jun Chen was also present, too lazy to avoid.

When a middle-aged female immortal Zun saw the pill, her face was slightly startled and asked, "dare you ask, what kind of pill is this?"

Jun Chen said: "you are also an alchemist. Don't you know the name of the pill?"

The middle-aged female immortal Zun took a deep breath: "this is the effect of pills. All of them are used to upgrade the level of Linggen. The refining method is very unique. Among the three realms, few people can make such pills."

"If I'm not mistaken, is this the elixir needed to upgrade Linggen

Jun Chen is a Alchemist's identity, except for his own people, few know.

Jun Chen nodded: "good."

Nuxian Zun took a look at the young Jun Chen: "isn't this pill made by you? Do you know the effect of pills? "

Jun Chen said: "there is a great chance to upgrade the imperial spirit root to the holy product, and it is said that the Holy Spirit root can also be promoted to a higher level."

"Can you raise the Holy Spirit root to a higher level?"

"Among these three realms, how can there be such pills?"

Jun Chen shook his head: "if you don't believe it, I can't help it."

The immortal lady hesitated for a moment and said in a deep voice, "wait a moment. I'm going to ask the seller."

After about five minutes, nuxian Zun appeared again, bringing good news.

"The seller is willing to trade."

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