Qingniao stood on Qinghai, black and blue, but nothing serious. Without the siege of three and a half holy beasts, she began to refine pills.

The power of pills is very obvious.

Because, its blood is infinitely close to the holy level, and with the nine heaven level of the highest quality of the creation of God Dan, this kind of God Dan can cultivate the son of heaven, and the existence can be used to upgrade to the holy level.

If its cultivation has not become a God, or in the realm of God, half of it is not used, it can be promoted to holy goods.

The higher the cultivation level is, the more powerful the medicine is needed.

This is why Jun Chen tried his best to improve the blood and spiritual roots of the group of women at home in the early stage, because it is very difficult to upgrade in the later stage and consumes more.

Early stage improvement, high cost performance.

An hour later.

The bluebird gave out a loud and clear roar, because its blood began to degenerate and sublimated into holy products.

Jun Chen sat and waited, and took out the colorful mending stone to eliminate the sequelae of the magic prison.

He knew that he didn't have much time. A group of God of war had died and a young god of war would not give up.

The lineage of the God of war is all holy goods, and it is the top Holy Blood among the three realms. It is very terrifying.

I'm afraid that only four mutant beasts can join hands to have the power of World War I.

"Am I going to succeed?"

The bluebird yelled and was very excited.

At this time, jinmaozhen had already run back, and was excited to see that the blood of the green bird was about to complete its transformation. He immediately threw a pile of nine day high-quality divine medicines and fairies in front of Jun Chen, half of each kind, almost a thousand plants:

"little brother, these are all the best miraculous medicines in my territory. I don't know what you can use, I will give them to you, and you will keep the rest All of you. "

"Don't worry, little brother, refine mine first!"

Golden bull also came back in a rage, spitting out thousands of miraculous herbs and elixirs in his mouth, all of which are the top-level elixirs and divine medicines under the semi holy medicine.

Jun Chen couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

A lot.

These resources are extremely urgent for Fenghuang mountain.

The cultivation of the first echelon of Fenghuang mountain is at the level of xianzun, Xianwang and Shenwang. These people can cultivate quickly by virtue.

But in the second tier, we also need resources.

Of course, these resources are used by the first echelon, and the strong members of the first echelon have greater benefits.

It has to be said that golden bull and golden goblet are so generous.

"Don't worry. I'll make pills right away."

He picked out the elixir that can make pills. He collected all the other magic medicines and began to make pills.

The two mutated beasts lie in front of Jun Chen not far away, holding their breath and staring at Jun Chen, more nervous than Jun Chen.

Because they also know that alchemy will fail.

In case of failure, there is no hair.

But this boy is so young, alchemy attainments think not too high, the probability of failure is quite high.

An hour later.

as like as two peas, the nine is the first stove to create the spirit of the emperor, and it is the same as the nine birds.

Jinjinniu and Jinjin suddenly stood up, staring at the magic pill, and both wanted to be late for the first time.

After all, only the meat in your mouth is your own meat.

Gold bull roared and immediately rushed up: "the pill is mine!"

"Dead cow, the pill is made with my magic medicine."

Jinjin is so angry that he wants to shoot the golden bull.

But the golden bull's skin is thick, ignoring the blow of jinmaozhen, and the pills are all late for the mouth.

Countless golden juice spilled on the ground.



Chewing hard, nose rolling vision, the head of the dragon flying around, so happy that he directly lying on the ground, began refining pills.

The golden goblet stands up its Unicorn tail, looks ferocious and roars.

The two great mutant beasts are ready to work.

"Don't fight. I'll refine it."

Jun Chen shouts.

Then the golden goose stopped his anger and looked at the golden bull eating the leaky golden elixir juice and the soil, licking it into his mouth.

"It's delicious."

Jinjin was still in his mind. He returned to the king's dust and sat down in front of him. "Little brother, you're greedy to death. Let's make pills quickly."

Jun Chen made pills.

Another hour passed, and the pill came out.

With this spirit, Jun Chen's Alchemy attainments were brought to the extreme, with the result that he not only achieved ten top-notch nine heaven level miraculous alchemy pills, but also produced one whose quality surpassed the level of divine elixir and reached the level of semi holy elixir.

Once this pill was given out, the sky and the earth flowed with color, and there were thousands of visions, and birds worshipped.

Unfortunately, not waiting for Jun Chen to appreciate his masterpiece.Grunt.


Huangjin took a big puff and sucked all the ten pills into his stomach.

This is a huge suction force, which almost sucked Jun dust away.

Jun dust immediately made a response, put that moment and half of the holy elixir to put away.

"Little brother, what do you mean?"

Jun Chen said: "the other nine, enough for you to break through."

"If not, you must hand it in, or I will eat you."

Finish saying that, the gold stick does not give up to go to the distance, begin to refine the pill.

Jun Chen put away the pills and watched Qingniao. The transformation of Qingniao's blood vessels has been completed, only to consolidate. She is collecting herbs in her own territory.

Before the elixir and magic medicine to clean, because to go, these magic medicine fairy medicine to stay is equal to give to others.

Jun Chen was very satisfied.

The blood of golden bull is also sublimating. It's only a matter of time before we break through the holy product.

Jun Chen continued to refine pills.

An hour later, the blood of golden bull and gold stick completed sublimation successively.

One is more excited than the other.

"Although the curse is still there, I can feel that the curse is not fatal and can leave here."

"Yes, we've got a lot of fun."


Gold bull and gold stick are excited.

Jun Chen at the moment also refined the third furnace of the God of creation pill.

Good luck.

There is another half holy elixir of the nature God pill.

Jun Chen was very satisfied.

These two pills, for some of the emperor's blood of the semi Saint strong, the temptation is incomparably huge.

With him, the promotion to holy blood means that the probability of preaching and becoming holy will be greatly increased.

But what about the black dragon?

"Wild dragon!"

Jun Chen roared, shaking the saint's secret place.

Among the four mythical beasts, each of them has its own advantages. The green bird is good at flying, the golden bull's defense is exploding, and Huang Jinzhen is good at controlling.

Although he didn't use his talent when attacking him, he knew that the control ability of Goldmine was extremely terrible, so he didn't fight with Jinjin before, but tried to subdue him.

As for the wild dragon, this is the middle variant dragon clan, whose attack power is the most terrifying.

Once transformed into holy blood and mutated wild dragon blood, it can be compared with the blood of the God of war.

Boom, boom.

The wild dragon immediately flew out of the ground, overturned the endless mountains and rivers, and flew to Jun Chen. Looking at the three magical beasts who had taken the pills, he was trembling with anger, and at the same time, he was extremely red and bared his teeth.

"The dead dragon makes you greedy. You can't find a single hair in your territory if you have nothing to eat. You can't find a single hair in your territory."

The wild dragon was very angry, but he had nothing to say.

Then, he said to Jun Chen: "children, wait, this Dragon King will go to the holy Tomb of the God of war. There must be holy medicine in it."

"This dragon king takes the holy medicine to change your pill!"

"Just you? Do you want to go to the Dragon tomb

"We are in charge of guarding the tomb of the dragon with a curse. We can never leave. Otherwise, if we lose the suppression of the God of war, the curse will be out of control and die."

"When you enter the tomb of the dragon, the curse will break out."

"You want to enter the Dragon tomb? Are you bragging

The wild dragon bared his teeth and was in a rage. The scales of the dragon were inverted.

Jun Chen stood up and threw out nine pills.

"This This Thank you very much, little brother The wild dragon was excited and his eyes were straight.

Afraid of Jun Chen's regret, he took the pill immediately.

The golden goblet and the golden bull cast scornful eyes.

At this time, a generation of golden figures fell from the sky and fell into the secret realm. They stepped on the mountains and rivers, covered the heaven and the earth, stood upright, and were half holy and mighty. All the four gods and beasts could not help being frightened.

"Who dares to disturb the secret place of the God of war?"

Jun Chen looked, his eyes sank.

One of the two semi saints of the war god clan has come!

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