People pulled out their mobile phones.

"Communication has finally been restored."

"The days of isolation are finally over."


The powerful men in the temple of martial arts have different voices in their hearts.

Tu wanxiong did the news himself.

The news page is still three days ago.

The headlines are all about plague.

But when Tu wanxiong was ready to click in, he indicated that the news content did not exist. He refreshed the webpage and found that all the contents related to the plague were gone.

The news of each major portal website has been emptied, or is returned to file, a blank.

Tu wanxiong just reflected that the website had not been refreshed just now. It is estimated that all the news had been 404 three days ago.

He also searched for the two keywords of plague, but these two words were directly blocked.

Tu wanxiong also searched for the word "Saint", and the results were even more terrifying. These two words were not only blocked, but also directly turned into prohibited words, which could not be input on the web page.

"There is no news about the virgin, it seems that everything about the virgin has been erased." One of his men told Tu wanxiong in a low voice.

Tu wanxiong nodded. It seemed that the traces of the saint's existence had been erased. The Federation seemed to intend that nothing would happen.

At the same time, Yun Zhongming also put away his mobile phone and gave Tu wanxiong a look.

Tu Wan ambition led the God meeting and said, "Jun Shao, are you going back with us or let us invite you back in person?"

Although it is still uncertain whether the saint can come back or not, Jun Chen is so arrogant that he even breaks into the three big families. If he does not give an account to the three families, the martial altar will not have any prestige.

Jun Chen knew that the latest news would not come out so soon. He had to wait for a while and said, "I'm afraid I can't go around."

Without news clarification, heijinwu was also targeted by Yun Zhongming, but he was not helpless.

"Offended." Tu wanxiong personally hands, one hand to Jun Chen.

"It's not too late for Tu Fen Tan to stop." Jun Chen didn't change his face and didn't take it seriously.

Tu wanxiong didn't take it seriously.

But at the next moment, when his hand was ready to catch Jun Chen, a cold light came through the air, which was actually a very cold flying sword.

This flying sword locked Tu wanxiong.

"Congenital peak!" When Tu wanxiong felt the amazing meaning of the flying sword, he suddenly shuddered and reached out to block the flying sword.


Although he hit the flying sword with one hand, a hole was shot out of the palm by the flying sword.

The flying sword disappears and shoots at TU wanxiong's eyebrows.

Tu wanxiong was ready to crack and breathed the breath of death.

At the critical moment, the flying sword suddenly stopped and was suspended in Tu wanxiong's eyebrows. Only a hair was missing, the latter's head was pierced.

Even so, Tu wanxiong's eyebrow was still hit by the sword Qi, and the blood slowly slipped down and then solidified into ice.

"Who is coming?" Yun Zhongming cheered, but it was also a cold sweat. He also saw that the monk who made the move was the congenital peak. However, his sword fighting skill was exquisite and could be controlled within a millimetre. What a brilliant skill it is.

Although he was the first friar of Zhongzhou, he was not as good as the other.

At this time, Zhao Feixue Jun dust side, a white dress she pianruo Jing Hong, calm way: "this person is my brother."

It's just a short sentence, but everyone knows what it means.

That's the man who moves the king's dust, death.

This woman's cultivation is unfathomable, and even Yun Zhongming is extremely afraid. She obviously has this ability.

Li Zhenhe shuddered. He had determined that the woman in white was the woman who had been chatting with Jun Chen at the top of the mountain. However, he did not expect that this woman's cultivation was so terrible that even the first person in Zhongzhou was shocked.

"Who are you?" Tu wanxiong and Yun Zhongming asked in unison.

Zhao Feixue said calmly: "yunmengze, Zhao Feixue."

Smell speech, this is a silent.

One of the three most valuable members of the Zhao family?

Li Zhenhe was shocked. He didn't expect that the woman was so big.

Yun Zhongming warned: "Zhao Feixue, you are the descendant of General Zhao. General Zhao is a great man of the Federation. As long as you go now, we will not embarrass you."

Although Zhao Feixue was a member of the world, his father, General Zhao, was the first general of the Federation. Although he was no longer in the south, he had a high prestige in the southern customs of the eastern continent.

Yun Zhongming and Tu Fen Tan did not dare to frighten this woman with the power of the secular world and the authority of the Federation.

But Jun Chen is not surprised. Zhao Feixue has not gone far away. He knows this, especially since the people from the Wu Temple came, she has been observing in secret.

He knew the woman would show up sooner or later.

But unexpectedly, Zhao Feixue will look at his mother's face, help out and call him brother.At this time, Zhao Feixue said calmly: "I should not embarrass you."

For a while, the people of Wu Shentan and Yun Zhongming could not get off.

Well, we may be wiped out.

If you retreat, you will lose your prestige, and there will be no more Majesty in the temple of martial arts.

"Let's go." Zhao Feixue grabs Jun Chen's hand, jumps into the clouds outside the cliff, and then uses his sword technique to take Jun dust away.

Wu Shentan, Yun Zhongming, Li Zhenhe and others are all expressionless. Although their anger is growing, they have no courage to catch up with them.

At this time, everyone's mobile phone received a short message.

People picked up their mobile phones one after another, but after a look, everyone became.

Li Zhenhe was green and at a loss.

Yun Zhongming's hand was shaking badly, and his mobile phone fell to the ground and broke.

However, Tu wanxiong is undoubtedly the most responsive person.

A plop.

Tu wanxiong knelt down on the ground, his head was blank and muttered to himself, "it's over, it's all over."

This is an announcement from the federal official media Ziqi Pavilion, which is absolutely authoritative. All major media reprinted and topped the news at almost the same time.

The content of the notice is about.

Kaifeng xiandaoyuan plague has been identified. The murderer is a vice patriarch of dizong. He used the blood of the devil to frame up the saint. There is a secret letter as evidence, which is confirmed to be correct. He has been killed by the general altar of the martial god altar.

It has nothing to do with the virgin.

Dizong was also severely punished.

If a vice patriarch died, he was also fined 100000 drops of spiritual liquid. If the fine is not paid within one month, the Federation will disband the dizong portal.

In addition, there are many severe sanctions.

Zhou wending, the leader of dizong, resigned and left dizong.

In the next ten years, dizong will ban the admission of apprentices.

In the next ten years, dizong is not allowed to carry out any activities on the eastern mainland, including but not limited to auctions, acquisitions, hunting and killing of spirits and animals, trading, etc.

The Federation will send three observers to dizong to help dizong rectify its internal affairs and eliminate all unhealthy tendencies.

At the end of the announcement, Ziqi Pavilion reminded the major portals to uphold professional quality, and not to forward some unproven rumors for the sake of exposure without bottom line, and ignore the saint in the whirlpool of public opinion.

Li Zhenhe, Tu wanxiong and Yun Zhongming were all awed by the iron hand of the Federation.

This is the consequence of provoking the virgin.

If dizong is so targeted, it is estimated that in all likelihood it will be put on the ground by the federal government.

The scariest thing is that the virgin is back safe and sound.

At the thought of the men they had targeted at the virgin, they all shuddered.

Li Zhenhe immediately picked up his mobile phone and called an official, saying: "tell the media immediately that the clan leader will close down in the next three years and stay at home."

Tu wanxiong of Wu altar also made a phone call: "prepare a material for me immediately. I want to explain the process of this matter to the altar owner."

Yun Zhongming left in silence. He wanted to go back to write a resignation report and resign as the acting president of Jinling Xiandao Academy.


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