The holy kings and emperors who watched the battle were stunned and numb.

Do you want one to fight two fairies who just came out of Taigu?

Although the Jueming emperor is very strong, he is not the holy king of heaven and has no imperial tools.

But the goddess of dome song is different. She has a bronze chariot and is also the holy king of heaven.

The bronze chariot alone is enough to make her invincible, because it is extremely difficult to break the defense of the emperor's weapon if the bronze chariot is an imperial weapon.

The Jueming emperor is the abandoned son of the Immortal Emperor. There is no blessing and blessing from the Immortal Emperor, but the Kunge emperor is not the same. He is the apple of the eye of the eclosion Immortal Emperor and the Qingming emperor. He has the insistence of the two great emperors.

Junchen and shuilinglong are also watching in the dark.

After watching the battle, shuilinglong was shocked: "Jun Shao, isn't she? This fairy is very fierce and has great potential. No wonder you are willing to play with her."

"If she doesn't die young, the future is promising."

Shuilinglong is really envious of the fairy named Ruoxue. She is young and seems to be less than 500 years old. She has the ability to crush the son of destiny of the younger generation.

Although she is a descendant of the white dragon fairy family, she is also a daughter of destiny. She was born with destiny, but she has nothing to do with the drop of blood from the Jueming emperor.

The gap between her and the fairy is visible to the naked eye.

Junchen is basically satisfied with Feng Ruoxue's performance in attacking Jueming dizi. She hasn't used her strongest card yet, and she is not at the top. She has only half of her strength to defeat Jueming dizi, which has exceeded his expectation.

Her potential, put in nine circles that group of super eight top demons, also competitive.

She's qualified to be on the stage for 90000 years.

Perhaps, she can't defeat the Gongge empress who has the imperial instrument.

Because, at the level of zhundi, zhundi's strength is limited and can't destroy his weapons. Therefore, even if zhundi's weapons of attack type are used by zhundi, it's almost difficult to break the defense when they encounter the defense type.

His chaotic ancient pearls and the bronze chariots of the Gongge emperors and daughters all belong to the general category of attack, the main defense of the emperor's weapons.

Even if Feng Ruoxue gets taixuan emperor's sword, it's hard to break the defense of bronze chariot unless she reaches the peak of zhundi.

Unless the goddess of Gongge is willing to step out of the bronze chariot and fight with fengruoxue.

Of course, the goddess of Gongge will certainly walk out of the bronze chariot, which Junchen can be sure. The emperor of heaven is also the emperor of heaven, backed by the two immortal emperors.

The princess of dome song has the courage, courage and self-confidence.

"You are so brave."

The goddess of Gongge made a strong response. Standing on the bronze chariot, her accomplishments suddenly increased. She went out of the realm of becoming a quasi emperor and immediately set foot in the realm of becoming a quasi emperor.

The blood vessels in the body, the Taoist species, are changing and stepping into the super eight level.

She is very calm is the secret to enhance their own strength, because she stood on the bronze chariot, do not want to kill the emperor, has not yet taken the hand, was the wind like snow ice power to suppress, secret can not use.

At the next moment, the goddess of the dome song stepped out of the bronze chariot with countless shocked eyes.

As soon as she left the chariot, the terror of the emperor to be spread everywhere, and the emperor to be prostrated for all the holy kings who were watching the battle.

It's a terrible breath.

As the opponent of the imperial girl of the dome song, Feng Ruoxue is only a little emperor, who is also promoted by secret arts, and no longer at the top.

The emperor and daughter of dome song are at the absolute peak, standing high above the others, standing on the nine days, and being proud of all living beings, which makes people dare not look directly at them.

Standing on the opposite side of the dome Song Emperor, the wind like snow is also very strong, and the realm is a little unstable.

But outside the body of fengruoxue fairy, an ice river appeared immediately, twining her and guarding her. The whole body's cold air suddenly increased more than five times, reaching the limit that can be reached at present, and Xiaocheng zhundi reached the peak.

Accompanied by wind and snow, wind and snow, like a goddess of ice and snow in nine days.

Her cold spread, successfully broke free from the suppression of the dome Song Emperor, the two sides fought against each other, momentum finally came to the level of nearly equal.

That river is the Archean glacier formed by the attachment of Archean vision. Once this river comes out, the terrible ice force is enough to slow down the flow of time.

The spectators were terrified, and the queen retreated. The power of the ice was so terrible that several little emperor Jung turned into ice sculptures.

Die in an instant.

There is no reason.

Watching those xiaochengzhundi die in an instant, the viewers shudder and are glad that they have run far away. They also realize that the strength of Gongge and this mysterious fairy is so strong that ordinary zhundi can't match.

"You are very strong."

Seeing the unique power of the snow like King of heaven, the goddess of dome song was shocked and wrote on her face, "it can freeze time and slow the flow of time..."

"If I can't take you today, I can only destroy you.""Because you make me afraid and cold. If you join other forces, you will surely become one of the biggest threats to the sky academy in the future."

Wind like snow, but no nonsense, instant hand.

The sword finger cuts down, and cuts out ten thousand Qianyuan limitless sword Qi to the emperor and daughter of qiongge.

The female face of the king of songs is fearless, her hands are tightly clasped, she puts them in front of her chest and gently closes her eyes. Her movements are elegant and intoxicating.

Her quasi imperial world bloomed out in an instant. It was a world with endless holy and golden radiance. Bathing in it, the goddess of dome song seemed to become a noble maid of heaven.

She seems to come here on behalf of heaven and administer justice.

Jun Chen a look, eyes suddenly a Lin.

She couldn't see through the blood and the way of the goddess of the sky song, but after she took her hand, he could see it.

This is a very rare blood of the maid of heaven.

Only the descendants of the heavenly king have it.

Although her parents were two immortal emperors, she inherited the power of the ancient emperor of heaven academy from generation to generation and became an extremely noble servant of heaven.

Its whole light is the light of angels.

That kind of angel's light spreads out, destroys all, destroys all, can shoot to collapse all sky ten thousand boundary general.

The wind is like snow, and the Qi of Qianyuan limitless sword is instantly illuminated by the angel's light. It collapses, collapses and disappears into nothingness.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help taking a breath of air conditioning.

Junchen is no exception.

No one thought that the blood of the imperial women of the dome song was so strong.

"This should be the first time that the imperial daughter of qiongge used the power of blood. In the past, she only used the power of Taoism against the enemy. Unexpectedly, she was the maid of heaven's blood."

Shuilinglong was also stunned.

There are two grades in the blood of the son of heaven's maids, Chaoqi and Chaoba. Qiongge is Chaoqi, but it is still very strong.

Boom, boom.

When the light of the angel shines down, the heaven and the earth roar, like hundreds of millions of torrents pouring down, with infinite impact, it seems to be able to smash the sky and the world.

The wind is like snow, there is no place to escape.

Instantly hit by the angel's light which contains the terrible impact.

At that moment, her figure trembled violently and became dim. It was possible to burst.

The whole forbidden area was shocked by the attack of the imperial girl of dome song.

All people have only one feeling, that is fierce.

The wind is as shocking as snow.

She admitted that she underestimated the power of the goddess of dome song.

If she is not the holy king of heaven and has an archaic ice body protector, she will be destroyed in an instant.

Even so, she is now under great threat.

The archaic glaciers are constantly darkening. I don't know how long they can resist.

Boom boom!

Boom boom!

The attack and defense of angel light and archaic glacier lasted for ten minutes.

It's a war of attrition.

When the goddess of dome song came up, she was transformed into an angel. She was shocked by the angel's light and consumed the wind like snow.

There is a gap between the two sides. Fengruoxue has just stepped out of Taigu's fierce robbery. He has been fighting a war of attrition, and has obviously suffered losses.

In fact, ten minutes later, the unprecedented impact of the Archean glacier was almost completely broken up.

She began to get hurt. The rays of angel light pierced the archaic ice and hit the body. Each ray hit the origin, forming countless pierced pinholes on the origin.

As long as there are enough pinholes, her origin will collapse.

However, the light of the angel of the goddess of the dome song is still incomparably vast, seemingly endless.

"I can't wait to die!"

With the roar of fengruoxue, the world of fengxueshenguo emerged and became boundless, evolving into 4800 billion immortals and saints. What's more obvious is that fengxueshenguo has changed from snow-white to blood red.

As if, the sacred heaven of the kingdom of wind and snow has fallen, and all people are dead. When the kingdom of God comes to an end, heaven and earth weep, and the snow turns into tears.

An endless Pathetique of the atmosphere filled out, people desolate and tears.

This is the way of heaven sad, the way of heaven are pitying the wind like snow.

Her breath is changing wildly, as if the way of heaven is attached to her body, and she is in charge of justice.

This is the great tragedy of national war!

It is a way to deceive and borrow from heaven.

This kind of move is against the heaven.

With the pity of the way of heaven and the attachment of the way of heaven, Taigu, who is dim, becomes bright again.

Her strength once again soared, and she stepped into the realm of Dacheng zhundi at one stroke. Her strength soared dozens of times, and the power of the terrible ice quickly spread away, hedging against the light of angels.

The angel's light was instantly affected, it was forced to ice, and became dim, and its power began to decline rapidly.

The power of the ice soon affected the goddess of dome song, who had the blood of angels.

The blood in her body began to be eroded by the cold, and her realm became unstable.The most terrible thing is that the speed of time slows down in the whole world.

It was for her that the flow of time slowed down.

Her opponent is as windy as snow and has not been influenced.

She changed from the absolute upper hand to the lower hand, and began to be suppressed. The feeling of being suppressed became stronger and stronger.

"Is it the great tragedy of the human race? How strong

"She hasn't stepped into zhundi yet, but she has been promoted to the realm of Dacheng zhundi by virtue of her secret skills."

"Her Dacheng zhundi is not yet perfect, but my Dacheng zhundi is perfect and no longer at the peak. She can initially suppress me. If I am at the peak, I am afraid that I will be suppressed in an instant and there will be disaster."

Dome song in the heart of the empress also fell into an extreme shock, inexplicable fear.

"It can only be so."

The princess of dome song dare not respond to the changes with constancy any more. Once frozen, the fate of Jueming emperor is her fate.

She is very clear, in front of the fairy has the ability to control the sky, once the upper hand, will be how desperate.

As soon as the empress looked up, she saw the wind and snow coming. The latter killed her. The Qianyuan sword at her fingertips turned into a storm, faster than light.

Of course, it's an illusion.

The sword Qi is not as fast as light, but her sense of time becomes dull and the speed of time slows down, so it seems that the sword Qi is faster than light.

Whew, whew!

Whew, whew!

It seems that the Qianyuan sword wind, which engulfs nine days and ten places, instantly engulfs the goddess of dome song, and is madly strangling her angel world.

Once the angel world is crushed, she is not far away from defeat.

Whew, whew!

Boom boom!

Every sword Qi of Qianyuan Wuji is terrifying enough to kill the emperor within seven.

But now, with the wind like snow, millions of swords burst out, and the sword Qi turned into a sword Qi storm, endless, and the power has changed qualitatively.

Within a minute of being attacked, the angel world of the goddess of the dome song was dim and about to collapse.

The holy kings and emperors who watched the battle were stunned.

What do they see?

Powerful as the goddess of dome song, with super seven Angel blood, she could not be suppressed, and the Ruoxue fairy was taken the upper hand?

Besides, they began to be attacked and killed.

The strong men brought by the goddess of dome song hold their breath and sweat.

The princess of Gongge is a thousand years old.

They also followed the king and daughter of Gongge, who was a thousand years old.

It was the first time that they saw that in front of their peers, the emperor and daughter of the dome song did not have the upper hand and were suppressed so miserably.

After taking advantage of the opportunity for a minute, she finally opened her eyes.

Her backhand has arrived.

The center of her eyebrows split, shooting a bright golden light, and a golden vertical eye appeared.

It's an angel's eye.

It's also a gift she got from the ferocious robbery in Taigu. It's one of her strongest cards.

This eye, can burn yuan to destroy god, stare at who will be scared.

When the angel's eyes gaze at fengruoxue, fengruoxue has disappeared.

Her spirit felt the great danger and avoided the eyes.

As a matter of fact, her only weakness now is that the level of Yuanshen is not enough. In the face of this kind of Yuanshen attack, she can only avoid, not touch or resist.

Angel's eye immediately observed the wind like snow.

Fengruoxue retreated into the ruined kingdom of Fengxue, and there are 4800 billion sacred heavens for her protection.

But those sacred, just by dome Song Emperor female stare one eye, disillusioned.

One fell at a glance.

"No, once she sees through the kingdom of wind and snow, I will die."

The wind is like snow, the immortal's eyes are awe inspiring, and the archaic glacier outside the body immediately enlarges and turns into a long river across nine days and ten places, rushing to the angel world.

Angel world, instantly wrapped up by the ancient glacier.

The angel's eyes of the goddess of the vault were immediately cut off.

What's more terrifying is how the archaic glacier entangled and wrapped up in a close distance, which is extremely dangerous. The power of the terrible ice quickly penetrated into the dim Angel world.

The body of the goddess of Gongge began to stiffen.

The angel's eye is not only blind, but also limited by the force of ice. The speed of rotation slows down and the light begins to dim.

"Damn it."

"His archaic gifts actually suppress my archaic gifts."

The emperor and the lady in the sky were furious.


The angel world can't bear the heavy load. It is frozen in an instant, and then collapses.

There was no angel world to isolate her. The power of ice was the strongest, ten times more than before."No!"

The face of the emperor changed greatly, and two radiances appeared immediately outside the body, one was white and the other was blue, representing the blessing of the two immortal emperors.

She had to use the blessing and blessing of the Immortal Emperor.

She's her card, too.

These two Immortal Emperor auras were given by father and mother. Their attack power may not be as good as the angel's light, but their defense power is second only to the bronze chariot.

The white halo represents the power of eclosion. It turns into a terrible wave of light, tearing up the icy power of wind and snow on the spot, shaking out an area that cannot be covered by the icy power.

This halo immediately hit the Swire glacier, which is as windy as snow. The Swire glacier is all right, but there are signs of eclosion on the periphery of the world of her kingdom of wind and snow.

Dome Song Emperor and daughter fly up, want to rally, once again show Angel world.

Her strongest attack means is angel light.

Without the angel's light, she could not defeat the fairy in front of her.

Feng Ruoxue also keenly felt this point and made a decision and chose to attack.

She flashed away, crossed the first eclosion halo, and appeared in front of the Gongge emperor. Raising her hand was a sword storm in the front yard, which roared to the second halo of the people's Gongge emperor.

The first aura is attack type, and the second aura is defense type.

These two auras were originally in the future, but their power was weakened on the battlefield where the power of ice was everywhere.


The wind is like snow, and the two sword storms blow above the cyan halo.

The cyan halo suddenly appeared obvious cracks.

This cyan aura is a blessing given by the Qingming female emperor to her daughter. She is very defensive and can save lives in the key.

However, under the fierce attack of fengruoxue, it is still difficult to resist all of them.

"So strong."

With the numbness of her scalp and the fading of her fighting spirit, she turned into the spears of countless angels and roared to the wind like snow.

But the wind was like snow, and there was no defense at all.

At this time, the light of the angel is not strong enough to break the ice outside the wind like snow.

The angel's spear was frozen as it approached.

Wind like snow, backhand is two Qianyuan sword storm.

Seeing that the angel's spear had no power, the emperor and Lady of Gongge were furious. They waved their hands and manipulated the eclosion aura. They turned into waves of light and chopped at the sword storm of Qianyuan. Instead, they fought and retreated, preparing to return to the bronze chariot.

She felt extremely insecure when she got out of the chariot.

Boom, boom.

In the face of Qianyuan sword Spirit Storm, eclosion light wave couldn't lift the wind and waves, and was directly engulfed by Qianyuan sword spirit.

One by one sword yard, the sword air storm blows down unceasingly, is pounding the cyan halo.

In the face of the wind like snow, storm like attacks, the goddess of dome song has no power to fight back, and can only rely on two auras to resist.

However, after the ninth attack of fengruoxue, the cyan aura outside the body of the Gongge emperor was blown off.

Countless Qianyuan sword Qi, instant boom in front of the dome Song Emperor, such as into the realm of no one.

"Not good."

The face of the emperor changed greatly. Knowing that the situation was over, she immediately learned to kill the emperor. She also crushed a symbol of breaking the boundary. The heaven and the earth collapsed and carried it away successfully.

The Gongge emperor appeared on the bronze chariot. Her chest was bleeding. She had been injured by several Qianyuan limitless swords.

The body was shivering with cold.

That kind of frigid air invades the body, the blood is suppressed, the origin has coagulated.

Consciousness, all become dull.

The goddess of the dome song couldn't believe that she was so close to death.

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