The ancient dragon capital.

This is the most prosperous area in the ancient demon world. Although it can't compare with Tianshi City, it also has half the scale of Tianshi City, which can be seen by all ethnic groups in the ancient demon world.

But the fairies and the Terrans disappeared.

Junchen also incarnates in the demon clan and walks in the Dragon capital.

When Junchen came, he found something.

There are many shops in Longdu, and the powerful demons use very few Holy Spirit stones to buy spiritual resources. Instead, they use a kind of banknote issued by a bank named Tiandi bank.

This kind of currency has just been implemented, but its popularity is very strong. Taigu Longdu began to restrict the use of shengpinlingshi for trading, and forced the use of Tiandi bank bank's bank currency for trading.

Junchen is sensitive to this.

Because, in his plan, this is what he will do in the future.

If you control the currency, you can control the cultivation resources of one party, and you can get the cultivation resources you want very quickly.

Only in this way can we gather a large amount of resources quickly.

That's what all the big families do.

In this way, when the Holy Spirit stone is highly concentrated and the currency is not devalued, everything is OK. Once the currency is invalid, these banknotes will be worthless. However, Lingshi is concentrated in the hands of the big families and has long been divided up by them.

Eat people without spitting bones.

In the end, there will be no turmoil or war, because the distributor is powerful and no one dares to provoke.

Moreover, the powerful force is the party who obtains the interests and has long shared the interests equally.

Jun Chen began to find people to understand the origin of this world bank.

Because the word "bank" has never appeared in the nine circles. They are all called banks.

Before long, Jun Chen learned a lot of amazing news.

This kind of currency is from the central fairyland, which is jointly issued by the central fairyland, the Archean dragon clan and the five Archean strong clans in the ancient demon kingdom.

Even Yushan fairyland and Tianqiong academy have participated in the issue, with unprecedented strength.

The issuers also said that they have encountered a mountain of chaotic crystals. They have endless chaotic crystals. They must use the bank notes of Tiandi bank to buy chaotic crystals.

Once the banknotes of Tiandi bank are popularized, Tiandi bank will open its exchange to the outside world without restriction. At present, it is only limited exchange.

Chaos crystal, a kind of mysterious crystal produced from chaos, is more suitable for cultivation than spirit stone. It is of great help to sages and even the great emperor.

The publisher has found a mountain of chaotic crystals and will have endless chaotic crystals.

The banknotes of Tiandi bank are guaranteed by chaotic crystallization and will never depreciate.

In a word, the banknotes of Tiandi bank have a perfect logic and value system, which is unprecedented and has successfully convinced people.

This is also the reason why the banknote promotion of Tiandi bank is very smooth.

Junchen of course also knows the crystal of chaos.

He even knows the whereabouts of a super huge chaotic crystal mountain in the Yutian ancient world.

Once upon a time, he went through many places and found such a chaotic crystal mountain. However, with the current strength of Fenghuang mountain, he could not open this treasure mountain.

Now, the people behind Tiandi bank claim that they also have a chaotic crystal mountain.

Is the crystal mountain he found also found by others?

At the end of the day, you come to the bank to exchange a few banknotes.

It's worth a lot.

It cost him thousands of holy stones.

There are dozens of banknotes.

Jun Chen looks at it one by one.

Soon, he was surprised to find out.

On the bank note of Tiandi bank with the smallest denomination, I saw the head of an acquaintance, which was printed on the note.

"How could it be?"

Jun Chen was stunned.

Because it's murongqing's head.

Jun Chen can't believe his eyes. How can murongqing's head appear on the currency of Tiandi bank?

Is she involved in this project?

That woman used to be a vice leader on the earth, proficient in finance, Zheng Zhi (harmony), good at governing the country, very strong ability, is a top official.

Junchen felt that murongqing must have played a key role in the currency issuance of Tiandi bank.

Even that familiar set of monetary logic may be what she brought from the earth.

Otherwise, it is impossible for her head to appear on the currency with the smallest denomination.

Although the head portrait appears in the currency with the smallest denomination and does not seem to have a high identity, the banknote with the smallest denomination is most frequently used.

If this monetary system does not collapse, her appearance will be remembered by most people in the nine circles in the near future.

The most important thing is that once the currency stabilizes, murongqing will be able to find a lot of business opportunities and make a lot of money with her ability.

Junchen doesn't care.In a word, he has found murongqing's whereabouts. As long as he goes along with it, he should be able to find the woman.

"It's amazing to be able to print your own head on a bill."

"Excellent people are excellent everywhere."

Junchen is convinced to murongqing.

He immediately returned to the Tiandi bank nearby and asked.

Got an amazing answer.

This woman is the highest person in charge of Tiandi bank. She is from central fairyland, the founder of Tiandi bank and the apple of emperor xuandao's eye.

Junchen thinks it's all bullshit. Xuandao Tianjun knows it. How can Murong Qing not recognize it?

It must be the people behind Tiandi bank, in order to increase her influence and give her this identity.

After that, after inquiry, Junchen got another message.

In these two days, the person in charge will come to Longdu to meet with the persons in charge of the archaic powerful and royal families in the ancient demon world, and formulate more detailed monetary policies of Tiandi bank.

Jun Chen suddenly excited.

Murongqing is coming to Longdu?

Junchen soon realized that murongqing must know about the battle of Fenghuang Mountain in Taoshan, Tianshi city.

She must have found it too. Qingqiu took in Fenghuang mountain.

This time I left the central fairyland and came to the ancient demon world. I must have come to meet you.

Junchendun period to stay up.

Junchen immediately returns to Qingqiu and meets Bai Zhenzhen to talk about money.

When Bai Zhenzhen heard about the currency, he was annoyed: "there is such a thing. The day after tomorrow, the Taigu royal family in the ancient demon world, the powerful nation in the world, really wants to attend a meeting of the world bank in Longdu."

"If the wolf turns into a waste paper, it will be worthless sooner or later."

Jun Chen said, "I'll go with you."

Bai Zhenzhen is still biased against Junchen and says coldly, "are you interested in this kind of coin?"

Jun Chen said, "there are some."

Bai Zhenzhen said, "OK, when I go, I will take you."

"You can go away."

Jun Chen left immediately.

Although he needs the first volume of huatiangong now.

However, it is more important to see murongqing.

Two days later, Junchen follows Bai Zhenzhen, leaves Qingqiu and returns to Longdu again.

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