Lingyan temple, Lingdong.

The cave is very large. After entering the cave for a certain distance, the space ahead becomes empty. A scholar forest enters the eyes of Jun Chen. There are numerous stone statues of great Confucians, one of which is bigger than the other, with hundreds of statues.

Confucius, Mencius and so on can see, continuous.

This is a Confucian array containing Qimen dunjia, but Jun Chen didn't pay attention to it.

Through the scholars, Jun Chen enters a small hole with hidden mechanism. There is a spirit pool in the cave, which is very shallow. It is three meters wide. Next to it is a stone tablet, which says heart washing pool.

In the pool, the spirit is flowing, and a golden lotus with four kinds of light takes root quietly. The fifth kind of light has formed, but it is not solidified, and it has withered.

Everything is just like what Jun Chen expected.

"Now it's time for us to prove ourselves in jincaiyan temple." Zhang Fengxian's voice is proud, but her eyes are alert.

If it was not for the man brought by fat Luo, he could not have brought people here without knowing his identity.

Jun Chen asked with a smile, "if I prove myself, what will the real person plan to do next?"

Zhang Fengxian stood with her hands down and said, "you must have known the use of Trollius when you come to buy the lotus of Lingyan temple. It's dying, so it has to be used as soon as possible. I will tell you the truth. I need a third grade alchemist to work together to refine an unprecedented pill. "

"If the refining is successful, I will give you one."

Jun Chen shook his head: "one is too few."

Zhang Fengxian said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid you're not joking, are you? This half withered Jinling can refine two Sanpin pills, which is the limit. "

No dispute about this issue, a faint smile: "well, no matter how much refined out, the real person first take one, the rest of the pills and lotus are mine, OK?"

Zhang Fengxian said: "no problem. Please start refining pills. I'll give you any miraculous medicine you want."

It's not interesting to talk about dividing pills in advance. The premise is that the young man is a third grade alchemist. Although he also hopes that the young man is a third grade alchemist, the possibility is too low.

After all, this guy is too young.

The point is, this guy is still a king of martial arts.

King Wu can make alchemy, unheard of.

"Don't worry." Jun dust said, and then took out a bottle, the golden liquid in the bottle poured on the Golden Lotus.

This golden liquid is the jinlingquan of Fenghuang mountain villa.

Zhang Fengxian looks surprised at this golden spirit liquid.

However, more shock is yet to come.

In less than a minute after absorbing the golden spirit liquid, the four color golden lotus stopped withering and reappeared one after another of vitality.

It's not a flashback.

It's recovery.

This kind of golden spirit liquid can actually make the four color golden lotus revive. It seems that it was born for the four color Jinling. It's incredible!

"What is this?" Zhang Fengxian stares at Jun Chen.

He knew that if the spirit liquid was enough, the four color Jinling could not only recover, but also be promoted to five colors.

He suddenly regretted.

He didn't want to make alchemy with Jinling.

However, he was the son of Confucianism. He was influenced by the Confucian culture since childhood, and his words and deeds were restricted by the "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith" of the five constant Confucianists.

Although he was punished by Confucianism, he was also proud to be a Confucian son.

If you repent now, will you not be a traitor?

Zhang Fengxian's heart is struggling and bleeding!

In this struggle, one night passed.

Jun Chen poured three bottles of jinlingquan.

After absorbing three bottles, Jinlian's fifth color transpiration successfully promoted to Wupin elixir.

"Colorful golden lotus?"

Looking at the five kinds of golden lotus, Zhang Fengxian was excited, blood boiling, heart is particularly suffering, a devil's voice in his mind constantly echoed.

Do you want to kill the boy and take back the colorful golden lotus?

At this time, Jun Chen bent his fingers and a small leaf fell on the palm of the Golden Lotus. A leaf was enough to refine three grade pills. He said faintly, "tell me the pills that the real man wants to refine."

"Good." Zhang Fengxian quickly took out five kinds of four kinds of miraculous medicine, in two parts, and also took out the Dan prescription, solemnly handed it to Jun Chen.

Sanpin shenghundan?

Jun Chen lost his interest after a look. Although shenghun pill is OK, it has a complete set of walls, which is far less than the four grade Nirvana pill he wants to refine.

Zhang Fengxian resisted the excitement in her heart and sat down and said implicitly, "little friend, you haven't proved yourself to be a third grade alchemist yet? Directly refining shenghun pill... "

"No need." Jun Chen Dao.

"Then let's work together to refine pills, and you can fight for me." Zhang Fengxian took out a small black tripod, which was his treasure.

Anyway, it's just a leaf of multicolored Trollius. In any case, there are many leaves of Jinling's promotion to Wupin elixir. There's nothing wrong with failure. We can also accumulate experience."None." Jun Chen said.

With that, he directly released the fire from Nanming. The thought moved and turned into a small tripod.

Flame is the cauldron?

Zhang Fengxian couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

It was the first time that he heard of using flame as cauldron. Could it be controlled?

The boy is so young. He should not have a high level of divine consciousness. Is there enough divine sense?

Jun Chen immediately put the leaves of all kinds of colorful Trollius into the fire cauldron.

Then, with his eyes closed, he put all kinds of four kinds of elixir into the fire cauldron. Zhang Fengxian was dazzled and even doubted whether it was alchemy?

Half a minute later.

The fire cauldron revolved for a while, feeling almost, Jun dust put away the fire from Nanming.


More than a dozen black and gold pills fell from the sky, with rich color and incomparable luster, and fell on the palm of Jun Chen.

On one side, Zhang Fengxian saw this scene and knelt on the ground directly. The whole person was fascinated.

Shenghun pill, top three pills!

This young man in his early twenties actually refined the three grade elixir, a one-time success?

And within ten minutes.

1、 Two, three He counted them in silence, and there were fifteen!

He's a good boy. He's got fifteen top-notch pills!

Who can tell him who this young man is?

This kind of alchemy is not human.

"Not bad." Jun Chen talks to himself.

This time, he was able to mass produce so much, which was related to his stepping into the middle stage of concentration and the recent consolidation of concentration period.

Zhang Fengxian wants to cry!

Sanpin pills, in the eyes of this boy, are they just "not bad"?

Don't the boy know that these three grade elixir can be sold in the eastern continent, which can cause any place crazy?

"This is yours." Jun Chen put away 14 shenghun pills, leaving only one, and then handed it to Zhang Fengxian.

Zhang Fengxian produced miraculous medicine and golden lotus. This one is deserved.

After taking a soul rising pill, Zhang Fengxian wept like rain.

"Don't thank me." Jun dust said, fingers gently a hook, the pool of a 30 cm colorful lotus root flying, disappeared in his hands.

It's not mature yet. It needs to be kept for a while.

Zhang Fengxian's heart is dripping blood, looking at Jun Chen pitifully: "little master, can you give me another one?"

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