"Jun Tianqiu, what do you mean?"

Jun Tianba stood up and angrily rebuked, "do you think my son is not qualified to succeed as the patriarch?"

Jun Tianqiu sneered and said, "is the young clan leader qualified to succeed the clan leader? I'm afraid everyone here knows it well, and only the second younger brother, you should be confused if you understand."

"If the next patriarch of my family passes it on to Junchen, he will become a sinner of my family!"

Then, most of the important figures in the clan came forward to support Jun Tianqiu.

Jun Tianba smashed the stone table in front of him with a slap, and said: "what do you mean? My Jun Tianba is not dead yet. The position of clan leader is not to be passed on now, but to be in the future. Jun Chen is still very young. Who knows what will happen to him in the future, we should give him more patience. "

Jun Tianqiu tit for tat and asked, "patience? Be patient with such an inept trash? Today is different from the past, now the blood is in power, there is no awakening blood, that is garbage. My son Jun Tao has just completed a blood awakening. He is the most suitable successor to the patriarch! "

With that, a proud young man stood up, his tone full of provocation: "brother Junchen, you have been studying abroad for three years, and you must have learned a lot of powerful skills. Dare you let your cousin experience your skills?"

For a moment, everyone looked at Jun Chen and knew that this was Jun Tao's demonstration.

"A blood awakening? You don't deserve it. " Jun Chen shook his finger and said calmly with a smile.

No matter what he has done in the world for three years, he has no qualification to see through his practice.

Jun Tao laughed bitterly: "don't you dare, cousin? It seems that you haven't changed after studying abroad for three years. You're still the same rubbish

"I'll give you a chance, since my cousin is sincere."

Jun Chen stood up and calmly said to Jun Tao, "if you can hit me, I will give you the position of the little clan leader, how about that?"

Smell speech, a burst of sensation in the hall, a blood has not yet awakened the guy, tone unexpectedly so arrogant?

Jun Tianba also widened his eyes.

Jun Tianqiu was surprised and thought he had heard something wrong.

"That will offend, cousin!"

Jun Tao's hand without warning, a blow to Jun dust, the wind surging, full of 1500 kg of explosive force.

However, Jun Tao has not hit Jun dust, suddenly fell on the ground, face hard hit on the floor, the face is bloody, facial features distorted.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the hall was strange. Unexpectedly, Jun Tao, who was awakened by blood, was so vulnerable to attack that he was in vain.

Jun Tian Ba Hu's body shakes.

On the contrary, Jun Tianqiu was as pale as a fly.

Jun Tao was so angry that he almost vomited blood!

He actually tripped over Jun Chen, he tripped over a waste!

What a shame!

Jun Chen looked at Jun Tianqiu indifferently and said: "the bottom plate is like loose sand. I can't beat an ordinary person. I dare to ask Uncle, what is the qualification of this kind of qualification to succeed the position of young clan leader?"

He has just used his own body method "the magic shadow flickers". His hand is as fast as lightning, and can't see clearly with the naked eye. Let alone trip over a blood wake-up, there is no problem for the second blood wake-up.

Jun Tianqiu's body twitched, but did not know how to refute.

At this time, juntianba stood up to relieve Junchen. He was not angry and said: "gentlemen, today chen'er just came back. I'm in a good mood. I don't want to argue with you. Let's end the meeting."

"Tomorrow, the Ye family will come to propose marriage. I'd like to see how your father and son plan to deal with it." Jun Tian Qiu Leng snorted and left in a hurry with his son.

After the crowd dispersed, Jun Chen calmly said with a smile: "father, don't worry, there will be a way to the front of the mountain, there will be a way to solve it."

It's just a Ye family. He doesn't pay much attention to it. It's good for soldiers to cover up the water.

Jun Tianba sighed: "dust son, you wait, my father will find the method of blood awakening for you."

In the past three years, with the revival of aura and the great changes in the world pattern, there have been some great powers among human beings. It is the awakened ones who have broken the federal order of the past century, and now the awakened ones are in charge.

The Ye family was also promoted to the third class family of the Federation because of the emergence of a powerful existence with triple blood awakening.

Jun Tao of the younger generation of jun family has also completed a blood awakening. He is the only one in the younger generation. At 18, he has a promising future and is a strong candidate for the next patriarch.

Jun Tianba is also aware of this. If you want your son Jun Chen to consolidate the position of the little clan leader, you must also complete a blood awakening, but that is too difficult. It is not a problem that money can solve.

Jun dust did not agree with a smile: "wake up blood, is it difficult?"

With that, he grasped an iron ball into a discus.

Three years ago, he let his father down again and again. Now that nine realms are back, he will never let his father down again!Seeing this scene, Jun Tian Ba Hu's body was shocked: "my son also awakened the power of blood?"


After Jun Tianba left, Jun Chen was eating and reading the news of Donghai city with his mobile phone.

"Justice! The black faced tiger of the channeling heaven gang was injured by a mysterious man and has been captured by the federal police. The black faced tiger has confessed to the fact of homicide. "

"Shocked! The man behind Miss Ye is actually him

"Water and fire are not allowed! The contradiction between Ye family and jun family is on the verge of breaking out! There is a picture, there is a truth! "

Jun Chen was not interested in these news, and changed to the news of the Eastern Federation.

"The strongest in the union! Wake up the ten gods, the first person in the world

"The pride of the first day of the Federation, huoling'er burns the city in anger!"

"A sword in Wudang is famous all over the world."

"The Federal Institute of education has completed its on-the-spot investigation and decided to set up a Xiandao Academy in each of the following seven cities, namely..."

"Congratulations! The Federal Institute of education has found a way to awaken the blood and will soon be included in the compulsory courses of universities, but the selection of tutors is a difficult problem! "

"Not optimistic! The speed of beast blood awakening is faster than that of human beings! The intelligence of the beast has appeared

"Urgent news! The frequency of earthquakes on five continents is increasing. Is the end of the world coming? "


Jun Chen was shocked. After only three years, great changes had taken place in the Federation.

"The outside world is so chaotic, I'd better sleep first."

The next afternoon, the Ye family's mission finally arrived, and the young lady Ye accompanied her daughter, who had just turned three years old.

When Jun Chen appeared in the living room, it was half an hour later.

Everyone is waiting for him.

As soon as she entered the conference hall, Jun Chen saw ye feiye sitting in a critical position. Today, after careful preparation, she put on light makeup and dressed her tall, light and delicate body in a pear white cheongsam.

She is still so holy and arrogant, there is a kind of indifference from thousands of miles away.

She is tall and light, she is not that kind of delicate woman, but her waist is really thin, people who do not know her can not see that she has given birth to children.

Ye feiye's cold eyes stop at an old man of Ye's family. The latter holds a girl like a porcelain doll. She looks like she has just turned three years old, but she has already been able to speak, which is pitiful.

"Jun Shao!"

The people of the Ye family are extremely enthusiastic, which is in sharp contrast to the father killing faces of all the people in the jun family.

Is that little girl the son of Ye feiye?

It looks so cute. With such a lovely pearl, ye feiye should be very happy.

It seems that the latter is forced to marry the girl ye, but she is not forced to agree with her family.


The little girl saw the moment of Jun dust, the big eyes of shuilingling suddenly glowed, and she cried out with milk. She enunciated clearly and knew that she was smart.

Ye Fei Ye quickly drank: "huang'er, he is not your Baba, don't shout at random!"

The little girl's face is serious: "Niang is deceiving! He is clearly the baby's Baba

Jun Chen asked with a smile, "your name is huang'er, right? Why do you think I am your father?"

"The baby has Baba in her body and her mother's blood," she said

The little girl didn't learn enough words to express them.

Jun Chen's smile is more brilliant. Does the little girl say that she keeps her blood with ye feiye?

"Really? Let me see. " Jun dust picked up the little girl, carefully sensed a time, soon two people's blood will have a resonance, resonance strong to the extreme.

The intensity of this resonance can only be found in lineal relatives.

Jun Chen can also sense that the little girl not only has a blood resonance with him, but also has the same blood resonance with ye feiye.

He is the king dust devil emperor, how eyesight, definitely can't read wrong!

This little girl, unexpectedly Is it actually the son of him and feiye, the first immortal leaf in the nine realms?

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