On the night after leaving Wangwushan, a family of three passed by Luoyang. After eating 50000 drops of old version spirit liquid, heijinwu was finally about to break through.

The magic power in his body began to burn, and he was about to step into the realm of half step martial arts. The situation was very unstable and was not suitable for continuing to travel. The family of three stopped at a nearby town.

This town is called Luoshui Town, next to the Luohe River, surrounded by mountains on three sides and closed to traffic, is the famous Luoshui river.

When a family of three entered the town, they found that all the small families were closed, the merchants were closed, and the hotels were closed.

On the street, only see a few figures, stepping on the accumulated leaves, walking in a hurry.

Moreover, every household is pasted with yellow paper, which seems to be used for exorcism.

This is not normal.

Jun Chen opened his hand, and the breath of heaven and earth gathered towards the palm. There was a lot of aura, but there was a trace of miasma in it.

The amount of this kind of miasma is very small, but as long as the cultivation does not reach the innate level or the realm of King Wu, the whole body will fester and die if it is inhaled.

Moreover, if you were someone else, you couldn't find the slight miasma.

"There is something wrong with this place. Shall we change places and go to Luoyang first?" Ye feiye looks at Jun Chen. She also finds the strangeness of the town, but there is no problem there.

Jun Chen smile: "with our cultivation, still afraid of these?"

A family of three traveled several streets. Although they found many hotels and hotels, they all closed down. Then they had to knock on the houses and find a place to help them for one night.

But no one was willing to open the door. Jun Chen could feel that the people in the room were afraid of them.

A few minutes later, a family of three knocked on the courtyard of a large family, and all kinds of runes were pasted at the door.

At last someone opened the door. It was a fifty year old woman with a bent waist. After looking at three members of the family, she said in a strong local dialect: "two young people, are you foreigners?"

Jun Chen nodded: "old man, we are passing by here and intend to stay overnight."

The old servant looked at ye feiye, and Nannan said, "what a beautiful girl's house, more beautiful than our wife and wife Young man, listen to my advice, you go quickly. "

Jun Chen laughed: "old man, do you have any taboo in town?"

"Don't ask. If you say you don't know, you will suffer." Hearing this, the old servant's face changed greatly. He was not willing to talk about it and was ready to close the door.

At this time, a middle-aged fat man came over with a little cultivation. He was a warrior who had awakened seven times. He was gentle and gentle with eyes. He was kind but haggard.

"Sir." The old servant stepped aside.

After taking a look at a family of three, the middle-aged man noticed ye feiye, and immediately his eyes lit up. He even said, "the comer is a guest, little brother, little sister, please come inside."

Jun dust is not polite, holding a small Phoenix to go in, ye feiye follows behind, all the way to the hall.

"Mom, the monster in the river is coming to catch you. Don't go!"

Just as they sat down, a boy's heartrending cry came from the deep of the yard. It sounded about five years old.

Indistinctly, Jun Chen also heard a woman's cry. The divine consciousness released and locked the source of the cry.

It was the boy's mother, about twenty-three or four years old. In addition to being young, she was also very attractive. She was also a beautiful woman. She should be the wife of a middle-aged man.

Her face was flushed with tears.

Do not intend to take care of other people's family affairs, Jun Chen God consciousness received it back.

While pouring tea, the middle-aged man explained, "my son has a fever and is talking nonsense, which makes both of you laugh."

"Little brother, little sister, I have not had dinner yet. I'll have someone prepare it for you. Huang Ma, you go to prepare dinner

"Yes, sir." The old servant sighed and left slowly.

Jun Chen noticed that Guan Er Ye was also worshipped in this family. The incense was thick and the tributes were filled with a large table of eight immortals, including pig's head, sheep's head and deer's head, which was very Zhou Dao.

In this way, the worship of Zhou Dao must have something to ask for.

Next, Jun Chen and the middle-aged chatted a few words, but did not talk to a place, only know that the middle-aged man was Zhang xunsun. In his early years, he was a rich businessman who opened a hotel, but because of the drastic changes in the world, the business closed down.

As for why the town is desolate, Zhang xunsun only used one example to excuse the depression of tourism industry, but according to Jun Chen's knowledge, it is obviously not the case.

However, Jun Chen noticed that the master's child did not have a fever, but was too frightened to cry.

A few minutes later, the meal was ready.

Zhang Xun sun burned a stick of incense to Guan Er Ye. After bowing for several times, he got off the table. However, his beautiful young wife did not come to dinner.

Although it's not a spiritual food, the aroma on the table is steaming. It's the fragrance of a kind of spiritual medicine, which is full of weight."Poison?"

The couple looked at each other for a moment, and they both thought of going together.

The little Phoenix took the spoon and ate it seriously. With the soul entering fragrance, the little girl had a good appetite.

They decided to have a look at it and eat some.

For a family of three, soul entering fragrance is really just spice. When Miaoyin is lazy, a small amount of soul entering fragrance will be put in.

Seeing a family stuttering up, Zhang xunsun made an excuse and went to the backyard. Seeing his wife, he said excitedly, "Xiaomei, did you see that woman outside? She is beautiful, a hundred times more beautiful than you. "

"I've already given them the fragrance of entering soul. When the matchmaker comes, we'll give her out."

The young wife hugged the child nervously: "she has children like me. The children are younger than our family. It's appropriate for us to do this..."

"He won't go, will you? You and the children are my flesh and blood, how can I give up? "

The young wife didn't dare to talk. She just cried.

The conversation between the two was naturally heard by Jun Chen, ye feiye was no exception.

"Come on, let's go." Ye feiye whispered that she was beautiful and kind-hearted, and did not want to provoke these ordinary people.

"What's the hurry? Let's see." Jun Chen smiles lightly.

Suddenly there was a loud noise outside the door. Someone was knocking at the door. It was very heavy.


Bang bang bang!

"Zhang, if you don't open the door, your family won't have to open it tonight!" Outside, came an old man's shrill voice.

"Coming, coming!" Zhang Xun and sun ran out, just walked to the door, the iron gate was directly kicked by someone, hit in the face, immediately blood.

At this time, a group of old ladies walked in, full of a hundred people, instantly filled with the whole small round.

These people are ordinary people, all dressed in uniform black robes and cloaks. They are all dressed in witches' clothes. Their faces are devout.

"Xiao Zhang, you are dishonest. Do you want to kill our whole town An old woman in her seventies pointed at Zhang xunsun's nose with a crutch and said that she had a red flower on her chest, which was the matchmaker.

Several old women also followed the abuse.

"Xiaozhang, it's your good fortune to see your wife. Do you want to hide may and wait for our town to be punished by the river god?"

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