It was Jun Chen who came here!

Everyone, including ye feiye, couldn't help looking at the entrance to the classroom.

When you see Jun Chen's lazy smile restored, the chill in Ye Fei's beautiful eyes is increasing. Isn't that little man looking for Qin Bingyun to have a good time? What else do you want to do with her?

What's more, the guy didn't even give a sincere explanation in the morning, and now he still has the face to look for her. Do you really think that she is a woman in the family and has no overnight feud?

Students are talking in private.

"What do you mean that Professor Ma was disgraced last night? Who can explain it? "

"I know, my mother also attended the celebration banquet of the Eastern League last night. I heard that someone was making trouble. A group of professors tried to expel them, and they were put down in one round."

"Professor Ma is one of them. I heard that she provoked Jun Shao and asked Jun Shao to do so before she made a move. However, she did not expect that she had a big fall. In the end, it's still Jun Shao. You give people seconds as soon as you do it! "

"Doesn't it mean that Jun Shao is more powerful than Ma Yanmei?"


Listening to the students' private discussion, Ma Yanmei turned green.

Jun Chen stretched his back and calmly stood on the platform and said, "Professor Ma, if you're OK, you can go away."

"Of course, if you want to listen, shut up. My skull hurts and I don't want to hear your nonsense!"

Ma Yanmei was so angry that she shivered and laughed angrily: "well, Ma Yanmei wants to have a look. What's the reason that you asked students to take part-time jobs yesterday?"

With that, Ma Yanmei took a back seat and hung on.

Ye Fei Ye is looking up and down at Jun Chen.

This is only half a day, the little man is alive and well, not injured at all.

The little man must have gone to hang out with Qin Bingyun last night, but his physical strength is too much, so he looks like a lost dog in the morning.

Is this the man who's been talking about marrying her?

Her heart was filled with unprecedented disappointment.

"Students, we met again. I don't know how you did your homework yesterday?" Jun Chen's eyes fell on the students.

Smell speech, the students face suddenly become particularly ugly up, in the morning teacher ye also said Jun Shao may never come again, did not expect this just in the afternoon appeared.

However, Jun Chen is not what they can provoke. They immediately take out the cash from part-time jobs one by one.

Jun Chen said to Chen Chu Yun, "monitor, give you five minutes to make statistics."

"Yes, sir." Chen chuyun nodded his head reluctantly.

Five minutes later, the statistics came out.

The least students earn 10000, the most students earn one million. Despite the frightening number, in the context of the increasingly devalued federal currency, one million yuan is still vegetarian for Jun Chen, which is the cost of a meal.

Twenty students add up to more than three million federal dollars!

"It's too little. I can't do such a simple thing as making money. Do you still want to practice?" Jun Chen shakes his head, and his tone is more cold.

The students dare not speak out.

"Follow me." You are the first to walk out of the classroom.

A group of people followed with doubts, and some teachers who had no courses and were attracted to join the team.

"Well, I want to see what tricks the boy wants to play?" With a cold hum, Ma Yanmei followed.

Five minutes later, Donglian No. 10 natatorium, one of the training grounds for class 10.

Just after entering the swimming pool, the heat wave came. Everyone found that the water in the swimming pool had been heated and reached the boiling point. Due to the addition of some medicinal materials, the water turned blood red, and the medicinal power of herbs was boiled out. The air was filled with choking herbs.

Ye Fei looked at Jun Chen coldly and said, "what is this for?"

Jun dust looked around the students, a faint smile: "do you know why I let you go part-time? The answer is right in front of you. "

"I changed the money you made into medicinal herbs, all of which are in this swimming pool. Now the water temperature is 60 degrees. Jump down immediately and persist for less than an hour. You will not have to go to part-time jobs or participate in such activities."

Said finally, Jun dust's voice becomes particularly cold.

Ma Yanmei refuted: "Jun Shao, you want to cook them all at such a high temperature for another hour?"

Jun Chen ignored Ma Yanmei and said to the students, "who doesn't want to go down, raise your hand for me."

The students' faces are green. God knows what medicinal materials are mixed in the swimming pool. Will it be fatal to soak in it for an hour?

But no one dares to look for Jun Chen's bad luck.

Jun Chen said to Chen Chu Yun, "monitor, you should take a head first."

"Good, Mr. Jun Chen chuyun was about to cry, closed his eyes and reluctantly jumped into the swimming pool.

Later, the remaining 19 were driven down by Jun Chen with tough means.For a moment, shouts came from the pool.

After absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, even if there is no awakening of blood, there is no problem for physical quality to bear such temperature.

The problem is, those drugs contact with the skin after bursts of burning tingling, with the passage of time, this hot into the viscera, four limbs and a hundred skeletons!

The whole body is like a fire, thousands of ants gnaw in the body!

A student with tears on his face wanted to climb up. He was immediately forced to go back with a melon seed.

In less than ten minutes, the students began to cry for their parents.

"Junshao, let them out!" Ma Yanmei gets up suddenly and shouts sternly at Jun Chen.

Jun Chen's voice was indifferent and said, "I'm teaching my students. What do you have to do with me?"

"You are going to kill them! Come with me to see the headmaster at once Ma Yanmei strides close to Jun Chen and wants to catch the latter to confront the headmaster's office and let Murong Qing deal with Jun dust.

Although Jun Chen's fighting power is stronger than her, she can feel that Jun Chen has been hurt and her strength should be greatly reduced. This is her confidence in the latter.

"Go away!"

Jun Chen's eyes were awe inspiring, and he immediately threw out a fist. He used the fourth figure of Cangshan's nine pole diagram. When he shook the mountain, his fist power increased nearly twice.

Ma Yanmei could not bear to show her weakness. She clapped her hands and tried her best.

Just as soon as the two hands and fists collided, Ma Yanmei was shocked to fly out. There was a "click" sound from her arm, and her elbow joint was dislocated!

Then, Ma Yanmei sent out a heartrending scream.

Jun dust mouth also out of a touch of dark blood line, drop by drop on the ground.

"You are obviously injured. Why are you so explosive?" Ma Yanmei has blue veins on her forehead, and her face looks like hell.

Jun dust wiped off the blood of the corner of the mouth, way: "deal with you, half strength is enough."

Ye Fei Ye Mei's eyes tremble. She knows the strength of the little man. Now Ma Yanmei has beaten Jun Chen to vomit blood. It's not ordinary blood, it's visceral blood. How can it be?

There is only one possibility, the little man is really injured, and it is a terrible visceral injury!

Little man and Qin Bingyun open a room all night to talk about homicide, no matter how fierce, it is impossible to get visceral trauma!

Intuition told her that she and the little man should have some misunderstanding!

Therefore, the little man in the morning after a hundred words, depressed pour out the spirit liquid.

"Go away!"

For a moment, ye feiye's beautiful eyes were cold, and she shot out an ice blade that was infinitely close to the reality, leaving a bloodshot on Ma Yanmei's shoulder over a distance of more than 20 meters.

Ma Yanmei shudders and stares at ye feiye: "in the middle of foundation construction?"

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