
"He is the immortal devil!"


The black fox made desperate calls and quickly fled towards a cave behind him.

The first to escape was the scar face.

A bang.

After he retreated into the cave, he burst out with one hand. The whole giant cave collapsed in a large area in a flash, and a large area of boulders rolled down, delaying the pursuit of Jun dust.

The rest of the black fox's way was also broken, they face despair and shock, the three King actually gave up their own run?

When I look at Jun Chen again, seven black foxes are nervous.

"Kill him together."

A young woman, black fox, bite teeth, she is a nun of ordinary gold Dan, and she sacrificed the flying sword.

The rest of the people immediately followed back, ready to kill the dust block of another way out.

Jun dust also did not retain, a big mouth, a mouth of Yang Yan rolled out, the raging waves, instantly swallowed up these black foxes.

Jun dust through the sea of fire, the stone hammer, also jumped into the scar face into the hole in the cold pool, toward the scar face away direction chase.

A few minutes later.

In a deep valley in the outer mountain of the western part of Tu Shan, two people emerged in a cold pool.

"It's so bad. I have to go back to Luzhou right away."

The first scar face, not yet two steps, the second came out, is the dust.


Jun dust a big fire toward the scar face spray past.

The scar face turned green immediately, and ran straight away, but there was a burning smell on the body. The fur was burnt to make the skin full of flesh and blood. The clothes on the body, bottles and cans were burned out, and turned into black charcoal heads.

Only 30% of the strength of a strong body is left!

"Is it not the person who has 300 years of potential?"

You dust up to grab people, directly use lost pupil.

A few minutes later, he threw away his scar face and frowned.

"Your boy is so arrogant that you dare to kill me, and you will be punished by my brother, and will not die forever!" The scar face was a warning of disguise, but the legs were already frightened and soft.

"The king of black fox?"


This is the important information Jun dust asks from the scar face.

Jun dust threw away the scar face, and planned to leave a person who led the way.

"You know." Seeing the young people let themselves go, the scar face hummed and fled in a hurry.

Just when the scar face thought that he was alive, a golden flying sword broke into the sky, like a sharp blade of the divine soldier, and shot it at the scar face with the sharp edge of cutting mountains and breaking mountains.

Seeing this sword, you dust can not help but sink, but he is a monk who has been three times in the gold medal robbery!

The golden flying sword is a rare sword made of five products of Yangyan refined gold, which has the power comparable to that of six kinds of Lingyu.

The sharpness of the sword is no less than that of Jindan fourth realm, and Bai Yingying is the same level of strong!

"God "God sword!"

"Yes It's the God of Wu! "

Seeing this scene, the scarred face knelt on the ground, the dead took the risk, even lost the courage to escape.

Although scar face is afraid of Jun dust, but when you see this sword, fear has increased by 100 times and thousands times than that of the most powerful.


The king dust sacrificed the old celadon sword, which was meant by the grass sword, and it was hard to touch with that golden flying sword.

The Ivy sword was blown off in a flash.

Yang Yan Jingjin flying sword also flies back to the sky..

When the golden flying sword reappeared, he brought a young man with hair and hair. He was about 22 years old and about 75 meters tall. His skeleton was small and his thin body couldn't support a yellow shirt Taoist robe of loose Tianshi mansion.

The eyes of this person are most attractive, which are lifeless eyes, as if they are dead eyes. Through those eyes, Jun Chen seems to see a person whose heart has died.

Now he is just a weapon.

But the most striking thing is that there is a golden crack in his eyebrows.

"Natural vertical eyes?"

Jun Chen was a little surprised. I didn't expect to see the deformity with three eyes on earth No, it's a talent man.

"God Wu heaven forgive."

Scar face has been scarred, how did not expect, he is only a small person, unexpectedly will be the Tianshi mansion famous God Wu Tianshen to stare.

He can't stand up with this treatment.

Jun dust looked at the scar face, and said, "if you don't want to die, leave here immediately."

Scar face a face is ignorant, just now that human youth wants to kill him, now again let him go, how do you mean?

However, Wu Tianshen was on his head, his feet were frightened and he could not move half a step.

In short, he has no courage to escape!

"The fox must die!"

Mysterious youth looked at Jun dust, cold way, "if you protect this demon fox again, I will kill you together!"Jun Chen looked at the God Wu, who was surrounded by golden light in the sky, and said without changing his face: "the person I want to protect may be killed, but that person is definitely not you."

"I have no desire for a walking corpse. Please leave immediately."

The mysterious youth frowned slightly.

"If you don't believe it, you can try it." Jun Chen leisurely way, but his voice has been more than a trace of anger from the prestige.

Wu Tianshen took out his mobile phone, opened a photo, compared it, and then said, "it turns out that it's the man who calls himself the king of Zhongzhou, the husband of the saint of Zhongzhou!"

"If you say so, I'll give it back to you. The person that Wu Tianshen wants to kill may be blocked by someone in the world, but that person can only be the saint of the day, or the king of the first fox demon in Tushan."

Before the words fell, the golden sword under Wu Tianshen's feet turned into a golden sun, which directly shot at the black fox in front of Jun dust.

Jun Chen won't let Wu Tianshen kill scar face!

In the moment of Wu Tianshen, Jun Chen also made a move.

He used the fourth move of Tianmo boxing, and the shadow flashed so fast that he could not see it with the naked eye. Before the mountains and rivers were broken, he directly rescued the scar face.


Yangyan fine gold flying sword blows down, the valley is broken, the rock is startled, shaking thousands of miles.

But Wu Tianshen couldn't help but frown.

He knows exactly what happened.

The saint's husband took people away from under his flying sword.

The speed is so fast and the body method is unique. Even the king of the first fox demon in Tu mountain is not so fast.

"Sky eye, open up!"

Wu Tianshen points to the center of his eyebrow, and the golden crack in the eyebrow immediately opens, and a golden vertical eye like a God's eye appears, burning with the rolling inflammation.

That eye actually passed Yang Yan's sacrifice, once born, it would be like a round of small sun across the heaven and earth. He could see through it within a hundred miles. There was no place to hide any demons and ghosts.

Even, plants and everything is burning!

Tens of miles away, Wu Tianshen immediately locked Jun Chen.

Wu Tianshen's vertical eyes toward the king's dust, the latter's area suddenly turned into the sun purgatory, and the whole mountain was turned into a sea of fire.

The attack lasted three times, but none of them hit Jun Chen, who had been hiding in other areas.

"You can't run away!"

Wu Tianshen offered a flying sword to attack Jun Chen directly.

At this time, a vertical golden light flashed from the distance, and instantly appeared beside Jun Chen.

It was Bai Yingying who came here.

She did not have any expression, only saw her jade hand such as gold gilding, directly held that fast than the lightning of the golden flying sword in her hand.

And she, jade hand is not damaged! 114

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