"These two thousand year old jade lingguo can at least refine 20 pieces of liupin Huitian pills."

"If I'm still in the early stage of Shenhuo, I can only keep these six kinds of miraculous herbs. Fortunately, I'm already in the middle stage of Shenhuo. With the water of the ghost, it's no problem to consolidate the middle stage of Shenhuo."

"Once the realm is consolidated, it will be enough to refine six Chinese pills."

"In addition to the Narcissus, I should be able to enter the later stage of Shenhuo smoothly in the next three months. Even the peak of Shenhuo is not impossible."

Jun Chen collected the thousand year old jade spirit fruit, and his eyes fell on the remaining six grade miraculous medicine.

This miraculous medicine, named Wanyao Xuequan fruit, is poured from the blood essence of thousands of monsters and bred for thousands of years. It is the material for refining six grade natural alchemy pills.

But not the main material.

Jun Chen also collected.

Orchid Pavilion points to a 30 centimeter diameter, oblate and cold jade and says, "Jun Shao, look at this jade, what's her origin?"

"Six cold moon jade?"

Jun Chen moved his eyebrows. He held it up and observed it. He found that the cold moon jade had no defects. It was crystal clear and emitting bright moonlight.

Although it can't be used to make flying swords, it's not useless. It can be of great use.

It can be used to make shadow glasses, but there is still a lack of spirit tools and spirits. This is an indispensable part of the mirror, otherwise its power will be greatly reduced.

Jun Chen also collected.

LAN Ting looked forward to looking at Jun dust and said with a smile: "Jun Shao, I have helped you find so many miraculous drugs. How do you plan to thank me?"

"Should I use a pile of five grade pills or six grade pills to block my little mouth?"

Jun Chen said, "let's talk about it later."

LAN Ting gently clenched his teeth. Listening to the tone of the little man, he immediately said seriously, "if you dare not count, I'll find you at your home."

"You can run the monk, you can't run the temple."

One minute later.

They came to the bottom of the cave.

There is only an ancient qingshitanzi, about 78 meters in diameter and more than 30 meters deep. The water is pure and emits blue light.

There was no chill in the water, but their spirits couldn't help shaking.

This is the water of the spirit that Jun Chen is looking for.

What you didn't expect was that there were so many chicken ribs and ghost water from ancient times to the present, which made a lot of money this time.

Orchid Pavilion to explore, a jade foot stepped into the water, a cool moment into the body, straight into the sea, frozen body hair cold, hard, a straight into the water.

Jun Chen pressed her fragrant shoulder with one hand, and the latter stabilized her body. She was afraid for a while: "Jun Shao, what water is this? Why is it so cold? I feel that the blood moon has this cold meaning before, but the cold meaning of blood moon is still too strong."

Jun Chen said: "this is the water of the spirit. You don't need to know what the journey is. You just need to know that if you bathe in this water all year round, your spiritual cultivation will be ten times faster than others."

LAN Ting was skeptical: "really, so powerful?"

"Is it because of the help of the water of the spirit that the Heishan old demon possessed the accomplishments of the middle stage of Shenhuo?"

Jun Chen said, "I just moved the mountain and unloaded the mountain. My spirit was affected. I went down to soak for a night. You can watch it on it. Don't let others influence me."

Said, Jun dust directly jumped into the ghost pool.

The cool feeling of penetrating into the heart and penetrating into the sea of knowledge makes Jun Chen Hu's body shake, but this feeling is very wonderful.

"Why only you can do it, so can my girl." Seeing Jun Chen's body sink into the pool, there was no effect. Lanting immediately jumped down.

As soon as the water of the spirit flooded her body, she regretted it.

It's too cold.

I feel the spirits are frozen.

She wants to run.

But she found that her body was out of control and her brain was unable to give instructions to her body. She could only watch her body sink into the depths of the ghost pool.

"That guy can, and I can, not be underestimated by her." LAN Ting gnashed his teeth and felt better after a while.

They soon sank to the bottom of the pool.

The closer we get, the coldness is doubled, and the coldness at the bottom is five times more terrible than the water.

There is a huge cold jade bed at the bottom, which is four meters wide and six meters long. It should be used for cultivation. After two people lie on it, the cold feeling of the cold jade bed increases to ten times.

LAN Ting was startled, and the voice asked, "what is this cold jade bed?"

Jun Chen said: "this is Yinji jade, which is used to absorb the cold water of cloud soul."

Lanting didn't say anything more. She looked at the jade bed under her body. Her naked eyes saw that there was a white shadow in the jade bed, which was faintly visible and sometimes absent.

She thought she was wrong. She took another look and found that the white shadow appeared again and was swimming around. This time, she could see it more clearly. It seemed to be a little dragon.The next moment, the shadow suddenly hit her, her forehead seemed to have been pricked, she was cold, but the shadow quickly disappeared, and swam into the jade bed.

"Young gentleman, look, there is something in the jade bed."

Said Lanting.

Jun dust also saw this shadow, immediately eyes a sink, sit up: "be careful, don't let it bite."

Orchid Pavilion heart a cool, even gather together to the gentleman dust behind: "what is this?"

Jun Chen said: "Yin dragon soul."

Orchid Pavilion asks: "what is Yin dragon soul?"

Jun Chen said in a deep voice: "there should have been a mixed blood dragon in this ghost pool. Its cultivation is not high. The yuan God has not yet been completed. It died here, but its soul has survived on the Yinji jade."

Orchid Pavilion is startled: "Yin Ji jade can let soul depend on?"

Jun Chen said again: "you can think of it as something similar to the evil spirit of ghost cultivation. It has existed for two or three thousand years. It has absorbed a lot of cold water from the ghost. It should form the poison of the ghost. If it is bitten, if it is not resolved, it will be destroyed within three or five days. "

"Even I am no exception."

Hearing the speech, the Orchid Pavilion looks pale, even busy way: "Jun Shao Jun Shao, I I seem to have been bitten. "

"I'm only 25 years old this year. I studied hard before I was 16 years old. After 16 years old, I went to Renzong and practiced for five years. I came back to be the master of the altar of martial arts three years ago."

"I'm so young, I haven't played enough, I haven't got married, I can't die."

"Junshao, you are a God. Please help me."

As soon as he finished, Lanting found that his divine fire had changed obviously. A cold air came, which made the spirit tremble. Although the fire was not obviously impacted, it was dim bit by bit.

It takes three days and five days for her to die.

Jun Chen, the spirit that covered Lanting, knew that she had been bitten by the Yin dragon, and the poison of the ghost began to spread in the sea of knowledge.

Orchid Pavilion grabs Jun dust's arm, pathetically asks: "Jun Shao, you are so fierce, you are the God of the earth, there must be a way, right?"

Jun Chen said: "the poison of the ghost is not harmless. It can be used for cultivation. Anyway, you have been bitten by it, so bite more. Anyway, you will not die for a while."

With that, Jun Chen used the fire from the South Ming Dynasty to force the soul of the dragon to come out directly, and gave orders to it with divine knowledge.

This Yin dragon soul is really spiritual. It knows the consciousness of Jun Chen, and then it entangles Lanting, biting seven or eight times in a row, and injects the deadly venom into the sea of knowledge of Lanting.

Seeing this scene, Lanting's face was full of tears and almost scared out of his wits: "you little devil, what do you want to do, do you kill me?"

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