On hearing this, Zhu Wu and Zhao Zizhou were all shocked. They didn't get it wrong. How arrogant was this little white face to ask them to go together?

Zhu Wu said to Zhao Zizhou, "brother Zhao, let's make a bet to see who can kill him first."

"I'm afraid you won't do it?"

Zhao Zizhou should be with a voice, a flash of cold light in his sleeve, offering a five grade fire mulberry flying sword, the flame sword one by one, four Qi to the sky, straight to Jun Chen's eyebrows.

Zhu Wu also shot at the same time, one blow as heavy as Mount Tai, and hit the area where Jun Chen was.

A Wuba three, a Jindan three, two people's strength really can not be underestimated.

All sides watched coldly, so two people, facing the existence of a military bully, were like lions fighting rabbits. There was no suspense about the war.

Jun Chen did not change his face. Looking at the flying sword and timing, he bent his finger and played it with a clang sound. This finger accurately bounced on Zhao Zizhou's flying sword.


The flying sword broke into two pieces in an instant, and then the two pieces of flying sword shot backward at a speed of ten times.

Zhu Wu, who was close to Jun Chen, did not react. A flying sword had been inserted into his eyebrow. The terrible sword spirit penetrated the tianlinggai and burst out of his head.

Another part of the broken sword went straight to Zhao Zizhou not far away.

"No! No way

Seeing that Zhu Wu was fatally injured in an instant, Zhao Zizhou's face changed greatly, and he immediately flew back.

But the flying sword did not give him any chance at all.


That piece of flying sword instantly shot through his abdomen, Dantian, Jindan, one was blown to pieces.

Two people fell to the ground in an instant, one was killed, the other was reduced to a disabled person.

The battle is over.

"My accomplishments No Zhao Zizhou fell to the ground in despair. When he looked at Jun Chen, his eyes were filled with despair.

If there is anything more terrible than death, it must be that one's accomplishments have been abandoned.

The eyes of the whole audience were cold.

These are two geniuses. The descendants of the royal family in ancient times are so vulnerable to a single blow. Jun Chen only cracked them down with one blow?

The two realms of Lian Yue killed the descendants of two ancient royal families?

When looking at Jun Chen again, most people's faces changed.

Does this kid really only have Wu Ba Yi's accomplishments?

The most shocking is the king of Wei.

Others don't know, but he can see clearly in his long eyes.

This boy really only used the magic power of Wu Ba Yi, but his Kendo talent was extraordinary. At the moment of his finger flick, he gave two pieces of sword Qi and sword meaning.

Is this boy really the little white face of Saint daughter's family?

Maybe it used to be.

But now, after the adjustment of the saint, it is definitely not the thing in the pool.

This boy is so terrible that he can kill the enemy in two small realms. The first enemy and the second enemy are like taking things out of the bag, not to mention a saint?

There was no time when the king of Wei was more afraid of the saint.

Jun Chen looked around the spot and asked indifferently, "who else wants to learn?"

Responding to Jun Chen is a silence.

Jun Chen looked at Wei Tianwang and asked indifferently, "Wei Tianwang, do you still want my woman?"

"This This is a misunderstanding. "

As soon as this was said, the audience was dead.

Just now the king of Wei, who was still despotic, actually made concessions?

The great ancient royal families and the millennial royal families all realized the seriousness of the matter.

Among them, the king of Wei is undoubtedly the strongest. The king of Wei has given in. Who dares to disobey him?

Zhu family and Zhao family are not only two young talents, but also many old people. Their strength is above them. But at the moment, they are angry in their eyes, but they clench their fists secretly and dare not act rashly.

It's all because this kid is the saint's husband.

If they dare to move this little white face, their family must bear the wrath of the virgin.

However, the king of Wei was much stronger than his family, but he did not dare to have a hard time with the husband of the saint, and he did not dare to bear the anger of the saint.

What's more, the Zhu and Zhao families?

Jun Chen nodded: "since the misunderstanding has been explained clearly, I'll go first."

With that, Jun Chen left with Murong Qing.

Watching them walk out of the inner courtyard, the whole scene is dead.

The six concubines beside the king of Wei looked at his husband's sullen eyes, shivering one by one.

The king of Wei said, "it's a shame! What a shame

Six little wives nodded in succession: "since the king is very angry, we will help the king to catch your woman back and let you go to the fire."

The king of Wei Tian said, "and the little white face will come back! Remember, people don't know, ghosts don't know! "

"By the way, find out if the saint is in Tianjin Wei?"

Six concubines understand, obediently step down, disappear in the inner courtyard.Later, the king of Wei stood up and said one by one, "the alliance of all sons is complete, and the meeting will be held immediately."

A minute later, the great ancient royal families and millennial families gathered in a fully closed meeting room of the Wei family.

There were ten families present, all of which belonged to Zhuzi alliance.

Zhou Zhimei is also here.

Wei Tianwang said with no expression: "let's see the joke tonight. This king is not afraid of the saints in the world, but the five big bosses above give us more important tasks."

"At this juncture, there can be no accident."

All the big families did not speak. They listened with peace of mind.

The king of Wei also said: "the alliance failed to support the sun family. Zhao Feiyan robbed the leader position because of the birth of the dean of the heaven Academy. The five big bosses were very angry."

"However, after the discussion of the five big bosses, they think we have a chance to make up for it."

"Our first task is to behead the head of the Academy at any cost and occupy the Academy. As long as the Academy falls, the female leader will be vulnerable."

As soon as this was said, the audience was dead.

The dean of the heaven academy is a god like existence. It is so powerful that no one can compare it with her. How can we get rid of it?

Everyone has no confidence.

"This is the first task, the second task is to get rid of the saints."

There was another silence.

It is extremely difficult to cut off the dean of the heaven Academy. It is almost impossible to remove the saint in the world.

Someone asked, "why do you want to kill the saint? She's a bit of a loner. She doesn't have any ambition. She doesn't have a big conflict of interest for us

"Good question."

"Wei Tian Wang said," I also asked five bosses at the beginning. Five bosses said that no one with such high prestige is allowed under the sky. "

The crowd was silent.

"There must be a large number of people among you who are not willing to work hard, but you should know the will of the five bosses. Since you join the alliance, you must be obedient."

"If you don't listen, you'll die."

The silence continued.

The king of Wei continued: "you must think that it is impossible to kill the dean of the heaven academy and the saint in the world. So do I. However, we are given a dragon chopping array and an ancient mountain breaking magic weapon."

"We may not have no chance."

"The saints' character is salty fish, and she is not in a hurry to deal with it. However, the five owners of the college can't sleep if they live one more day."

"The five bosses only gave us one month, and we had to kill the dean of heaven academy within one month."

"Many people may die this time, including Ben Wang."

"However, we do not have any benefits. As long as we kill the dean of the Academy, the numerous books of the Academy will be owned by the alliance of the sons and shared by all the major families. This is an opportunity that can not be met or expected."

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