Devil Emperor

Chapter 5 - Imperium

Settlement of Runic Dwarves

Both Zekram and Hades stood high in the air and soon even Hades started radiating huge amount of the Divine Power as his Divinities were extremely powerful ones. He was God of Dead and also, God of the Underworld, meaning he had Divinity of the Underworld, which gave him a huge advantage when fighting in the Underworld.

Still, Zekram wasn't any weaker than him, he was Super-Devil, both if magical capacity and body strength, someone who trained for thousands of years, unlocked the True Form and even got his True Name.

"Come on Hades, I will rip out that Divine Spark out of you skeletal body and this time It will be me who will be King of the Underworld and Imperium would be stronger than your Grim Reapers."

Said Zekram as he slashed with his sword aiming at Hades's head, effectively causing him to several tens of kilometers back, crashing in the mountain behind him. Even though Hades might be stronger than Zekram in terms of pure energy, but his combat experiences were almost none existent. He was only inside his shrine in the territory of Grim Reapers and managed various things. He wasn't any kind of expert warrior or anything like that.

This time Zekram's aim was very clear and simple. He intended to rip out Divine Spark of Underworld out of Hades's body and absorb it himself. This would give him something like control over Underworld. The reason why Grim Reapers were stronger than Devils, was precisely this. Hades had Divine Spark of Underworld, which allowed him to be recognized by Will of the Underworld as one of its own, by extension even Grim Reaper species. This meant, they would be stronger in the Underworld, facing bottlenecks in the cultivation of magic or other energy they had would be almost non-existent.

"You filthy bat!!!"

Screamed Hades out of pain, though he was listed in Top Ten Strongest of Earth Realm, there were many who could easily defeat him. The only reason why he was on that list was that he was King of the Underworld and had an excessive amount of Divine Power, outclassing even Zeus. Even though he wasn't a fighter, like Zekram, someone who trained till this day and was only one step behind Hades in terms of energy and body strength was at a similar level.

As Hades managed to stand up, he conjured huge pitch-black scythe and slashed at Zekram, who just chuckled at this attack. Zekram easily defended against the incoming scythe slash with his katana and created several orbs out of Power of Destruction, which shot at hades with lightning speed.

When Hades saw that his dead eyes twitched in anger, and he tried to defeat by creating barrier out of Divine Power, but unfortunately for him, those orbs of Power of Destruction, tore them down like nothing and crashed into Hades, immediately destroying his golden armor and even part of his body was destroyed by fearsome Power of Destruction.

"I must tell Hades, that even though you may have a terrifying amount of the Divine Power, your lack of experience is truly laughable."

Mocked Zekram, as he slashed at Hades, who tried to defend against his attacks. Sparks were in the air, as his Katana and Hades's scythe collided in the air and each other was trying to break through the defense of his enemy.

In the end, it was Zekram who won the exchange as he managed to get opening and kicked Hades with his leg, causing him to shot back several meters back.

Said Zekram as he walked to Hades, who suddenly summoned a huge number of Divine Power and shot it at Zekram. To this, Zekram gripped his sword with both of his hands and used it to defend himself, supporting it with his boundless magical power.

Even though Hades's Divine Power was very strong and potent thanks to him being the holder of two Divine Sparks, it was worthless before Zekram who was a more experienced fighter than Hades. Zekram easily blocked all that Divine Power with his katana and magical powers as he appeared before Hades and pierced him through with his katana.

"So, Hades. Say goodbye to the Divine Spark of the Underworld and to your post as the God of the Underworld."

Said Zekram with a chuckle as he started tearing out his Divine Spark of the Underworld. It was an extremely painful and dangerous process, but soon it was done and Zekram was holding little black gold spark, looking like a miniature pyramid in his right hand. After this Hades's aura was decreasing at the visible rate as he lost one of his sources of the Divine Power.

"Sadly that I can't kill you right now and risk full out war with Olympus."

Complained Zekram as he looked at Hades who was holding at his last stretch to stay conscious. The moment Zekram held in his hands the Divine Spark of the Underworld, it was noticed by everyone.



Till to one concrete moment, everything was silent in the Underworld as it used to be. No one led wars and only minor skirmishes with some wild monsters or rogue entities were fought.

And then the storm hit. From the deepest part of the Underworld, the Core of the World, where the World's will slumbered, the huge wave was sent out. It was going like lightning, and everyone felt it.

Thunder started roaring high in the sky and winds were strong. Only a very few individuals across the whole Underworld were aware of what was happening at the moment, but soon they all knew, as all of these signs were accompanied by mighty voice, which resounded through the whole Underworld. To the ear of every devil, grim reaper, oni, nekoshou, fallen angel, god, and many many others.

"In my name as Zekram Bael, new God of the Underworld, I proclaim the formation of the Imperium, Eternal Empire of the Underworld, that command I, Emperor Zekram Bael, all subjects heed my order."

After this proclamation, the real storm took the place. In just hours, newly formated Imperial Army and Imperial Legions were stationed at borders of the new nation in the Underworld, Imperium of Devil.

Many things brought shock as the Imperial Army was led by its newly appointed Grand Marshall, Asura Bai Qi. Sirzechs Gremory, who returned to his original name, as Zarathul was rightfully Lucifer heir, personally led Imperial Legions in their newly created armors by runic dwarves and personally defended to border with Grim Reapers and Olympus as there was a high probability of war between Imperium and Olympus.

What caught the attention of many people was the sight of Zarathul Bael-Lucifer, son of Zekram Bael as he was leading the group of Knight looking individuals clothed in intimidating armors, not all of them were devils, as some of them were from Oni race and there were even a few male nekoshou.

All of them met in a small command tent as Zarathul, Sirzechs, Ajuka, Falbium, and Bai Qi all sat around the table and were staring at various magical screens showing the state of the forces of Hades and even Olympus already sent their warriors and there would be probably war.

"Hello, gentlemen."

When he entered the room, everybody noticed the change about him. It was his aura before it was on the Ultimate-Class, but now it was definitely Satan-Class. Zarathul has become a new Satan-Class powerhouse, on their side.

Integration with Divine Spark and fusion together with refinement of Divine Spark were two separate entities. You could integrate yourself with several Divine Sparks at the same time, but they could be taken from you, as his father did with Hades. Fusion and Refinement, were much more complicated process, as you are basically becoming one entity with your Divine Spark and even if you are killed, Divine Spark would return to dust, or rather it will return tot he Will of the World.

"So how is the situation?"

Asked Zarathul as everyone now held a very serious face. It was Grand Marshall Bai Qi, who took lead to explain the current situation. He was a man in his late thirties, with cold expression and aura of slaughter was just leaking of him and everyone could feel his thirst for battle. Besides being a military genius, Bai Qi was also a powerhouse on the 1st-Tier Satan-Class level.

"From what we Grim Reapers have started mobilizing under the leadership of Thanatos and Pluto. Also, Zeus is personally leading an army of Olympian warriors to join them together with Poseidon, Ares, and Athena."

Reported Bai Qi with a straight expression as he looked at people here.

"Our only disadvantage is probably lack of powerhouses. I and Ajuka will take care of Zeus and Poseidon, which leaves Thanatos, Pluto, Ares, and Athena. I would suggest that Grand Marshall Bai Qi would take Thanatos and Zarathul would fight with Ares while Falbium would fight Pluto. I suppose that Athena would stay behind to command the army, which could be left to General Esdeath on our side."

Thus current strategy was presented by Sirzechs Gremory, current General-Commander of the Imperial Legions to all people present. It was rather a good strategy. Even though Zarathul wasn't very pleased by the fact that he would fight Ares, God of War, someone of the 1st-Tier God-Class, but alas it was his duty as the Crown Prince of the Imperium that he would lead.

"I must admit that I am significantly weaker than Ares, but I have something very good to say that my [Rook] Crom Cruach will head here soon enough and he will fight Ares, while I will go for Athena, while she is strong Goddess, I should be able to defeat her."

Said Zarathul as everyone gaped as they heard that Crom Cruach would come. Someone who was very very close to the Heavenly Dragon Class, and probably in a few years he would become new Heavenly Dragon. What shocked most of them was the fact that Zarathul somehow managed to get Crom Cruach to join him.

Asked Grand Marshall Bai Qi after giving it a short thought.

"Maybe half an hour, I don't know exactly when I guess we need to hold our ground before Crom Curach arrives or father would come."

Suddenly as all of them were engaged in a heated discussion of the future plans for the upcoming battle, suddenly thunders started roaring in the sky and it was a sign that Zeus, God King of Olympus was coming.

"So, here it begins."

Siad Zarathul as everyone nodded and flew high in the air. Sirzechs was clothed in his old general armor from times of Civil War and Ajuka was the same. Sirzechs's armor was bloody red while Ajuka's was green. Falbium was in his usual clothes as they were basically armor.

When the first thunder sounded, the whole Imperium army immediately took their posts and prepared to fight. Zarathul was leading his Temple Knights as they were all of the Ultimate-Class, they would hide in backround and strike their command down.

And then he appeared, Zeus, King of the Sky and Ruler of Olympus. While he wasn't on the Top 10 Strongest List, many weren't on that list as they just refused or just chose to remain hidden. Zeus himself was a middle-aged man, with golden hair and bronze eyes. He was clothed in greek styled armor and was gripping his weapon, Master Bolt in his right hand.

Besides him was another man of similar age, with sea-blue hair and shining azure eyes, armored in light scaled greek armor and trident. Poseidon, God of Oceans and Earthquakes.

"As I can see, you didn't come here with good intentions, didn't you? Zeus."

"You know very good why are we here, Lucifer. War is inevitable."

Answered Zeus with a grim voice as he looked at Sirzechs and rest.

"I am not Lucifer any more, but I guess you are right, war is inevitable. Our species has enjoyed too much of piece and our younger generation is soft and becoming weak. Come on, God of Sky."

Said Sirzechs as Power of Destruction exploded around him and he appeared straight before Zeus, striking him with one of his spheres created out of the Power of Destruction. Moment of surprise was deciding element, and devils grasped it very good.

Ajuka and Falbium did the same and to Poseidon and Pluto respectively. Then Grand Marshall Bai Qi unleashed his blade and with the extremely ferocious attack, he slashed at Thanatos, severing his left arm in one strike, which shocked almost all people here.

Then out of nowhere, another person radiating overbearing aura has appeared. With an appearance of a tall handsome man wearing a black coat with a long mixture of black and blond hairs as well as heterochromatic eyes where his right eye is gold and his left eye is black and he has pointed ears. Crom Cruach was here and he immediately attacked Ares, God of War.

After powerhouses started their respective fights, only two didn't participate. On the Olympian side, it was Athena, who was commanding troops and on their side, it was Zarathul, who was waiting for the right moment to strike together with his Temple Knights.

Thousands and thousands of soldiers of the Imperium, consisting of Devils and some Nekoshou and Oni were clashing against the same amount of Grim Reapers and Olympian warriors. Fortunately, because Zekram Bael, Emperor of the Imperium, The Devil Emperor has become the God of the Underworld, their side held immense advantage while fighting in the Underworld.

As they were fighting and the war was in the full, suddenly huge explosion of Ice and some unknown power could be seen in the west wing of the Olympian army. When Zarathul looked there, he almost froze as he knew who was there.

From Zarathul's love interests, Grayfia was always his first, not only because she was his first love, but she was also the first woman to be engaged to him and she practically got all of his first time, and he got all of her first times. Only after some time, he met Esdeath and, with Esdeath's personality, she and Grayfia were very competitive against each other.

"We will charge into the West Wing immediately and crush the Olympian forces!"

Said Zarathul as he saw Grayfia using her Power of Annihilation, which was similar to his own Power of Destruction in certain aspects. All Temple Knights immediately stood up and unleashed their wings and followed after Zarathul.

"Follow the Crown Prince! For Victory!"

Was heard among the Devils who were fighting. Zarathul was like an unstoppable machine with his Power of Destruction as he was slaughtering tens of Olympian warriors and Grim Reapers with each attack of his style, Gate of Babylon.

Seeing that their Crown Prince was leading and massacring hundreds with ease, morale was high as they followed his charge and totally obliterating the western wing of the Olympian Army. Soon enough, the entire west wing of the Olympian Army started crumbling and falling apart.


Said Zarathul as he rushed to Grayfia and hugged her close to him. Truth to be told, nobody would tell that Grayfia is a fearsome warrior and powerhouse as she looked like a typical high-class lady. Though even Zarathul feared her very mich when she was angry.

"I am alright my love and I did not come alone."

Said Grayfia as something else happened. Thousands of Devils appeared from behind her as they were marching to the battlefield, bearing the flags of the Lucifer Clan and Lucifuge Clan. Zarathul knew what this meant, Old Satan Faction has officially broken out with some of their members. More than half of the Devils of Old Satan Faction were loyal to the Lucifer Clan and some of them to the Lucifuge Clan. Only a small part was loyal to weaklings like Shalba, Katerea, and Creuserey.

"So it really happened, probably the fact I have severed Creuserey's arm didn't help to maintain the strength of those ants."

Said Zarathul with a smile as he looked like former soldiers of the Old Satan Faction marched before Zarathul who was still hugging Grayfia, then he looked at soldiers of the Lucifer Clan and Lucifuge Clan, who were practically core of the Old Satan Faction, now they left whole Old Satan Faction would soon be turned to the dust.

"Loyal soldiers of the Lucifer Clan and Lucifuge Clan, I descendant of the Lucifer and Heir of Lucifer Clan, hereby welcome your pledge and now I give you my first order. Annihilate these pests that are threatening Imperium."

And thus thousands of Devils swarmed and started ferociously attacking the western wing and slaughtering the Olympian warriors and Grim Reapers alike under the leadership of Zarathul, Grayfia, and Temple Knights.

Soon enough this caught the attention of Athena, who unfortunately couldn't do anything about the collapsing western wing, just send more reinforcements. She even considered personally joining the western wing, but she was no match for Zarathul, especially now under the support of Grayfia.

"Aye, aye, aye what are you ants doing here, Zeus?"

Said man with a cheery voice. He had the appearance of a middle-aged man in his forties with dark silver hair and hazel eyes. He had a silver beard on his chin and was radiating weird creepy aura around his body. He also wore same Maou Lucifer attire as Sirzechs, although in silver color.

As soon as those words sounded in the battlefield, everything fell silent. Nobody moved, everyone just looked at the newcomer man with either amazement, shock, despair or fear.

"Fear not friends of the Imperium, as here I am, Rizevim Livan Lucifer!"

Now even Zeus and Poseidon tensed at his words. Even before all of their gods were at major disadvantage. Poseidon was barely holding his ground against Ajuka as there wasn't any ocean or water. Ares was barely standing as Crom Cruach was just toying with him.

What was shocking was the fact that both Thanatos and Pluto were killed by Bai Qi and Falbium on the spot. The situation was very grim for Olympus, especially the Western Wing was practically destroyed, and the rest of the Army wasn't better.


Facing overwhelming disadvantages, Zeus grudgingly ordered for a retreat. Now that Rizevim joined the fray, there was no chance for victory, so the only choice would be to retreat now before Zekram would arrive and then four Super Devils would easily kill Olympians.


What happened next was a series of shocks which shook the entire Supernatural World as now. Practically everyone in the world was talking about events which happened at the former settlement of Runic Dwarves and then that battle at the Underworld against Olympians.

So the first thing, Zekram Bael appeared after a very long time once again and almost killed Hades of Olympus, tearing out the Divine Spark of the Underworld and becoming the new God of the Underworld.

Then there was the formation of the new nation in the Underworld, Imperium. This was the thing, which probably shocked most people in the Supernatural World, as several races combined their strength into one. Races of Devil, Nekomata/Nekoshou, Runic Dwarves and Oni became one nation, with Zekram Bael became Emperor of the Imperium.

Lastly, there was a battle when hot-headed gods of Olympus invaded Underworld together with Grim Reapers with Thanatos and Pluto. This actually resulted in huge slaughter of Olympian warriors and Grim Reapers. Thanatos and Pluto were killed in the battle and Olympus was drastically weakened.

To Imperium, the structure of the newly created nation was rather simple. Zekram Bael became Emperor as he was the strongest Devil out there and he was a practice the most suitable person there.

Beneath the supreme authority of the Emperor, there was Imperium High Council which consisted of several people who were a closest advisory group of Emperor. It consisted of:

Grand Marshall of Imperial Army, currently held by Asura Bai Qi. Supreme Commander of the Imperial Military and leader of all armed forces. He was responsible for everything related to war and defense of the Imperium.

General-Commander of Imperial Legions, held by Sirzechs Gremory. Imperial Legions were elite soldiers of the Imperium, each of them at least of 3rd-Tier High-Class. Usually both in Demonic Powers and Body Strength. Legions were further divided into two sub-divisions, Knight Legion, and Battlemage Legions.

Grandmaster of Temple Knights, this post was held by Crown Prince of the Imperium, Zarathul Bael-Lucifer. Temple Knight Order, was a group of Ultimate-Class powerhouses both in Demonic Powers and Body Strength, elite of elites, best of the best. All Temple Knights were also, Rune Knights, inscribed with runes, giving them far higher combat abilities above those of the same Class.

High Councillor of Imperial Senate, Serafall Leviathan. Leader of the Imperial Senate, which was ruling body of the Imperium, answering to the Emperor. Responsible for managing political issues, and ordinary things.

Director of Magic Department Mephisto Pheles. Responsible for researching magic and inventing new spells and things of similar character. This was one of the utmost importance for the Imperium as soon the hard time would befall and then the only strength would talk.

Director of Technology Department Ajuka Beelzebub who was leading the modernization of the Imperium. His inventions as Mana Battery Canon or Magical Battleship would be soon leading the arms race in the Supernatural World.

In the night, rather a weak Devil Faction transformed into a superpower, almost rivaling those strong Pantheons. What helped most probably was the fact, that most soldiers of the Old Satan Faction joined Imperium as they were originally soldiers of the Lucifer Clan and Lucifuge Clan.


Imperial Capital Lucifaad

When the Imperium was created, it was decided that Lucifaad would be once again the Capital City of devils, something akin symbol of returning to the old glory. Lucifaad was far more impressive and intimidating city compared to the Lilith. Also, Citadel of Lucifaad was one of the best fortresses across the Supernatural World.

"So how is the state of things?"

Asked Zekram in a deep voice, now that he fused and refined Divine Spark, he managed to increase his Demonic Energy Level and soon became 1st-Tier Super Devil-Class powerhouse. Only one small step behind powerhouses like Shiva, but now he was on equal footing with those like Odin or Indra.

"We are keeping our army on borders, preventing further attacks. Fortification is being built and hundreds Mana Battery Cannons are being used in this task. Also, soon enough we are planning to start invasion into most territories of Extinct Pillars and remains of the Old Satan Faction."

Said Bai Qi with a grin as he looked at Emperor Zekram. Bai Qi was war maniac, who wanted nothing more than war and lead soldiers. Still, it was the truth that Bai Qi was one of the best commander and leaders across the Supernatural World.

"Good, we need enough territory to accommodate all of our people, some core areas of Devils are already becoming overpopulated. This problem needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Serafall how is the state of the Imperial Senate?"

Serafall Leviathan was elected to be High Councillor of the Imperial Senate, where representatives of the Devils, Nekoshou/Nekomata, Oni and Runic Dwarves would discuss their problems. She was very good in handling politics so this field was left to her.

"The first gathering of the Imperial Senate would happen in next few days to discuss the internal working of the Imperium, I believe this model would be more effective than leaving all things for Zechs-chan to do."

Said Serafall as she glared at Sirzechs who was sitting at the side and looking like nothing happened.

"Yes, he would be better suited as the General-Commander of the Imperial Legions while his wife would be his assistant. This way he won't slack off his job like when he was Satan."

Said Zekram with a slight grin as Sirzechs completion changed to worse, clearly not liking this situation. He knew that when his wife would be his asssisstant he would be forced to work seriously and not slack of.

"Zarathul how is the state of the Old Satan Faction now?"

Asked Zekram his son, who was sitting in the room with them as he was Grandmaster of the Temple Knight Order.

"They have lost more than 80% of their soldiers, as most of their soldiers were that of the Lucifer Clan and Lucifuge Clan. Now that Lucifer Clan left them, all their soldiers returned to me as Heir of the Lucifer Clan. Also, from what I have heard from Grayfia, there is huge unrest among the remaining forces as I have severed Creuserey's arm and forced him to flee, his soldiers aren't convinced about his strength and there are talks about disbanding."

Answered Zarathul, surprising some people, but such an outcome was understandable. Old Satan Faction was practically nothing without elite soldiers of the Lucifer Clan and Lucifuge Clan, they were creating around 80% of their army.

"Very good. Next thing, Grayfia would take up her role as Head of the Lucifuge Clan and you Zarathul, as Head of Lucifer Family. Both seats in the Imperial Senate are empty and need to be filled up. Next issue is that you will mary both Esdeath and Grayfia as soon as possible, to preserve the bloodline of our houses. I would be better if you can take more Pure-Blooded Devil Ladies as your spouse to spread the bloodline of Bael Clan and especially Lucifer Clan, as Anti-Magic would be very useful for us."

Said Zekram and Zarathul just nodded in agreement, as he knew that it was his responsibility to preserve the bloodline of his house. A number of Pure-Blooded devils were very low and their birth rate was also low, so preserving bloodline and increasing the population of the Pure-Blooded Devils was one of the priorities for the Devil Race. Zarathul was rather used to this, and though among the Pure-Blooded Devil Ladies, there were only two people whom Zarathul had "very close" relationship. Cleria Belial and Serafall Leviathan.

"Grand Marshall Bai Qi how is the fortification of our borders going?"

Currently, in terms of defense, there were many things o do. One of more important was, of course, build up fortification on the borders to prevent possible attacks on the territory of the Imperium.

"Progress is stable. With the help of the dwarves, everything is going much faster and easier. Their building abilities are truly above all other races. Mana Battery Cannons are also, installed on all fortresses and castles to fortify our borders."

Zekram then nodded his head and afterward they discussed many other things. The last thing to be discussed was an issue of the Broodmother of the Worldeater Race, that Zarathul managed to bind to himself with the very dangerous procedure.

"Zarathul you can start. I must tell you before we start, that this information is considered of the highest priority to Imperium."

Said Zerkam as everyone tensed and Zarathuls stood up and conjured magical circle, which projected the image of the Broodmother, which caught the interest of every person in the room.

"As you may already know, during the Conquest of the Valefor Territory, I have encountered Creuserey Asmodeus and some soldiers of the Old Satan Faction. The outcome you know, but the location, where I have encountered them, was Brood Mountains. Afterward, I have entered the Brood Mountains to search them, why did the Old Satan Faction show such an interest for that godforsaken place."

Explained Zarathul as everyone listened with high interest. Brood Mountains were very famous in the Underworld and especially amongst the Devil Race, as nobody managed to fully search them, as everyone who entered them died.

"I found a center of the Mountains, weird cave, which was entirely covered in runes, but not runes of our world. When I have entered I have seen a creature, this creature had six limbs like an arthropod, with an exceptionally large abdomen. Two sharp blades were attached to the area near its head, making it look like a comical little ball with a few blades stuck on it. A large, exotic insect off his body. It was a meter-long worm that shone black, dragging along a strangely large abdomen with six stout legs. It looked very clumsy. The shell on the creature's back was open, and it flapped its wings from time to time. With a pair of short yet sharp pincers."

Introduced Zarathul Broodmother as everyone gaped at this revelation. People here knew what this meant. Being from not their world, then there existed only one possibility, it came through the Dimensional Path during the last Conjunction of Spheres.

"Yes, your thoughts are right. This being is a member of the insectoid race, called Worldeater Race, she told me that her kind was hunted by some being called Eternal Dragon in her world, being far stronger than The Great Red, and they were sold as weapons of war."

Said Zarathul as everyone looked at the image with amazement. Then it was Ajuka Beelzebub who was eager to know more, his soul was of the scientist.

"Truly fascinating, what are her abilities and strength?"

Asked Ajuka with an eager voice as he looked at Zarathul.

"She is far more intelligent than all of us together probably, her basic abilities is to create combat drones and other creatures which could either fight or have supporting roles. Her personal strength is also fearsome, as while only at Low-Class she could kill someone on the Mid-Class. Every one of her race could increase their strength by consuming materials such as bodies various races. Her innate ability allows her to analyze them to create more specialized combat units. Also, she requires a huge amount of Divinity to advance to the new Class. That is the reason why I am telling you this, as I need help in collecting the resources for her to advance. In return, we will supply Imperium with soldiers immune to Holy Energies and light attacks."

After Zarathul finished explanations, the room was deadly silent as everyone was thinking about this. Potential of the Broodmother was immense, but the resources required were equally immense.

"This could be a huge help for the Imperium, we need to do everything in our strength to help the Broodmother increase her strength. Also, she needs to be guarded constantly, until her strength is enough to protect herself."

Said Ajuka after short tough.

"She is currently constructing her nest in the Forest of Horrors, in my territory, in the territory of the Lucifer Clan, which was claimed by my Uncle Rizevima and currently is under renovation and reconstruction. I have also, ordered Squad of Temple Knights under the leadership of Master Diehauser Belial, Esdeath also started transporting bodies from Valefor Territory there and those of Grim Reapers and Olympian Warriors."

Said Zarathul, now his territory was undergoing huge renovations, as before his uncle didn't care about it and he just spent most of his time either lazying around or researching something. Zarathul's cousin Vali Lucifer was a complete battle maniac, who spent most of his time traveling and searching for strong opponents to fight.

He was the holder of the Divine Dividing, White Dragon of Supremacy. Vali was born as Human/Devil Hybrid, without inheriting either one of the clan traits of the Lucifer Clan, it was the reason why his father partially hated him until his father Lucian was killed by Rizevim. After the awakening of the Divine Dividing, Albion the White Dragon Emperor, changed his human part to the dragon, creating Dragon/Devil Hybrid. This move probably only strengthen Vali's thirst for battle, and thus he dropped his title as Heir of House Lucifer on Zarathul as he wasn't interested, another reason was that Zarathul inherited one of the clan traits of the Lucifer Clan.

"Yes, the retirement of the most top rankers of the Rating Games, caused quite stir, but nothing too serious. I also, personally think that it is time to already lessen drastically Rating Game significance in our society, fights in such sheltered environment are practically useless. Also, will Rizevim stay in the Lucifer Territory or not? If not, it would be best to send on of us, Super Devils to observe the Broodmother. It would be best if she was under the protection of Super Devil, in case if someone enough powerfull appeared."

Said Ajuka, creator of the Evil Pieces and Rating Games. At first Rating, Games served as entertainment, but now sadly they were becoming more and more important to society, it was not a good thing. Fight in the Rating Game were often sheltered and didn't have the feel of the true battle.

"Yes, Uncle Rizevim would be staying there. So there is no need to send Super Devil to protect the Broodmother. Still, I will request from all of you to excavate skeletons of Angels that remained in the Underworld so the Broodmoher could analyze them."

Even though not many people liked Rizevim, but still he was one of the most powerful devils that walked through Underworld, and at least he could be trusted when it came to his family, even though he killed his son for bad treatment of his grandson.

"Then that is good. We will immediately start collecting all the corpses we have from previous battles and excavate all battlefields for skeletons. They would still contain some energy in their bones. We need to raise the strength of the Broodmother as soon as possible."

Stated Zekram as the meeting of the Imperial High Council ended.


So another chapter up... So several notes to chapter

1. To battle between Zekram and Hades. As I have mentioned before, though Hades is on the list Top 10 in canon, in my opinion he is weak. He may have overwhelming Divine Power, but he is no warrior or fighter. He is a typical Ruler who is handling souls. Zekram defeated him due to several factors:

- He is a seasoned fighter, who won countless battles and trained to achieve his level.

- He is Super Devil in both Demonic Energy and Body Strength as he trained both of them to an extreme.

- One of the few Sword Grandmaster of the Devil Race. Also, his katana is a special sword on the level of Divine Weapons, with passive effects to counter Divinity.

For example, if Zekram fought someone like Odin, results would be very hard to tell as Odin is also God of Magic and God of War beside being King of Gods. He is superior to Hades in all things and Odin has probably even more experiences than Zekram himself.

2. The war between Imperium and Olympus. The reason why Olympus lost is pretty simple.

- Firstly they lost the support of the Underworld as previously they had someone who was God of the Underworld. Grim Reapers were weakened drastically.

- Secondly, they bought only a small part of their army and not many gods. There were only a few Olympian Gods there, and because the Greek Pantheon is also divided, meaning there are two more factions. Titans and Primordial Gods. Titans are imprisoned and Primordial Gods don't care about anything.

- Thirdly, the timely arrival of Rizevim. Fights between Zeus/Sirzechs and Poseidon/Ajuka were in stalemate and arrival of Rizevim would change that. Poseidon was even at a small disadvantage as there was no sea or lake for him to empower himself.

Another thing, Thanatos was not killed in reality. He is Primordial God of Death, he lost because he was greatly weakened cause Olympus is under control of Olympian Gods and not Primordial Gods. Also, while he was killed, his physical body would reconstruct itself in some time as he is practically representation of Death in Greek Pantheon so it isn't that possible to kill him using ordinary means.

3. About power levels.

- The first thing to say about devils and why the Pure-Blood Devils are far superior to reincarnated ones and common devils are that by reaching maturity even most trashy of them are able to reach High-Class standart of strength. With the right training even reaching the Ultimate-Class isn't that problem.

- Even for devils, reaching Ultimate-Class in Body Strength by training is limit. Further Classes would require Magic or Demonic Energy. For example, Sairaorg reached practically Ultimate-Class in Body Strength by pure training. For reaching Satan-Class there would be the need for some magical techniques. Super-Devil Class could be reached only by the usage of them.

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